



  • 中文名:剁椒金針菇醬
  • 外文名:Chop bell pepper needle mushroom sauce
  • 主要原料:金針菇,剁椒
  • 是否含防腐劑:否
  • 主要食用功效:補肝,抗癌,刺激味蕾
  • 適宜人群:喜辣
  • 副作用:胃痛
  • 儲藏方法:密封冷藏2至3天
  • 輔料:蒜末、薑蓉
  • 工藝:炒


(1)金針菇洗乾淨表面,用鹽水浸泡5分鐘,再拆開連結的部分,洗乾淨裡面的雜質。去後面的老根,不用去的太多。切成1cm的小段備用。 蒜末,薑蓉,蔥花,剁椒準備齊。


Material: Flammulina pound, Duojiao 3 tablespoons minced garlic 3 cloves, ginger a little (like a lot of green onion can be put, can also be omitted)
(1)mushroom clean the surface with salt water for 5 minutes, then open the link part, clean the impurities. To the back of the old roots, do not go too much. Cut into small pieces of 1cm spare. Minced garlic, ginger, green onion, chop pepper for Qi.
(2) Guo Lifang oil, slightly more (particularly when the green onion) into the ingredients chopped garlic, ginger, green onion, chop pepper until fragrant, add mushroom at the end and stir well.
(3) they will mushroom water, so no extra plus. Simmer over medium heat, water and then mushroom sauce, taste the taste, because taste Duojiao itself, so the sauce just a little seasoning according to your taste. Can be a little more like the sweet flavor of sugar, salty like to add some soy sauce.
** If you do a lot of time, then the oil will put more points, this sauce is less easily broken. But still every time the weight of 2,3 days, fresh best.
More oil, then fry the other dishes can be separated out.
** I tried the mushroom put a pound a pound of green onions, sliced green onions diced green onion, saute in a first step, very good to eat. If you do not exclusion, we must put in more, oh.
Rice, bread, noodles are matched, Aoao delicious. O (∩ _ ∩) O ~
Mushroom Nutrition:
Higher in zinc than the mushroom, with promotion of children's brain development and the role of intelligence in Japan and many other countries as the "mushroom puzzle" and "increase chi mushroom." Mushroom can effectively enhance the body's life activity, promote metabolism, is conducive to the absorption of various nutrients in food and the use of growth and development is also highly beneficial.
Regular consumption of mushroom, not only to the prevention and treatment of liver disease and stomach and intestinal ulcers, but also for patients with hypertension, obesity and eating in the elderly, mainly because it is a high potassium low sodium food.
Flammulina inhibit elevated blood lipids, lowering cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease. Edible mushroom that is resistant to fatigue, anti-bacterial inflammation, elimination of heavy metal salts, anti-tumor effect.


