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劉文欣,男,博士中國農業大學作物基因組與生物信息學系副教授。研究方向:生物統計學: 試驗設計原理、參數統計方法、非參數統計方法和多元統計方法等在生物學研究中的套用與改進;數量遺傳學: 表型性狀的遺傳力估計、雜種優勢及雜種優勢群分析、經典QTL定位、關聯分析與基因組選擇方法體系、多系雜交後代分離群體的QTL定位、eQTL定位方法、表觀遺傳學中的統計預測、高通量基因組數據的遺傳信息挖掘;群體遺傳學: 遺傳多樣性分析、育種系譜信息分析、比較基因組學與進化。


  • 中文名:劉文欣
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物統計學
  • 學術代表作:植物數量遺傳學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學
  • 職稱:副教授



  1. 01/2012–present:副教授,生物統計與數量遺傳學,中國農業大學
  2. 10/2008–09/2011:博士後,統計遺傳學,德國Hohenheim大學
  3. 07/2004–12/2011:講師,生物統計與數量遺傳學,中國農業大學
  4. 09/1999–06/2004:博士,生物統計學,中國農業大學
  5. 09/1995–07/1999:學士,植物遺傳育種學,中國農業大學


  1. 試驗設計與生物統計》(01111490),本科生課程
  2. 《植物分子數量遺傳學》(74010112),研究生課程
  3. 《生物統計學理論與試驗設計》(LXG000107),研究生課程 (全英文講授)
  4. 《生物統計學軟體及套用》(LXG000108),研究生課程 (全英文講授)



玉米雜種優勢利用共性技術研究與工程化套用,國家重點研發計畫項目課題,2016-2020 (主持)


1.Zhou Z., Li G., Tan S., Li D., Weiß T., Wang X., Chen S., Würschum T. ┼, Liu W. ┼ (2020) A QTL atlas for grain yield and its component traits in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Breeding, (online) doi: 10.1111/pbr.12809
2.Liu C., Zhong Y., Qi X., Chen M., Liu Z., Chen C., Tian X., Li J., Jiao Y., Wang D., Wang Y., Li M., Xin M., Liu W., Jin W., Chen S.(2020) Extension of the in vivo haploid induction system from diploid maize to hexaploid wheat. Plant Biotechnol J.,18(2):316-318. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13218
3.Li D., Wang M., Kuang X., Liu W. ┼ (2019) Genetic study and molecular breeding for high phosphorus use efficiency in maize. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 6(4):366-379. doi:10.15302/J-FASE-2019278
4.Zhong Y., Liu C., Qi X., Jiao Y., Wang D., Wang Y., Liu Z., Chen C., Chen B., Tian X., Li J., Chen M., Dong X., Xu X., Li L., Li W., Liu W., Jin W., Lai J., Chen S. (2019) Mutation of ZmDMP enhances haploid induction in maize. Nat Plants,5(6):575-580. doi: 10.1038/s41477-019-0443-7
5.Ma H., Li G., Würschum T., Zhang Y., Zheng D., Yang X., Li J., Liu W. ┼, Yan J. ┼, Chen S. ┼ (2018) Genome-Wide Association Study of Haploid Male Fertility in Maize (Zea Mays L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00974
6.Liu W., Maurer H.P., Leiser W., Tucker M., Weissmann S., Hahn V., and Würschum T. (2017) Potential for Marker-Assisted Simultaneous Improvement of Grain and Biomass Yield in Triticale. BioEnergy Research 10: 449-455
7.Liu W., Leiser W., Reif J.C., Tucker M., Losert D., Weissmann S., Hahn V., Maurer H.P., and Würschum T. (2016) Multiple-line cross QTL mapping for grain yield and thousand kernel weight in triticale. Plant Breeding 135: 567-573
8.Meng Y., Li J., Liu J., Hu H., Li W., Liu W. ┼ and Chen S.┼ (2016) Ploidy effect and genetic architecture exploration of stalk traits using DH and its corresponding haploid populations in maize. BMC Plant Biology 16:50 (doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0742-3)
9.Han S., Utz H.F., Liu W., Schrag T.A., Stange M., Würschum T., Miedaner T., Bauer E., Schön CC, Melchinger A.E. (2016) Choice of models for QTL mapping with multiple families and design of the training set for prediction of Fusarium resistance traits in maize. Theor Appl Genet 129: 431-444
10.Gu R., Chen F., Long L., Cai H., Liu Z., Yang J., Wang L., Li H., Li J., Liu W., Mi G., Zhang F., Yuan L. (2016) Enhancing phosphorus uptake efficiency through QTL-based selection for root system architecture in maize. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 43: 663-672
11.Li J., Hu H., Meng Y., Cheng K., Li G., Liu W. ┼, Chen S.┼ (2016) Pleiotropic QTL detection for stalk traits in maize and related R package programming. Journal of China Agricultural University 21(6):9-18 (in Chinese with English abstract) | 李俊輝, 胡海曉, 孟玉傑, 程鯤, 李國梁, 劉文欣┼, 陳紹江┼. 玉米莖稈相關性狀多效性QTL檢測及相應R程式包編制. 中國農業大學學報, 2016 , 21(6):9-18
12.Wu P., Ren J., Tian X., Liu C., Liu W., Chen S. (2016) Genetic studies on haploid spontaneous doubling in maize. Journal of Maize Sciences, 24(4):7-11 (in Chinese with English abstract) | 吳鵬昊, 任姣姣, 田小龍, 劉晨旭, 劉文欣, 陳紹江. 玉米單倍體自然加倍若干問題探討. 玉米科學, 2016, 24(4):7-11
13.Wu P., Ren J., Tian X., Wang L., Li G., Liu W., Chen S. (2016) Studies on haploid spontaneous diploidization in maize. Journal of China Agricultural University, 21(1):1-7 (in Chinese with English abstract) | 吳鵬昊, 任姣姣, 田小龍, 王樂樂, 李國梁, 劉文欣, 陳紹江. 玉米單倍體自然二倍化研究. 中國農業大學學報, 2016, 21(1):1-7
14.Liu W., Leiser W., Maurer H.P., Li J., Weissmann S., Hahn V., and Würschum T. (2015) Evaluation of genomic approaches for marker-based improvement of lodging tolerance in triticale. Plant Breeding 134: 416-422
15.Liu W., Maurer H.P., Li G., Tucker M.R., Gowda M., Weissmann E.A., Hahn V., Würschum T. (2014) Genetic Architecture of Winter Hardiness and Frost Tolerance in Triticale. PloS ONE 9(6): e99848. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099848
16.Liu W., Gowda M., Reif J.C., Hahn V., Ruckelshausen A., Weissmann E.A., Maurer H.P., and Würschum T. (2014) Genetic dynamics underlying phenotypic development of biomass yield in triticale. BMC Genomics 15: 458 (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-458)
17.Würschum T.*, Liu W.*, Busemeyer L., Tucker M.R., Reif J.C., Weissmann E.A., Hahn V., Ruckelshausen A., Maurer H.P. (2014) Mapping dynamic QTL for plant height in triticale. BMC Genetics 15: 59 (doi:10.1186/1471-2156-15-59)
18.Alheit K.V.*, Busemeyer L.*, Liu W.*, Maurer H.P., Gowda M., Hahn V., Weissmann S., Ruckelshausen A., Reif J.C., Würschum T. (2014) Multiple-line cross QTL mapping for biomass yield and plant height in triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack). Theor Appl Genet 127: 251-260
19.Würschum T., Liu W., Alheit K.V., Tucker M.R., Gowda M., Weissmann E.A., Hahn V., Maurer H.P. (2014) Adult plant development in triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) is controlled by dynamic genetic patterns of regulation. G3 4: 1585-1591
20.Schwegler D., Gowda M., Schulz B., Miedaner T., Liu W., and Reif J.C. (2014) Genotypic correlations and QTL correspondence between line per se and testcross performance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) for the three agronomic traits beet yield, potassium content, and sodium content. Molecular Breeding 34: 205-215
21.Xu X., Dong X., Li L., Liu C., Zhang Y., Liu W., Chen S. (2014) Selection of Maize Inducer Hybrid and Heterosis Analysis of the Hybrid. Journal of China Agricultural University, 19(4):1-6 (in Chinese with English abstract) | 徐小煒, 董昕, 黎亮, 劉晨旭, 張艷, 劉文欣, 陳紹江. 玉米單倍體誘導系間雜交種評價及其雜種優勢分析及其雜交組合選育. 中國農業大學學報, 2014, 19(4):1-6
22.Liu W., Maurer H.P., Reif J.C., Melchinger A.E., Utz F., Tucker M.R., Ranc N., Della Porta G., Würschum T. (2013) Optimum Design of Family Structure and Allocation of Resources in Association Mapping with Lines from Multiple Crosses. Heredity 110: 71-79
23.Hu H.*, Liu W.*, Fu Z., Homann L., Technow F., Wang H., Song C., Li S., Melchinger A.E., Chen S. (2013) QTL mapping of stalk bending strength in a recombinant inbred line maize population. Theor Appl Genet 126: 2257-2266
24.Schwegler D., Liu W., Gowda M., Würschum T., Schulz B. and Reif J.C. (2013) Multiple-line cross quantitative trait locus mapping in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Molecular Breeding 31:279-287
25.Zhao Y., Gowda M., Liu W., Würschum T., Maurer H.P., Longin F., Ranc N., Piepho H.P. and Reif J.C. (2013) Choice of Shrinkage Parameter and Prediction of Genomic Breeding Values in Elite Maize Breeding Populations. Plant Breeding 132:99-106
26.Liu W., Reif J.C., Ranc N., Della Porta G., Würschum T. (2012) Comparison of Biometrical Approaches for QTL Detection in Multiple Segregating Families. Theor Appl Genet 125: 987-998
27.Steinhoff J.*, Liu W.*, Reif J.C., Della Porta G., Ranc N., Würschum T. (2012) Detection of QTL for flowering time in multiple families of elite maize. Theor Appl Genet 125: 1539-1551
28.Steinhoff J.*, Liu W.*, Maurer H.P., Würschum T., Longin F., Ranc N., Reif J.C. (2012) Exploitation of Elite Maize (Zea mays L.) Germplasm across Maturity Zones. Crop Science 52:1534-1542
29.Würschum T.*, Liu W.*, Gowda M., Maurer H.P., Fischer S., Schechert A., and Reif J.C. (2012) Comparison of Biometrical Models for Joint Linkage Association Mapping. Heredity 108: 332-340
30.Würschum T.*, Liu W.*, Maurer H.P., Abel S., and Reif J.C. (2012) Dissecting the Genetic Architecture of Agronomic Traits in Multiple Segregating Populations in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Theor Appl Genet 124: 153-161
31.Zhao Y., Gowda M., Liu W., Würschum T., Maurer H.P., Longin F., Ranc N. and Reif J.C. (2012) Accuracy of Genomic Selection in European Maize Elite Breeding Populations. Theor Appl Genet 124: 769-776
32.Cai H., Chen F., Mi G., Zhang F., Maurer H.P., Liu W., Reif J.C. and Yuan L. (2012) Mapping QTLs for root system architecture of maize (Zea mays L.) in the field at different developmental stages. Theor Appl Genet 125: 1313-1324
33.Liu W., Gowda M., Steinhoff J., Maurer H.P., Würschum T., Longin F., Cossic F., Reif J.C. (2011) Association Mapping in an Elite Maize Breeding Population. Theor Appl Genet 123:847-858
34.Steinhoff J.*, Liu W.*, Maurer H.P., Würschum T., Longin C. Friedrich H., Ranc Nicolas, Reif J.C.. (2011) Multiple-Line Cross QTL-Mapping in European Elite Maize. Crop Science 51:2505-2516
35.Longin C.F.H., Liu W., Ranc N., Reif J.C. (2011) Association of progeny variance and genetic distance among parents and implications for the design of elite maize breeding programs. Maydica 56:19-23
36.Wen T., Li P., Jiang S., Pu J., Wang Y., Liu W.┼, Hua J.┼. (2011) The Study on Mechanism of Cotton Resistance to Verticillium Wilt Using Grafting Operation. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 44(24):5130~5136 (in Chinese with English abstract). | 文婷, 李朋波, 姜淑琴, 蒲劍鋒, 王玉美, 劉文欣┼, 華金平┼. 通過嫁接研究棉花對黃萎病的抗病性. 中國農業科學 , 2011, 44(24):5130~5136
37.Reif J.C., Liu W., Gowda M., Maurer H.P., Möhring J., Fischer S., Schechert A., Würschum T. (2010) Genetic basis of agronomically important traits in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) investigated with joint linkage association mapping. Theor Appl Genet 121:1489-1499
38.Gowda M., Kling C., Würschum T., Liu W., Maurer H. P., Hahn V., and Reif J. C. (2010) Hybrid Breeding in Durum Wheat: Heterosis and Combining Ability. Crop Science 50:2224-2230
39.Yang P., Liu W., Shan X., Li P., Zhou J., Lu J. and Li Y. (2008) Effects of training on acquisition of pest management knowledge and skills by small vegetable farmers. Crop Protection 27:1504-1510
40.Liu X., Fu J., Gu D., Liu W., Liu T., Peng Y., Wang J., Wang G. (2008) Genome-wide Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles during the Kernel Development of Maize (Zea mays L.). Genomics 91:378-387
41.Chen Xi, Xu Naiyin, Kong Fanling, Liu Wenxin┼. Discussing of Cotton Fiber Quality Regionalization in China. Annual Meeting Collection of China Cotton Academy, Qingdao, 08/2007. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 陳曦, 許乃銀, 孔繁玲, 劉文欣┼. 中國棉花品質區劃初探. 中國棉花學會2007年年會論文彙編, 青島, 2007.08
42.Liu Xihui, Liu Wenxin, Zhang Yirong, Liu Zhanxian, Zhang Shukui, Dai Jingrui. (2005) Genetic Relationship among Several Maize Inbred Revealed by SSR Markers. Molecular Plant Breeding, 13(2):179~187. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 劉希慧, 劉文欣, 張義榮, 劉占先, 張書奎, 戴景瑞. 利用SSR分子標記鑑定若干玉米自交系的親緣關係. 分子植物育種, 2005,3(2):179-187
43.Liu Wenxin,Kong Fanling,Guo Zhili, Zhang Qunyuan, Peng Huiru, Fu Xiaoqiong, Yang Fuxin. (2003) An Analysis about Genetic Basis of Cotton Cultivars in China since 1949 with Molecular Markers. Acta Genetica Sinica, 30(6):560~570. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 劉文欣,孔繁玲,郭志麗,張群遠,彭惠茹,付小瓊,楊付新. 建國以來我國棉花品種遺傳基礎的分子標記分析. 遺傳學報,2003,30(6):560~570
44.Liu Wenxin,Liao Qin,Zhang Qunyuan, Kong Fanling. (2003) The Applicability of Median Method and Centroid Method in the Cluster Analysis. Journal of Biomathematics, 18(5):531~534 | 劉文欣,廖琴,張群遠, 孔繁玲. (2003) 中間距離法和重心法在聚類分析中的可適性探討(英文). 生物數學學報, 18(5):531~534
45.Zhang Degui, Kong Fanling, Zhang Qunyuan, Liu Wenxin, Yang Fuxin, Xu Naiyin, Liao Qin,Zou Kui. (2003) Genetic Improvement of Cotton Varieties in the Yangtse Valley in China since 1950s Ⅰ. Improvement on Yield and Yield Components. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 29(2):208~215. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 張德貴,孔繁玲,張群遠,劉文欣,楊付新,許乃銀,廖琴,鄒奎. 建國以來我國長江流域棉區棉花品種的遺傳改良 Ⅰ.產量及產量組分性狀的改良. 作物學報,2003,29(2):208~215
46.Sun Lijun, Lu Yaochang, Kong Fanling, Liu Wenxin. (2002) Genetic Stability Analysis of High-protein Germplasms of Barley. Barley Science, 3: 8~13. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 孫立軍,呂耀昌,孔繁玲,劉文欣. 大麥高蛋白種質遺傳穩定性分析. 大麥科學,2002,3:8~13
47.Kong Fanling, Zhang Qunyuan, Ge Zhinan, Yang Fuxin, Zhang Degui, Liu Wenxin. (2002) Experimental Precision and Variety Comparison Precision in Regional Crop Trials. Agricultural Sciences in China, 1(2):149~154 | 孔繁玲,張群遠,葛知男,楊付新,張德貴,劉文欣. 作物品種區域試驗的試驗精確度和品種比較精確度. 中國農業科學, 2001,34(3):266~271
48.Li Zichao, Liu Wenxin, Zhao Dule. (2001) Comparison of Growing Tendency During Young Seedling Between Paddy Rice and Upland Rice Under PEG Water-stress. Journal of China Agricultural University, 6(3):16~20. (in Chinese with English abstract) | 李自超,劉文欣,趙篤樂. PEG脅迫下水、陸稻幼苗生長勢比較研究. 中國農業大學學報,2001,6(3):16~20
49.Liu Wenxin. Experimental Design and Analysis, Online Education College @ China Agricultural University, 2014. (Lecture Note in press, in Chinese). | 劉文欣. 試驗設計與統計分析, 中國農業大學網路學院, 2014. (講義)
50.Kong Fanling, Liu Wenxin, Zhang Qunyuan, Cao Yongguo, Peng Huiru, Su Shengbao. Quantitative Genetics in Plants, China Agricultural University Press, Beijing, 06/2006. (in Chinese) | 孔繁玲, 劉文欣, 張群遠, 曹永國, 彭惠茹, 蘇勝寶. 植物數量遺傳學, 中國農業大學出版社, 北京, 2006.06
(注*, those authors contributed equally 同等貢獻第一作者、 ┼, corresponding author (共同)通訊作者)


