- 中文名:劉新泳
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:山東平度
- 出生日期:1963年3月
- 畢業院校:山東大學
① 基於靶點的抗病毒藥物的合理設計、合成與活性研究。本研究方向主要基於病毒(HIV、HBV和FluV)生命周期的分子生物學過程,針對病毒複製過程的關鍵酶或蛋白等靶點結構,通過計算機輔助,進行合理藥物的設計、合成及抗病毒活性的研究。主要開展基於HIV-1逆轉錄酶的非核苷類抑制劑、核苷類及其大分子綴合物的前藥研究;開展基於HIV-1侵入過程病毒gp120吸附抑制劑和輔助受體CCR5拮抗劑研究;開展基於HIV-1轉錄過程Tat-TAR相互作用、Rev-REE相互作用抑制劑的研究。同時,開展基於HBV侵入和包裝過程的非核苷類抗B肝病毒抑制劑研究;開展基於流感病毒神經氨酸酶、DNA聚合酶為靶點的抑制劑研究。
② 基於活性天然產物的結構修飾與心腦血管藥理活性的研究。本研究方向主要開展活性天然產物的全合成、結構修飾和抗缺血、抗血栓、抗血脂、抗氧化損傷等心腦血管活性研究。主要開展中藥川芎活性成分川芎嗪、川芎咔啉鹼衍生物的結構修飾研究。
② 基於活性天然產物的結構修飾與心腦血管藥理活性的研究。本研究方向主要開展活性天然產物的全合成、結構修飾和抗缺血、抗血栓、抗血脂、抗氧化損傷等心腦血管活性研究。主要開展中藥川芎活性成分川芎嗪、川芎咔啉鹼衍生物的結構修飾研究。
在從事抗病毒藥物研究方面,曾主持科技部中國-西班牙政府間國際合作課題“含硫雜環化合物的合成及其生物活性研究”(1997.1-1999.12)和“新型蒽醌酮類化合物的合成及其抗病毒、抗腫瘤活性研究”(2002.1-2004.12);主持科技部國際合作重點項目“新型非核苷類HIV逆轉錄酶抑制劑的研究”(303DF000033,2003.10-2006.12,50萬);主持國家自然基金“噻吩並噻二嗪新型非核苷類HIV逆轉錄酶抑制劑的研究”(30371686, 2004.1-2006.12)、“取代噻二嗪類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計、合成與活性研究”(30873133;2009.1-2011.12)、 “吡咯並噻三嗪類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計、合成與活性研究”(30772629,2008.01-2010.12)、“靶向於HIV-1多靶點蛋白gp120的非等同雙靶點抑制劑研究”(國家自然基金-海外和港澳學者合作基金,30928031, 2010.01-2012.12 國內課題主持人);另外,主持山東省自然基金等課題;
在從事心腦血管藥物研究方面,曾主持國家重大新藥創製科技專項—候選藥物 “川芎嗪阿魏酸酯抗心腦血管疾病候選藥物研究”( 2009ZX09103-117,科技部,2009.1-2012.1)、山東省科技發展計畫項目(2006GG2202063 2007.1-2009.12)、山東省自然基金、山東省1020計畫、濟南市青年科技明星計畫項目等課題研究。
在從事心腦血管藥物研究方面,曾主持國家重大新藥創製科技專項—候選藥物 “川芎嗪阿魏酸酯抗心腦血管疾病候選藥物研究”( 2009ZX09103-117,科技部,2009.1-2012.1)、山東省科技發展計畫項目(2006GG2202063 2007.1-2009.12)、山東省自然基金、山東省1020計畫、濟南市青年科技明星計畫項目等課題研究。
1)新型六元芳雜環類抗耐藥性HIV-1 NNRTI的設計、合成與活性研究. 國家自然基金,項目編號: 81273354, 2013.01-2016.12 課題主持人
2)新型HEPT類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計、合成與活性研究,國家自然基金重大國際合作項目,項目編號: 30910103908; 2010.01-2013.12 課題主持人
3). 三苯雙咪國際合作項目(新華製藥聯合項目),國家重大新藥創製:山東省創新藥物孵化基地建設,(2010ZX09401-302-3-1),2010.5-2013.5
4). 阿司匹林原料藥技術改造(新華製藥聯合項目),國家重大新藥創製“125”第一批項目(2011ZX09203-001-01):2011.5-2014.55) 新型抗耐藥性HEPT類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計、合成與活性研究. 教育部博士點基金—優先發展領域課題。項目編號: 20110131130005。 2011.1-2013.12, 主持人
6) 取代噻二嗪類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計合成及活性研究。 山東省自然基金,項目編號: ZR2009CM016 2009.12-2012.12 課題主持人
3). 三苯雙咪國際合作項目(新華製藥聯合項目),國家重大新藥創製:山東省創新藥物孵化基地建設,(2010ZX09401-302-3-1),2010.5-2013.5
4). 阿司匹林原料藥技術改造(新華製藥聯合項目),國家重大新藥創製“125”第一批項目(2011ZX09203-001-01):2011.5-2014.55) 新型抗耐藥性HEPT類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計、合成與活性研究. 教育部博士點基金—優先發展領域課題。項目編號: 20110131130005。 2011.1-2013.12, 主持人
6) 取代噻二嗪類HIV-1非核苷類逆轉錄酶抑制劑的設計合成及活性研究。 山東省自然基金,項目編號: ZR2009CM016 2009.12-2012.12 課題主持人
現任藥學院副院長,藥物化學研究所所長,教研室主任;山東省新藥設計與創新藥物研究重點實驗室主任;山東省保健科技協會常務理事;國家SFDA保健食品審評專家、國家科學技術獎勵評審專家、科技部國際合作重點項目評審專家;山東省藥學會理事、副秘書長;國際雜誌“E-Journal of Chemistry (IF0.58)”學術編輯(Academic Editor);國際著名期刊 “Current Medicinal Chemistry”(IF4.961)、“Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics”、“World Journal of Virology”、“World Journal of Pharmacology”、“World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases” “Virology Discovery”、“Interactive Medicinal Chemistry” 編委;《中國藥物化學雜誌》、《中國醫藥工業雜誌》、《山東大學學報(醫學版)》編委;山東省藥學會藥物化學專業委員會委員。
近幾年在JMC; Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett; Bioorg. Med. Chem.; ChemMedChem; Curr. Med.Chem; Curr.Pharm.Des.; Mini Rev Med. Chem.; Arch. Pharm; Arch Pharm Res; Curr HIV Res; Chem Biodive.; Antiviral Res.;Heterocycles; Molecules;Chemical Biology & Drug Design;Drug Futur; Chin Chem. Letter、中國化學、有機化學、藥學學報、中國藥學雜誌、中國藥物化學雜誌、中國醫藥工業雜誌等發表文章200餘篇;其中被SCI收錄80余篇(論文見附錄);主編《抗愛滋病藥物研究》專著(人民衛生出版社,北京,2006年12月)、主編《有機化合物製備與分離技術》專著(人民衛生出版社,北京,2011年2月)、主編《無機化學》、 副主編《無機化學教程》教材;參編《分子核醫學》、《現代生物醫學示蹤技術》(王世真院士主編) 等專著6部。曾榮獲山東省科技進步一等獎1項(第二,2012);山東省教育廳科技進步三等獎2項,山東省高等學校優秀科研成果獎一等獎、二等獎各1項(第一,2010、2005);申報國家發明專利30餘項,其中已獲得發明專利授權17項;曾獲2001山東省青年科技獎、2004山東省優秀中青年重點科技人才、2004年濟南市青年科技明星獎、2002年山東大學優秀青年知識分子、2007年山東大學十大優秀教師、2009和2012年度山東大學優秀研究生指導教師,2009山東大學十大新聞人物提名獎、2010 山東省醫學領軍人才、2011獲享受國務院政府特殊津貼等榮譽稱號。
1.劉新泳, 徐文方 等,川芎醇酯類衍生物及其製備方法和含有川芎醇酯類衍生物的藥物組合物與套用。中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,中國發明專利, ZL02135989.X , 2005-1-12
2.劉新泳,徐文方, 程先超 等 川芎嗪烴基哌嗪類衍生物、製備方法和藥物組合物與套用。 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局, 中國發明專利,專利號:ZL200510045307.4,(2007-7-18)
3.劉新泳,徐文方, 閆任章 等. 2,4-二取代雜環並[4,5-e][1,2,4]噻二嗪衍生物製備方法. 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。專利號:ZL2006 1 0043834.6 2008-6-11
4. 劉新泳,徐文方, 閆任章 等. N4-取代吡唑[4,5-e]]1,2,4]噻二嗪類衍生物、製備方法及其藥物組合物與套用。 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。專利號:ZL200510044297.2 2009-5-6
5. 劉新泳,徐文方, 林永強 等. N1,N3-二取代噻吩並[3,2-e][2,1,3]噻二嗪-2,2,4-三酮類衍生物與套用。中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。專利號:ZL 200610043833.1, 2009年6月17日
6. 劉新泳,李錦 等. N1,N3-二取代吡唑並[4,5-e][2,1,3]噻二嗪-2,2,4-三酮類衍生物及其製備方法與套用。專利號:ZL200710015052.6 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,2009年7月29
7. 劉新泳, 常昱 等. 聚乙二醇修飾齊夫多定綴合物及其製備方法與套用,中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,專利號: ZL200710015587.3, 授權日:2010-1-21 。
8.劉新泳,鄧利娟 等, 川芎嗪茋類衍生物、製備方法和藥物組合物與套用。中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,專利號: ZL200710014906.9, 授權日:2010-2-03
9. 劉新泳,於芳 等, 川芎嗪胍類衍生物的製備方法及其套用。中華人民共和國國家知識產權局。專利號: ZL200810157518.0, 授權日:2010-06
10. 劉新泳,於芳等. 川芎嗪醯胺類衍生物、製備方法和藥物組合物與套用。專利號:ZL200810157251.5, 授權日:2011-3-16
11. 劉新泳, 展鵬等. 1,2,3-噻二唑巰乙醯胺類衍生物及其製備方法。專利號:ZL200910016414.2,授權日:2011-2-16
12. 劉新泳, 於明艷等. 2-[(取代苯氨基)羰基甲硫基]-6-(2,6-二氯苄基)-3H-嘧啶-4-酮類衍生物及其製備方法與套用 ZL200910017725.0,授權日:2011.4.27
13. 劉新泳, 展鵬等. N-取代苯基-2-(1-芳基-1H-咪唑-2-巰基)乙醯胺類衍生物及其製備方法與套用. 專利號:ZL200810157250.0 授權日: 2011-4-27
14.劉新泳, 展鵬, 方增軍. 1,2,3-硒二唑巰乙醯胺類衍生物及其製備方法與套用。發明專利專利號:ZL200910016413.8,授權日: 2011-6-15
15. 劉新泳, 展鵬, 方增軍,李震宇. 取代噻唑巰乙醯胺類衍生物及其製備方法與套用。發明專利,專利號:ZL201010223400.0,授權日: 2012-7-25
16. 劉新泳, 展鵬, 方增軍。2-(2-取代芳基-2H-1,2,4-三唑-3-巰基)乙醯胺衍生物及其製備方法與套用,發明專利,專利號:ZL201010223401.5,授權日: 2012-7-25
17. 劉新泳,李震宇,展鵬。5-取代-2-(4-取代苯基)苯並惡唑類衍生物及其製備方法與套用。發明專利,專利號:ZL201110021056.1, 授權日:2012-10- 3
1. Wenjun Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Hongxiang Lou*, Xingyong Liu*. Current Drug research on PEGytion with small molecular agents. Progress in Polymer Science, 2013; 38: 421-444. (IF= 24.1)
2. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Zengjun Fang, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. HIV-1 NNRTIs: Structural diversity, pharmacophore similarity, and implications for drug design. Medicinal Research Review, 2013; 33(S1): E1-E72 (IF=10.7)
3. Yu’ning Song, Peng Zhan,* Dongwei Kang, Xiao Li, Ye Tian, Zhenyu Li, Xuwang Chen, Wenmin Chen, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Discovery of novel pyridaziylthioacetamides as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs using a structure-based bioisosterism approach. Medicinal Chemistry Communications. 2013; 4(5): 810-816
4. Zhenyu Li, Yuan Cao, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and anti-HIV evaluation of novel 1,2,4-triazole derivatives as potential non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2013; 10(1): 27-34
5. Yu'ning Song, Peng Zhan, Qingzhu Zhang and Xinyong Liu*. Privileged Scaffolds or Promiscuous Binders: A Glance of Pyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazines and Related Bridgehead Nitrogen Heterocycles in Medicinal Chemistry. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19(8): 1528-1548
6. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*. Multivalent agents: a novel concept for anti-HIV drug discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 20(6): pp. 815-832
7. Dongyue Li, Peng Zhan, Huiqing Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of pyridazine derivatives as novel HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2013; 21(7): 2128-34.
8. Xuwang Chen, Shufang Ding, Peng Zhan and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances of Diaryl Ether Family as HIV-1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19(15): 2829-2838
9. Hongfei Chen, Guoning Li, Peng Zhan, Xiuli Guo, Qian Ding, Shouxun Wang and Xinyong Liu*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinylated derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents. Med. Chem. Commun., 2013, 4, 827-832
10. SUN Sang-Dun, MI Si-Qi, YOU Jing, YU Ji-Liang, HU Song-Qing, LIU Xin-Yong. HQSAR Study and Molecular Design of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors[J]. Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 2013, 29 (6), 1192-1200
11. Zhenyu Li, Fang Yu, Lei Cui, Chen Wenmin, Shouxun Wang, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu. Ligustrazine Derivatives. Part 8: Design, Synthesis, and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of Novel Ligustrazinyl Amides as Cardiovascular Agents. Medicinal Chemistry. accepted
12. Hongfei Chen; Guoning Li; Qian Ding; Lei Cui; Peng Zhan; Shouxun Wang; Xinyong Liu* Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 8: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinylated derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letter, submitted
13. Peng Zhan, Xiao Li, Diwakar Rai, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Rationally designed multivalent anti-HIV agents. Curr Top Med Chem. Accepted
14. Zhenyu Li, Yuan Cao, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Yuemao Shen and Xinyong Liu*. Arylazolylthioacetanilide. Part 11: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,2,4-triazole thioacetanilide derivatives as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 9, 000-000
15. Tian Ye, Xinyong Liu*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 3,5-disubstituted-1,2,6-thiadiazine-1,1-dione derivatives as HIV-1 NNRTIs (CBDD-RA-02-13-1571) . Chemical Biology & Drug Design.
16. Xuwang Chen, Yuanyuan Li, Shufang Ding, Jan Balzarini, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu. Discovery of Piperidine-Linked Pyridine Analogues as Potent Non-nucleoside HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Acceptance of Your Manuscript cmdc.201300130 for ChemMedChem
1. Dongyue Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Strategies for the design of HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: lessons from the development of six representative candidates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 55 (8), pp 3595–361. (IF= 5.2) (DOI: 10.1021/jm200990c)
2. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Xin Liu, Ziheng Cheng, Caicai Meng, Siyuan Shao, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*, Design, synthesis, anti-HIV evaluation and molecular modeling of piperidine-linked amino-triazine derivatives as potent non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012: 20 : 3856–3864
3. Wenjiun Li, Jingde Wu, Peng Zhan, Yu Chang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq & Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis, drug release and anti-HIV Activity of a series of PEGylated zidovudine conjugates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012;50(4): 974-980
4. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperidine-substituted triazine derivatives as HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 51: 60-66
5. Peng Zhan, Wenmin Chen, Zhenyu Li, Xiao Li, Xuwang Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Structure-based Bioisosterism Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel 1,2,4-Triazin-6-ylthioacetamides As Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2012; 22: 7155–7162
6. Peng Zhan, Wenmin Chen, Zhenyu Li, Xiao Li, Xuwang Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Discovery of Novel 2-(3-(2-Chlorophenyl) pyrazin-2-ylthio)-N-arylacetamides As Potent HIV-1 Inhibitors Using a Structure-Based Bioisosterism Approach. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, Volume 20, Issue 23, Pages 6795–6802
7. Xiao Li, Peng Zhan*, Hong Liu, Dongyue Li, Liu Wang , Xuwang Chen, Huiqing Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Arylazolyl(azinyl) thioacetanilides. Part 10: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel substituted imidazopyridinylthioacetanilides as potent HIV-1 inhibitors.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2012; 20: 5527-5536
8. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Zengjun Fang, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu* Arylazolyl(azinyl)thioacetanilide. Part 9: Synthesis and Biological Investigation of Thiazolylthioacetamides Derivatives as A Novel Class of Potential Antiviral Agents. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2012;Vol 35, No 6, 975-986,
9. Lijuan Deng, Xiuli Guo, Li Zhai, Yuning Song, Hongfei Chen, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 4: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Ligustrazine-based stilbene derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2012 May ; 79 ( 5 ): 731-739
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-0285.2012.01332.x)
10. Wenwen Chen, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Progress in Small Molecule CCR5 Antagonists as Potential HIV-1 Entry Inhibitors.Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2012; 18(1): 4165-4186
11. Zhenyu Li, Peng Zhan, Lieve Naesens, Evelien Vanderlinden, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of 5-substituted-2-(4- substituted phenyl) benzoxazoles as a novel class of influenza virus A inhibitors. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2012; 79 ( 6 ): 1018-24
12. Ye Tian, Peng Zhan, Diwakar Rai, Jiyan Zhang, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in the Research of 2,3-Diaryl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-one Derivatives as Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 19(13): 2026-2037.
13. Wenmin Chen, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Zhenyu Li and Xinyong Liu*. The Development of HEPT-type HIV Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors and Its Implications for DABO Family. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2012, 18, 4165-4186
14. Xiaofei Jiang, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* & Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity Evaluation of 2-(5-(Naphthalen-1-yl)-1,2,3-thiadiazol-4-ylthio)-N-acetamides Derivatives. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2012; 31 (5): 751-755
15. Zhenyu Li, Fang Yu, Lei Cui, Peng Zhan, Shouxun Wang* and Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 6: Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel ligustrazine acylguanidine derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Medicinal Chemistry. 2012 Jun 25. 2012;8(5):928-33.
16. Xiao Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. The HIV-1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (Part V): Capravirine and Its Analogues. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 19 ( 36): Pp.6138-6149
17. Peng Zhan, Dongyue Li, Junyi Li, Xuwang Chen and Xinyong Liu*. Benzimidazole (Benzimidazolone) Heterocycle as A Privileged Scaffold in Antiviral Agents. Mini-Review in Organic Chemistry, 2012, 9, 397-410
18. Zhai L, Zhang P, Sun RY, Liu XY, Liu WG, Guo XL.Cytoprotective effects of CSTMP, a novel stilbene derivative, against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human endothelial cells. Pharmacol Rep. 2012, Nov;63(6):1469-80.
1. Zhang Jing, Zhan Peng, Wu Jingde, Li Zhenyu, Jiang Yan, Ge Weiying, Pannecouque C, De Clercq E, Liu Xinyong*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 5-alkyl-2-arylthio-6- ((3,4-dihydroquinolin-1(2H)-yl)methyl) pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 19: 4366–4376
2. Mingyan Yu, Zhenyu Li, Shuai Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 6-substituted 5-alkyl-2-(phenylaminocarbonyl -methylthio)pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. ChemMedChem2011; 6(5): 826–833
3. Mingyan Yu, Xinyong Liu*, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du, Lieve Naesens, Evelien Vanderlinden, Erik De Clercq. Discovery of dihydro-alkyloxy-benzyl-oxopyrimidines as promising anti-influenza virus agents. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2011, 78(4): 596–602
4. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Wenwen Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu. Arylazolylthioacetanilide part 8. Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel 2-(2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylthio)-N- arylacetamides As Potent HIV-1 Inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011; 46 : 5039-5045
5. Zhan Peng, Li Dongyue, Chen Xuwang, Liu Xinyong*, De Clercq Erik. Functional Roles of Azoles Motif in Anti-HIV Agents. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 18(1): 29-46
6. Hongfei Chen, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 5: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinyloxy-cinnamic acid derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011;46: 5609-5615
7. Zhan Peng, Liu Xinyong*. Novel HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: a patent review (2005 - 2010). Expert Opin. Ther. Patents (2011) ; 21(5):1-80
8. Jiang Yan, Liu Xinyong*, De Clercq Erik. New Therapeutic Approaches Targeted at the Late Stages of the HIV-1 Replication Cycle.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 18(1): 16-28
9. Mingyan Yu, Erkang Fan, Jingde Wu and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in the DABOs Family as Potent HIV-1 non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Current Medicinal Chemistry,2011, 18(16): 2376-2385
10. Zhang Jing, Ge Weiying, Zhan Peng, De Clercq E, Liu Xinyong*. Retroviral Restriction Factors TRIM5α: Therapeutic Strategy to Inhibit HIV-1 Replication. Curr Med Chem. 2011; 18(17): 2649-2654.
11. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Dongyue Li, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in DAPYs and Related Analogues as HIV-1 NNRTIs.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 18, 359-376
12. Zhenyu. Li, Peng. Zhan and Xinyong Liu. 1,3,4-Oxadiazole: A Privileged Structure in Antiviral Agents. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 11: 1130-1142
13. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Xinyong Liu*, Christophe Pannecouque, Lieve Naesens, Erik De Clercq, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du. Thiazolylthioacetamides as a Novel Class of Potential Antiviral Agents. Antiviral Research, Volume 90, Issue 2, May 2011, Page A67.
14. Wenjun Li, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Yu Chang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu.* Synthesis, Influence of Polymer Molecular Weight on Drug Release and Anti-HIV Activity of PEGylated AZT Conjugates. Antiviral Research, Volume 90, Issue 2, May 2011, Page A37.
15. Peng Zhan, Renzhang Yan, Xinyong Liu,*, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw , Erik De Clercq, Maria Teresa Molina, Salvador Vega. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of novel 2,4-disubstituted-7-methyl- 1,1,3-trioxo-2H,4H-pyrazolo[4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazine derivatives. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2011; 5(6):279-285.(2012.01.17出刊)
16. Hu Song-Qing, Mi Si-Qi, Jia Xiao-Lin, Fan Cheng-Cheng, Chen Sheng-Hui, Zhang Jun, Liu Xin-Yong*. 3D-QSAR Study and Molecular Design of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors. Chemical Journal Of Chinese Universities. 2011, Vol. 32 Issue (10) :2402-2409
17. Yu-Ning Song, Xiu-Li Guo, Bei-Bei Zheng, Xin-Yong Liu, Xue Dong, Lu-Gang Yu, Yan-Na Cheng. Ligustrazine derivate DLJ14 reduces multidrug resistance of K562/A02 cells by modulating GSTπ activity. Toxicol. Vitro. 2011; vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 937-943,
1. Wenjun Li, Yu Chang, Peng Zhan, Na Zhang, Xinyong Liu,*Christophe Pannecouque, and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis, In Vitro and In Vivo Release Kinetics, and Anti-HIV Activity of A Sustained-Release Prodrug (mPEG-AZT) of 3’-Azido-3’-deoxythymidine (AZT, Zidovudine). ChemMedChem 2010; 5: 1893-1898.
2. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Thiadiazole Thioacetanilides. Part 2. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a New Series of 2-(4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,3-Thiadiazol-5-ylthio)Acetamides as Anti-HIV-1 inhibitors. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2010; 7: 1717-1726
3.Yang Ou, Xue Dong, Xin-Yong Liu, Xian-Chao Cheng, Yan-Na Cheng, Lu-Gang Yu,and Xiu-Li Guo*. Mechanism of Tetramethylpyrazine Analogue CXC195 Inhibition of Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Human Endothelial Cells. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2010; 33(3): 432-438
4. Ou Y, Guo XL, Zhai L, Liu XY, Cheng YN. TMPDP, a tetramethylpyrazine derivative, protects vascular endothelial cells from oxidation damage by hydrogen peroxide.Pharmazie. 2010 Oct; 65(10):755-9.
5. Peng Zhan, Hongbing Liu, Xinyong Liu*, Yan Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation of novel N1-arylidene-2-[1-(naphthalen-1-yl)-1H-tetrazol-5-ylthio]acetohydrazides. Medicinal Chemistry Research. 2010; 19:652–663
6. Hongfei Chen, Xinyong Liu*, Peng Zhan and Erik De Clercq. TSG101: a Novel Anti-HIV-1 Drug Target. Current Medicinal Chemistry . 2010; 17(8): 750-758
7. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Erik De Clercq. Blocking nuclear import of pre-integration complex: an emerging anti-HIV-1 drug discovery paradigm.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2010; 17(6): 495-503
8. Peng Zhan, Xuemei Jiang, Xinyong Liu*. Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Bioactive Molecules as Novel Non-nucleoside HBV Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2010 Feb;10(2):161-70.
9. Peng Zhan, Zhenyu Li, Xinyong Liu*. Cosalane and Related Analogues: A Unique Class of Anti-HIV Agents. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 10, 966-976
10.Zhan Peng, Li Wenjun, Chen Hongfei and Liu Xinyong*.Targeting Protein-Protein Interactions: A Promising Avenue of Anti-HIV Drug Discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2010; 17(6): 495-503
1. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zhenyu Li, Zengjun Fang, Zhong Li, Defeng Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Novel 1,2,3-thiadiazole derivatives as HIV-1 NNRTIs with improved potency: synthesis and preliminary SAR studies. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 17(16): 5920-5927. (15 August 2009).
2. Mingyan Yu, Xinyong Liu*, Zhenyu Li, Shuai Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-(substituted phenylaminocarbonyl methylthio)-6-(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)-pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2009;17: 7749–7754
3. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Junjie Zhu, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Selenadiazole thioacetanilides: Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation Bioorg Med Chem. 2009; 17(16): 5733-6146
4. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Junjie Zhu, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and biological evaluation of imidazole thioacetanilides as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem. 2009; 17(16): 5775-5781.
5. Xinyong Liu*, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Design, Synthesis and Anti-HIV-1 Evaluation of Novel Arylazolylthioacetanilides as Potent NNRTIS. Antiviral Research, Volume 82, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages A44-A45
6. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation of 2-(4-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5- ylthio)-N-acetamides as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 44 : 4648–4653
7.Xian-Chao Cheng, Xin-Yong Liu*, Wen-Fang Xu, Xiu-Li Guo Ning Zhang, Yuning Song Ligustrazine derivatives part 3: Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel acylpiperazinyl derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2009; 17: 3018–3024
8. Yuan Cao, Xinyong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Cessation of HIV-1 Transcription by Inhibiting Regulatory Protein Rev-Mediated RNA Transport.Current HIV Research, 2009, 7(1):, 101-108
9. Yu Mingyan, Liu Xinyong* and Erik De Clercq. NF-κB: The Inducible Factors of HIV-1 Transcription and their Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(1): 60-69
10. Jiyan Zhang, Xinyong Liu*and Erik De Clercq. Capsid (CA) Protein as a Novel Drug Target: Recent Progress in the Research of HIV-1 CA Inhibitors.Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009; Volume 9(4): April, 510-518.
11. Yan Wang, Xin-yong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Role of the HIV-1 Positive Elongation Factor P-TEFb and Inhibitors Thereof. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(3): 379-385
12. Peng Zhan and Xinyong Liu*. Designed Multiple Ligands: An Emerging Anti-HIV Drug Discovery Paradigm.Curr Pharm Des. 2009;36(15): 1893-1917
13. Peng Zhan, Zhenyu Li, Xinyong Liu* Sulfanyltriazole/tetrazoles: A Promising Class of HIV-1 NNRTIs. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(8): 1014-1023
14. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* and Zhanyu Li. Recent advances in the discovery and development of novel HIV-1 NNRTI platforms: 2006-2008 update. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 16(22): 2876-2889. (August 2009)
15. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Design Strategies of Novel NNRTIs to Overcome Drug Resistance. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 16(29): 3903-3917.
1. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Yuan Cao, Yan Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Thiadiazole thioacetanilides as a novel class of potent HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2008; Oct 15;18(20):5368-71.
2. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Recent Advances in Antiviral Activity of Benzo/Heterothiadiazine Dioxide Derivatives. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2008; 15(15): 1529-1540.
3. Yongqiang Lin, Xinyong Liu,* Renzhang Yan, Jin Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw and Erik De ClercqSynthesis and anti-HIV evaluation of novel 1,3-disubstituted thieno[3,2-c][1,2,6]thiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxides (TTDDs).Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2008; 16 (1): 157–163
4. Xinyong Liu,* Ren-zhang Yan, Yan Wang, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw, Erik De Clercq, Maria Teresa Molina and Salvador Vega. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity Evaluation of Novel 2,4-Disubstituted 7-Methyl-1,1,3-trioxo-2H,4H-Pyrazolo[4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazines. Arch.Pharmazie, 2008; 341(4): 216-222
5. Fang Yu, Xinyong Liu,* Peng Zhan and Erik De Clercq. Recent Advances in the Research of HIV-1 RNase H Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Nov; 8(12):1243-51
6. Xinyong Liu , Peng Zhan, Renzhang Yan, Yongqiang Lin, Jin Li,Christophe Pannecouque and Erik De Clercq. Design, Synthesis and Antiviral Evaluation of Novel Heterocyclic Compounds as HIV-1 NNRTIs. Drug Discov Ther 2008;2: 25-28
1. Xian-Chao Cheng, Xin-Yong Liu,* Wen-Fang Xu, Xiu-Li Guo and Yang Ou. Design, synthesis and biological activities of novel Ligustrazine derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2007; 15(10): 3315–3320
2. Jingde Wu, Xinyong Liu *, Xianchao Cheng , Yuan Cao, Defeng Wang , Zhong Li, Wenfang Xu , Christophe Pannecouque , Myriam Witvrouw and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis of Novel Derivatives of 4-Amino-3-(2-Furyl)-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole as Potential HIV-1 NNRTIs. Molecules, 2007, 12(8): 2003-2016.
3. Xin Yong LIU*, Ren Zhang YAN, Nian Gen CHEN, Wen Fang XU . Regioselective Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of the Novel 2- and 4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4]thiadiazines. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2007;18: 137-140
4. Xin-Yong Liu*, Xian-Jun Qu, Wei Tang. China-Japan enhance joint research cooperation for drug discoveries and development: News from CJMWDDT 2007 in Jinan, China. Drug Discov Ther 2007;1(1):1
1. Xinyong Liu* Niangen Chen, Renzhang Yan, Wenfang Xu, Maria Teresa Molina, and Salvador Vega Regioselective Synthesis of the Novel N4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4] thiadiazines as Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Heterocycles, 2006; 68(6): pp.1225-1232
2. Xinyong Liu*, Renzhang Yan, Niangen Chen, Wenfang Xu, Maria Teresa Molina and Salvador Vega. Regioselective Synthesis of Novel N2- and N4-Substituted 7-Methylpyrazolo [4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazines, Molecules, 2006, 11: 827-836
3. Xianchao Cheng, Xinyong Liu*, Wenfang Xu. Synthesis of Novel Ligustrazine Derivatives as Potential Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors. Chinese Chemical Letters 2006; Vol. 17, No. 10, pp 1317-1320
4. Xian-chao Cheng, Xin-yong Liu* and Wen-fang Xu .The preparation of novel ligustrazine derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Journal of Chemical Research, 2006; September, 577–579
5. Ren-Zhang Yan, Xin-Yong Liu*, Wen-Fang Xu, Christophe Pannecouque1, Myriam Witvrouw, and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Evaluation of the Novel 2-(m-Chlorobenzyl)-4- substituted-7-methyl-1, 1, 3-trioxo-pyrazolo[4,5-e][1, 2, 4]thiadiazines. Arch Pharm Res, 2006; 29, No 11, 957-962
1. Xinyong Liu*, Niangen Chen, Yinzhang Yan, Wen-fang Xu. Design and Synthesis of N4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4] Thiadiazine Derivatives as Potent HIV-1 Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2005; Vol. 25, Suppl., 701
2. Xianchao Cheng, Xinyong Liu* Wenfang Xu. Recent advances in the structural modification of ligustrazine; cerebro- and cardiovascular activity of ligustrazine derivatives. Drugs of the Future, 2005; 30(10): 1059.
3. Xin Yong Liu*, Wen Fang Xu, Jing De Wu. Synthesis of 4-Amino-5-furyl-2-yl-4H-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiol Derivatives as a Novel Class of Endothelin(ET) Receptor Antagonists. Chin Chem. Letter (CCL); 2003, 14(8):790-793
4. Zeng Bao-Shan, Chen Min-Bo*, Dong Xi-Cheng, Liu Xin-Yong*. q2 Guided Conformation Selection Approach of CoM FA for HIV-1 RT Inhibitors. Acta Chemica Sinica, 2003; 61(7): 1121-1128
5. Xinyong Liu*, Zhang Rui and Wenfang Xu. Synthesis of The Novel Liqustrazine Derivatives and Their Protective Effect on Injured Vascular Endothelial Cell Damaged by Hydrogen Peroxide. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letter; 2003; 13: 2123-2126
1. Wenjun Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Hongxiang Lou*, Xingyong Liu*. Current Drug research on PEGytion with small molecular agents. Progress in Polymer Science, 2013; 38: 421-444. (IF= 24.1)
2. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Zengjun Fang, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. HIV-1 NNRTIs: Structural diversity, pharmacophore similarity, and implications for drug design. Medicinal Research Review, 2013; 33(S1): E1-E72 (IF=10.7)
3. Yu’ning Song, Peng Zhan,* Dongwei Kang, Xiao Li, Ye Tian, Zhenyu Li, Xuwang Chen, Wenmin Chen, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Discovery of novel pyridaziylthioacetamides as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs using a structure-based bioisosterism approach. Medicinal Chemistry Communications. 2013; 4(5): 810-816
4. Zhenyu Li, Yuan Cao, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and anti-HIV evaluation of novel 1,2,4-triazole derivatives as potential non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2013; 10(1): 27-34
5. Yu'ning Song, Peng Zhan, Qingzhu Zhang and Xinyong Liu*. Privileged Scaffolds or Promiscuous Binders: A Glance of Pyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazines and Related Bridgehead Nitrogen Heterocycles in Medicinal Chemistry. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19(8): 1528-1548
6. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*. Multivalent agents: a novel concept for anti-HIV drug discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 20(6): pp. 815-832
7. Dongyue Li, Peng Zhan, Huiqing Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of pyridazine derivatives as novel HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2013; 21(7): 2128-34.
8. Xuwang Chen, Shufang Ding, Peng Zhan and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances of Diaryl Ether Family as HIV-1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 2013; 19(15): 2829-2838
9. Hongfei Chen, Guoning Li, Peng Zhan, Xiuli Guo, Qian Ding, Shouxun Wang and Xinyong Liu*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinylated derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents. Med. Chem. Commun., 2013, 4, 827-832
10. SUN Sang-Dun, MI Si-Qi, YOU Jing, YU Ji-Liang, HU Song-Qing, LIU Xin-Yong. HQSAR Study and Molecular Design of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors[J]. Acta Phys. Chim. Sin., 2013, 29 (6), 1192-1200
11. Zhenyu Li, Fang Yu, Lei Cui, Chen Wenmin, Shouxun Wang, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu. Ligustrazine Derivatives. Part 8: Design, Synthesis, and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of Novel Ligustrazinyl Amides as Cardiovascular Agents. Medicinal Chemistry. accepted
12. Hongfei Chen; Guoning Li; Qian Ding; Lei Cui; Peng Zhan; Shouxun Wang; Xinyong Liu* Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 8: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinylated derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letter, submitted
13. Peng Zhan, Xiao Li, Diwakar Rai, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Rationally designed multivalent anti-HIV agents. Curr Top Med Chem. Accepted
14. Zhenyu Li, Yuan Cao, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Yuemao Shen and Xinyong Liu*. Arylazolylthioacetanilide. Part 11: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,2,4-triazole thioacetanilide derivatives as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 9, 000-000
15. Tian Ye, Xinyong Liu*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 3,5-disubstituted-1,2,6-thiadiazine-1,1-dione derivatives as HIV-1 NNRTIs (CBDD-RA-02-13-1571) . Chemical Biology & Drug Design.
16. Xuwang Chen, Yuanyuan Li, Shufang Ding, Jan Balzarini, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu. Discovery of Piperidine-Linked Pyridine Analogues as Potent Non-nucleoside HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Acceptance of Your Manuscript cmdc.201300130 for ChemMedChem
1. Dongyue Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Strategies for the design of HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: lessons from the development of six representative candidates. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 55 (8), pp 3595–361. (IF= 5.2) (DOI: 10.1021/jm200990c)
2. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Xin Liu, Ziheng Cheng, Caicai Meng, Siyuan Shao, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*, Design, synthesis, anti-HIV evaluation and molecular modeling of piperidine-linked amino-triazine derivatives as potent non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012: 20 : 3856–3864
3. Wenjiun Li, Jingde Wu, Peng Zhan, Yu Chang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq & Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis, drug release and anti-HIV Activity of a series of PEGylated zidovudine conjugates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2012;50(4): 974-980
4. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of piperidine-substituted triazine derivatives as HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 51: 60-66
5. Peng Zhan, Wenmin Chen, Zhenyu Li, Xiao Li, Xuwang Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Structure-based Bioisosterism Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel 1,2,4-Triazin-6-ylthioacetamides As Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2012; 22: 7155–7162
6. Peng Zhan, Wenmin Chen, Zhenyu Li, Xiao Li, Xuwang Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Discovery of Novel 2-(3-(2-Chlorophenyl) pyrazin-2-ylthio)-N-arylacetamides As Potent HIV-1 Inhibitors Using a Structure-Based Bioisosterism Approach. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, Volume 20, Issue 23, Pages 6795–6802
7. Xiao Li, Peng Zhan*, Hong Liu, Dongyue Li, Liu Wang , Xuwang Chen, Huiqing Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. Arylazolyl(azinyl) thioacetanilides. Part 10: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel substituted imidazopyridinylthioacetanilides as potent HIV-1 inhibitors.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2012; 20: 5527-5536
8. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Zengjun Fang, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu* Arylazolyl(azinyl)thioacetanilide. Part 9: Synthesis and Biological Investigation of Thiazolylthioacetamides Derivatives as A Novel Class of Potential Antiviral Agents. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 2012;Vol 35, No 6, 975-986,
9. Lijuan Deng, Xiuli Guo, Li Zhai, Yuning Song, Hongfei Chen, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 4: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Ligustrazine-based stilbene derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2012 May ; 79 ( 5 ): 731-739
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-0285.2012.01332.x)
10. Wenwen Chen, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Progress in Small Molecule CCR5 Antagonists as Potential HIV-1 Entry Inhibitors.Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2012; 18(1): 4165-4186
11. Zhenyu Li, Peng Zhan, Lieve Naesens, Evelien Vanderlinden, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of 5-substituted-2-(4- substituted phenyl) benzoxazoles as a novel class of influenza virus A inhibitors. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2012; 79 ( 6 ): 1018-24
12. Ye Tian, Peng Zhan, Diwakar Rai, Jiyan Zhang, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in the Research of 2,3-Diaryl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-one Derivatives as Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 19(13): 2026-2037.
13. Wenmin Chen, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Zhenyu Li and Xinyong Liu*. The Development of HEPT-type HIV Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors and Its Implications for DABO Family. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2012, 18, 4165-4186
14. Xiaofei Jiang, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* & Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity Evaluation of 2-(5-(Naphthalen-1-yl)-1,2,3-thiadiazol-4-ylthio)-N-acetamides Derivatives. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2012; 31 (5): 751-755
15. Zhenyu Li, Fang Yu, Lei Cui, Peng Zhan, Shouxun Wang* and Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 6: Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel ligustrazine acylguanidine derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Medicinal Chemistry. 2012 Jun 25. 2012;8(5):928-33.
16. Xiao Li, Peng Zhan, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu*. The HIV-1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (Part V): Capravirine and Its Analogues. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 19 ( 36): Pp.6138-6149
17. Peng Zhan, Dongyue Li, Junyi Li, Xuwang Chen and Xinyong Liu*. Benzimidazole (Benzimidazolone) Heterocycle as A Privileged Scaffold in Antiviral Agents. Mini-Review in Organic Chemistry, 2012, 9, 397-410
18. Zhai L, Zhang P, Sun RY, Liu XY, Liu WG, Guo XL.Cytoprotective effects of CSTMP, a novel stilbene derivative, against H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human endothelial cells. Pharmacol Rep. 2012, Nov;63(6):1469-80.
1. Zhang Jing, Zhan Peng, Wu Jingde, Li Zhenyu, Jiang Yan, Ge Weiying, Pannecouque C, De Clercq E, Liu Xinyong*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 5-alkyl-2-arylthio-6- ((3,4-dihydroquinolin-1(2H)-yl)methyl) pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 19: 4366–4376
2. Mingyan Yu, Zhenyu Li, Shuai Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 6-substituted 5-alkyl-2-(phenylaminocarbonyl -methylthio)pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. ChemMedChem2011; 6(5): 826–833
3. Mingyan Yu, Xinyong Liu*, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du, Lieve Naesens, Evelien Vanderlinden, Erik De Clercq. Discovery of dihydro-alkyloxy-benzyl-oxopyrimidines as promising anti-influenza virus agents. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2011, 78(4): 596–602
4. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Dongyue Li, Wenwen Chen, Ye Tian, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu. Arylazolylthioacetanilide part 8. Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel 2-(2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylthio)-N- arylacetamides As Potent HIV-1 Inhibitors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011; 46 : 5039-5045
5. Zhan Peng, Li Dongyue, Chen Xuwang, Liu Xinyong*, De Clercq Erik. Functional Roles of Azoles Motif in Anti-HIV Agents. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 18(1): 29-46
6. Hongfei Chen, Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*. Ligustrazine derivatives. Part 5: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ligustrazinyloxy-cinnamic acid derivatives as potent cardiovascular agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2011;46: 5609-5615
7. Zhan Peng, Liu Xinyong*. Novel HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors: a patent review (2005 - 2010). Expert Opin. Ther. Patents (2011) ; 21(5):1-80
8. Jiang Yan, Liu Xinyong*, De Clercq Erik. New Therapeutic Approaches Targeted at the Late Stages of the HIV-1 Replication Cycle.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011; 18(1): 16-28
9. Mingyan Yu, Erkang Fan, Jingde Wu and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in the DABOs Family as Potent HIV-1 non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Current Medicinal Chemistry,2011, 18(16): 2376-2385
10. Zhang Jing, Ge Weiying, Zhan Peng, De Clercq E, Liu Xinyong*. Retroviral Restriction Factors TRIM5α: Therapeutic Strategy to Inhibit HIV-1 Replication. Curr Med Chem. 2011; 18(17): 2649-2654.
11. Xuwang Chen, Peng Zhan, Dongyue Li, Erik De Clercq and Xinyong Liu*. Recent Advances in DAPYs and Related Analogues as HIV-1 NNRTIs.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 18, 359-376
12. Zhenyu. Li, Peng. Zhan and Xinyong Liu. 1,3,4-Oxadiazole: A Privileged Structure in Antiviral Agents. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2011, 11: 1130-1142
13. Peng Zhan, Xuwang Chen, Xinyong Liu*, Christophe Pannecouque, Lieve Naesens, Erik De Clercq, Ailin Liu, Guanhua Du. Thiazolylthioacetamides as a Novel Class of Potential Antiviral Agents. Antiviral Research, Volume 90, Issue 2, May 2011, Page A67.
14. Wenjun Li, Peng Zhan, Jingde Wu, Yu Chang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq, Xinyong Liu.* Synthesis, Influence of Polymer Molecular Weight on Drug Release and Anti-HIV Activity of PEGylated AZT Conjugates. Antiviral Research, Volume 90, Issue 2, May 2011, Page A37.
15. Peng Zhan, Renzhang Yan, Xinyong Liu,*, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw , Erik De Clercq, Maria Teresa Molina, Salvador Vega. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity of novel 2,4-disubstituted-7-methyl- 1,1,3-trioxo-2H,4H-pyrazolo[4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazine derivatives. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2011; 5(6):279-285.(2012.01.17出刊)
16. Hu Song-Qing, Mi Si-Qi, Jia Xiao-Lin, Fan Cheng-Cheng, Chen Sheng-Hui, Zhang Jun, Liu Xin-Yong*. 3D-QSAR Study and Molecular Design of Benzimidazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors. Chemical Journal Of Chinese Universities. 2011, Vol. 32 Issue (10) :2402-2409
17. Yu-Ning Song, Xiu-Li Guo, Bei-Bei Zheng, Xin-Yong Liu, Xue Dong, Lu-Gang Yu, Yan-Na Cheng. Ligustrazine derivate DLJ14 reduces multidrug resistance of K562/A02 cells by modulating GSTπ activity. Toxicol. Vitro. 2011; vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 937-943,
1. Wenjun Li, Yu Chang, Peng Zhan, Na Zhang, Xinyong Liu,*Christophe Pannecouque, and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis, In Vitro and In Vivo Release Kinetics, and Anti-HIV Activity of A Sustained-Release Prodrug (mPEG-AZT) of 3’-Azido-3’-deoxythymidine (AZT, Zidovudine). ChemMedChem 2010; 5: 1893-1898.
2. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Thiadiazole Thioacetanilides. Part 2. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a New Series of 2-(4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,3-Thiadiazol-5-ylthio)Acetamides as Anti-HIV-1 inhibitors. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2010; 7: 1717-1726
3.Yang Ou, Xue Dong, Xin-Yong Liu, Xian-Chao Cheng, Yan-Na Cheng, Lu-Gang Yu,and Xiu-Li Guo*. Mechanism of Tetramethylpyrazine Analogue CXC195 Inhibition of Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis in Human Endothelial Cells. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2010; 33(3): 432-438
4. Ou Y, Guo XL, Zhai L, Liu XY, Cheng YN. TMPDP, a tetramethylpyrazine derivative, protects vascular endothelial cells from oxidation damage by hydrogen peroxide.Pharmazie. 2010 Oct; 65(10):755-9.
5. Peng Zhan, Hongbing Liu, Xinyong Liu*, Yan Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation of novel N1-arylidene-2-[1-(naphthalen-1-yl)-1H-tetrazol-5-ylthio]acetohydrazides. Medicinal Chemistry Research. 2010; 19:652–663
6. Hongfei Chen, Xinyong Liu*, Peng Zhan and Erik De Clercq. TSG101: a Novel Anti-HIV-1 Drug Target. Current Medicinal Chemistry . 2010; 17(8): 750-758
7. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Erik De Clercq. Blocking nuclear import of pre-integration complex: an emerging anti-HIV-1 drug discovery paradigm.Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2010; 17(6): 495-503
8. Peng Zhan, Xuemei Jiang, Xinyong Liu*. Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Bioactive Molecules as Novel Non-nucleoside HBV Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2010 Feb;10(2):161-70.
9. Peng Zhan, Zhenyu Li, Xinyong Liu*. Cosalane and Related Analogues: A Unique Class of Anti-HIV Agents. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 10, 966-976
10.Zhan Peng, Li Wenjun, Chen Hongfei and Liu Xinyong*.Targeting Protein-Protein Interactions: A Promising Avenue of Anti-HIV Drug Discovery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2010; 17(6): 495-503
1. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zhenyu Li, Zengjun Fang, Zhong Li, Defeng Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Novel 1,2,3-thiadiazole derivatives as HIV-1 NNRTIs with improved potency: synthesis and preliminary SAR studies. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 17(16): 5920-5927. (15 August 2009).
2. Mingyan Yu, Xinyong Liu*, Zhenyu Li, Shuai Liu, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-(substituted phenylaminocarbonyl methylthio)-6-(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)-pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2009;17: 7749–7754
3. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Junjie Zhu, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Selenadiazole thioacetanilides: Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation Bioorg Med Chem. 2009; 17(16): 5733-6146
4. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Junjie Zhu, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and biological evaluation of imidazole thioacetanilides as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem. 2009; 17(16): 5775-5781.
5. Xinyong Liu*, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Design, Synthesis and Anti-HIV-1 Evaluation of Novel Arylazolylthioacetanilides as Potent NNRTIS. Antiviral Research, Volume 82, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages A44-A45
6. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Zengjun Fang, Zhenyu Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and anti-HIV activity evaluation of 2-(4-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5- ylthio)-N-acetamides as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 44 : 4648–4653
7.Xian-Chao Cheng, Xin-Yong Liu*, Wen-Fang Xu, Xiu-Li Guo Ning Zhang, Yuning Song Ligustrazine derivatives part 3: Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel acylpiperazinyl derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2009; 17: 3018–3024
8. Yuan Cao, Xinyong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Cessation of HIV-1 Transcription by Inhibiting Regulatory Protein Rev-Mediated RNA Transport.Current HIV Research, 2009, 7(1):, 101-108
9. Yu Mingyan, Liu Xinyong* and Erik De Clercq. NF-κB: The Inducible Factors of HIV-1 Transcription and their Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(1): 60-69
10. Jiyan Zhang, Xinyong Liu*and Erik De Clercq. Capsid (CA) Protein as a Novel Drug Target: Recent Progress in the Research of HIV-1 CA Inhibitors.Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2009; Volume 9(4): April, 510-518.
11. Yan Wang, Xin-yong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Role of the HIV-1 Positive Elongation Factor P-TEFb and Inhibitors Thereof. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(3): 379-385
12. Peng Zhan and Xinyong Liu*. Designed Multiple Ligands: An Emerging Anti-HIV Drug Discovery Paradigm.Curr Pharm Des. 2009;36(15): 1893-1917
13. Peng Zhan, Zhenyu Li, Xinyong Liu* Sulfanyltriazole/tetrazoles: A Promising Class of HIV-1 NNRTIs. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 9(8): 1014-1023
14. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* and Zhanyu Li. Recent advances in the discovery and development of novel HIV-1 NNRTI platforms: 2006-2008 update. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 16(22): 2876-2889. (August 2009)
15. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. Design Strategies of Novel NNRTIs to Overcome Drug Resistance. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009; 16(29): 3903-3917.
1. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu*, Yuan Cao, Yan Wang, Christophe Pannecouque, Erik De Clercq. 1,2,3-Thiadiazole thioacetanilides as a novel class of potent HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2008; Oct 15;18(20):5368-71.
2. Peng Zhan, Xinyong Liu* and Erik De Clercq. Recent Advances in Antiviral Activity of Benzo/Heterothiadiazine Dioxide Derivatives. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2008; 15(15): 1529-1540.
3. Yongqiang Lin, Xinyong Liu,* Renzhang Yan, Jin Li, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw and Erik De ClercqSynthesis and anti-HIV evaluation of novel 1,3-disubstituted thieno[3,2-c][1,2,6]thiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxides (TTDDs).Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2008; 16 (1): 157–163
4. Xinyong Liu,* Ren-zhang Yan, Yan Wang, Peng Zhan, Christophe Pannecouque, Myriam Witvrouw, Erik De Clercq, Maria Teresa Molina and Salvador Vega. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity Evaluation of Novel 2,4-Disubstituted 7-Methyl-1,1,3-trioxo-2H,4H-Pyrazolo[4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazines. Arch.Pharmazie, 2008; 341(4): 216-222
5. Fang Yu, Xinyong Liu,* Peng Zhan and Erik De Clercq. Recent Advances in the Research of HIV-1 RNase H Inhibitors. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, Nov; 8(12):1243-51
6. Xinyong Liu , Peng Zhan, Renzhang Yan, Yongqiang Lin, Jin Li,Christophe Pannecouque and Erik De Clercq. Design, Synthesis and Antiviral Evaluation of Novel Heterocyclic Compounds as HIV-1 NNRTIs. Drug Discov Ther 2008;2: 25-28
1. Xian-Chao Cheng, Xin-Yong Liu,* Wen-Fang Xu, Xiu-Li Guo and Yang Ou. Design, synthesis and biological activities of novel Ligustrazine derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2007; 15(10): 3315–3320
2. Jingde Wu, Xinyong Liu *, Xianchao Cheng , Yuan Cao, Defeng Wang , Zhong Li, Wenfang Xu , Christophe Pannecouque , Myriam Witvrouw and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis of Novel Derivatives of 4-Amino-3-(2-Furyl)-5-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole as Potential HIV-1 NNRTIs. Molecules, 2007, 12(8): 2003-2016.
3. Xin Yong LIU*, Ren Zhang YAN, Nian Gen CHEN, Wen Fang XU . Regioselective Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of the Novel 2- and 4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4]thiadiazines. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2007;18: 137-140
4. Xin-Yong Liu*, Xian-Jun Qu, Wei Tang. China-Japan enhance joint research cooperation for drug discoveries and development: News from CJMWDDT 2007 in Jinan, China. Drug Discov Ther 2007;1(1):1
1. Xinyong Liu* Niangen Chen, Renzhang Yan, Wenfang Xu, Maria Teresa Molina, and Salvador Vega Regioselective Synthesis of the Novel N4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4] thiadiazines as Potent HIV-1 NNRTIs. Heterocycles, 2006; 68(6): pp.1225-1232
2. Xinyong Liu*, Renzhang Yan, Niangen Chen, Wenfang Xu, Maria Teresa Molina and Salvador Vega. Regioselective Synthesis of Novel N2- and N4-Substituted 7-Methylpyrazolo [4,5-e] [1,2,4]thiadiazines, Molecules, 2006, 11: 827-836
3. Xianchao Cheng, Xinyong Liu*, Wenfang Xu. Synthesis of Novel Ligustrazine Derivatives as Potential Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors. Chinese Chemical Letters 2006; Vol. 17, No. 10, pp 1317-1320
4. Xian-chao Cheng, Xin-yong Liu* and Wen-fang Xu .The preparation of novel ligustrazine derivatives as potential cerebrocardiac vascular agents. Journal of Chemical Research, 2006; September, 577–579
5. Ren-Zhang Yan, Xin-Yong Liu*, Wen-Fang Xu, Christophe Pannecouque1, Myriam Witvrouw, and Erik De Clercq. Synthesis and Anti-HIV Evaluation of the Novel 2-(m-Chlorobenzyl)-4- substituted-7-methyl-1, 1, 3-trioxo-pyrazolo[4,5-e][1, 2, 4]thiadiazines. Arch Pharm Res, 2006; 29, No 11, 957-962
1. Xinyong Liu*, Niangen Chen, Yinzhang Yan, Wen-fang Xu. Design and Synthesis of N4-Substituted Pyrazolo[4,5-e][1,2,4] Thiadiazine Derivatives as Potent HIV-1 Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2005; Vol. 25, Suppl., 701
2. Xianchao Cheng, Xinyong Liu* Wenfang Xu. Recent advances in the structural modification of ligustrazine; cerebro- and cardiovascular activity of ligustrazine derivatives. Drugs of the Future, 2005; 30(10): 1059.
3. Xin Yong Liu*, Wen Fang Xu, Jing De Wu. Synthesis of 4-Amino-5-furyl-2-yl-4H-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiol Derivatives as a Novel Class of Endothelin(ET) Receptor Antagonists. Chin Chem. Letter (CCL); 2003, 14(8):790-793
4. Zeng Bao-Shan, Chen Min-Bo*, Dong Xi-Cheng, Liu Xin-Yong*. q2 Guided Conformation Selection Approach of CoM FA for HIV-1 RT Inhibitors. Acta Chemica Sinica, 2003; 61(7): 1121-1128
5. Xinyong Liu*, Zhang Rui and Wenfang Xu. Synthesis of The Novel Liqustrazine Derivatives and Their Protective Effect on Injured Vascular Endothelial Cell Damaged by Hydrogen Peroxide. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letter; 2003; 13: 2123-2126