


  • 中文名:劉奇明
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:半導體物理及光電器件方向的研究工作
  • 任職院校:蘭州大學








(1) Liu, Qiming *,Ishikawa, Ryo,Funada, Shuji,Ohki, Tatsuya,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime *,Highly Efficient Solution-ProcessedPoly(3,4-ethylenedio-xythiophene): Poly(styrenesulfonate)/Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with Improved Light-Induced Stability,Advanced Energy Materials,2015.9.9,5(17)
(2) Qiming Liu *,Tatsuya Ohki,Dequan Liu,Hiromitsu Sugawara,Ryo Ishikawa,Keiji Ueno,Hajime Shirai *,Efficient organic/polycrystalline silicon hybrid solar cells,Nano Energy,2015.1.01,11:260~266
(3) Liu, Qiming,Ono, Masahiro,Tang, Zeguo,Ishikawa, Ryo,Ueno,Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Highly efficient crystalline silicon/Zonyl fluorosurfactant-treated organic heterojunction solar cells,Applied Physics Letters,2012.4.30,100(18)
(4) Liu, Qiming,Imamura, Takashi,Hiate, Taiga,Khatri, Ishwor,Tang, Zeguo,Ishikawa, Ryo,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Optical anisotropy in solvent-modified poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonic acid)and its effect on the photovoltaic performance of crystalline silicon/organic heterojunction solar cells,Applied Physics Letters,2013.6.17,102(24)
(5) Liu, Qiming *,Khatri, I.,Ishikawa, R.,Ueno, K.,Shirai,H.,Effects of molybdenum oxide molecular doping on the chemical structure of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(stylenesulfonate) and on carrier collection efficiency of silicon/poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(stylenesulfonate) heterojunction solar cells,Applied Physics Letters,2013.5.6,102(18)
(6) Liu, Qiming *,Khatri, I.,Ishikawa, R.,Fujimori, A.,Ueno, K.,Manabe, K.,Nishino, H.,Shirai, H.,Improved photovoltaic performance of crystalline-Si/organic Schottky junction solar cells using ferroelectric polymers,Applied Physics Letters,2013.10.14,103(16)
(7) Liu, Qiming,Wanatabe, Fumiya,Hoshino, Aya,Ishikawa, Ryo,Gotou, Takuya,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Crystalline Silicon/Graphene Oxide Hybrid Junction Solar Cells,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,2012.10.01,51(10)
2. 合作發表論文
(1) Xinyu Jiang,Zilei Wang,Wenhui Han,Qiming Liu,Shuqi Lu,Yuxiang Wen,Juan Hou,Fei Huang,Shanglong Peng ,Deyan He,Guozhong Cao ,High performance silicon-organic hybrid solar cells via improving conductivity of PEDOT:PSS with reduced graphene oxide,Applied Surface Science,2017.2.24
(2) Hossain, Jaker,Liu, Qiming,Miura, Takuya,Kasahara,Koji,Harada, Daisuke,Ishikawa, Ryo,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Nafion-Modified PEDOT:PSS as a Transparent Hole-Transporting Layer for High-Performance Crystalline-Si/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells with Improved Light Soaking Stability,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2016.11.23,8(46):31926~31934
(3) Funda, Shuji,Ohki, Tatsuya,Liu, Qiming,Hossain, Jaker,Ishimaru,Yoshihiro,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Correlation between the fine structure of spin-coated PEDOT:PSS and the photovoltaic performance of organic/crystalline-silicon heterojunction solar cells,Journal of Applied Physics,2016.7.21,120(3)
(4) Devkota, Ramesh,Liu, Qiming,Ohki, Tatsuya,Hossain, Jaker,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime ,Solution-processed crystalline silicon double-heterojunction solar cells,Applied Physics Express,2016.2.01,9
(5) Lin, C. H.,Sun K. W.,Liu Q.M.,Shirai, H.,Lee, C.P. Poly(3,4ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)/GaAs hybrid solar cells with 13% power conversion efficiency using front- and back-surface field,Optics Express,2015.9.21,23(19):A1051~A1059
(6) Ding, Yi,Sugaya, Michihiro,Liu, Qiming,Zhou, Shu,Nozaki,Tomohiro,Oxygen passivation of silicon nanocrystals: Influences on trap states, electron mobility, and hybrid solar cell performance,Nano Energy,2014.11.01,10:322~328
(7) Ding, Yi,Gresback, Ryan,Liu, Qiming,Zhou, Shu,Pi,Xiaodong,Nozaki, Tomohiro ,Silicon nanocrystal conjugated polymer hybrid solar cells with improved performance,Nano Energy,2014.10.01,9:25~31
(8) Hiate, T.,Miyauchi, N.,Liu Q.,Ishikawa, R.,Ueno, K.,Shirai, H.,Real-time measurement of optical anisotropy during film growth using a chemical mist deposition of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate),Journal of Applied Physics,2014.3.28,115(12)
(9) Tang, Zeguo,Liu, Qiming,Chen, Qiang,Khatri, Ishwor,Shirai,Hajime,Plasmonic-enhanced crystalline silicon/organic heterojunction cells by incorporating gold nanoparticles,Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science,2014.5.01,211(5):1179~1183
(10) Khatri, Ishwor,Hoshino, Ayo,Watanabe, Fumiya,Liu, Qiming,Ishikawa, Ryo,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime,Self-assembled silver nanowires as top electrode for poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(stylenesulfonate)/ n-silicon solar cell,Thin Solid Films,2014.5.2,558:306~310
(11) Khatri, Ishwor,Liu, Qiming,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai,Hajime,Improved performance of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(stylenesulfonate)/ n-Si hybrid solar cell by incorporating silver nanoparticles,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,2014.11.01,53
(12) Khatri, Ishwor,Tang, Zeguo,Liu, Qiming,Ishikawa, Ryo,Ueno, Keiji,Shirai, Hajime,Green-tea modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes for Efficient poly(3,4- ethylenedio-xythiophene):poly(stylenesulfonate)/n- silicon hybrid solar cell,Applied Physics Letters,2013.2.11,102(6)
(1)Qiming Liu; Jaker Hossain; Koji Kasahara; Tatsuya Miura; Ryo Ishikawa; Hajime Shirai, Nafion-modified PEDOT:PSS for stable, high-performance crystalline-Si/organic heterojunction solar cells, The 26th edition of the International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-26) , Singapore, 2016.10.24-2016.10.28 (Invited as a session chair and oral presentation)
(2) Qiming Liu, Tatsuya Ohki, Dequan Liu, Hiromitsu Sugawara, Ryo Ishikawa, Keiji Ueno and Hajime Shirai, “Efficient organic/polycrystalline silicon hybrid solar cells”, The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, (WCPEC6) (poster), Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2014.
(3) Qiming Liu, Tatsuya Ohki, Ryo Ishikawa, Keiji Ueno and Hajime Shirai, “Efficient organic/silicon heterojunction solar cells”, Energy Materials Nanotechnology Open Access Week(EMN) (invited oral), Chengdu, China, Sept. 2014.
(4) Qiming Liu, Ishwor Khatri, Atsushi Fujimori, Ryo Ishikawa, Keiji Ueno and Hajime Shirai, “Self-assemble Ferroelectric Nanoarray and Its Application to c-Si/PEDOT:PSS Schottky Junction Solar Cells”, 23rd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference(PVSEC23) (oral), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2013.
(5) Qiming Liu, Ishwor Khatri, Ryo Ishikawa, Keiji Ueno and Hajime Shirai, “Effects of molybdenum oxide molecular doping on the chemical structure of PEDOT:PSS and on carrier collection efficiency of c-Si/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction solar cells”, 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference(28th EU PVSEC) (oral), Paris, France, Oct. 2013.
(6) Qiming Liu, Kyohei Ishikawa, Taiga Hiate, Keiji Ueno, and Hajime Shirai, “Optical anisotropy in solvent-modified PEDOT:PSS and its effect on photovoltaic performance of c-Si/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction solar cells”, The 6th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry(ICSE6) (oral), Kyoto, Janpan, May. 2013
(7) Qiming Liu, Zeguo Tang, Ishwor Khatri, Ryo Ishikawa, Keiji Ueno and Hajime Shirai, “Efficient c-Si/organic heterojunction solar cells use graphene oxide as a dopant”, 22nd Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference(PVSEC22) (oral), Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2012.
The 25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS25) (1oral and 1poster), Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2013; JSAP- MRS Joint Symposia (oral) in Doshisha Univ. Kyoto, 2013; International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference on Electronic Materials(IUMRS-ICEM) (oral) in Yokohama, 2012 and JSAP spring meetings from 2012 to 2015.
Hajime Shirai; Qiming Liu; Tatsuya Ohki; Ryo Ishikawa; Keiji Ueno, Optical Anisotropy and Compositional Ratio of Conductive Polymer PEDOT:PSS and Their Effect on Photovoltaic Performance of Crystalline Silicon/Organic Heterojunction Solar Cells, pp.137-159, Book chapter 5 in "Advances in Silicon Solar Cells" (Print ISBN: 978-3-319-69702-4, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-69703-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69703 -1) ., Springer International Publishing, ~10,000 words, 2018


1.Highly efficient crystalline silicon/Zonyl fluorosurfactant-treated organic heterojunction solar cells,Appl. Phys. Lett,年度 “Top10” 高引用論文 2014
2.塗布法による高效率Si ペロブスカイト系モノリシック多接合太陽電池の開発 Sasakawa研究助成 日本科學協會 2016
3. 人社部“高層次留學人才”歸國資助


