



  • 書名:初級IT英語讀寫教程2
  • 作者:司炳月、曹麟、吳美萱、劉菁菁、陶博通
  • ISBN:9787302489955
  • 定價:48元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年11月


本教材是 2016年遼寧省社會科學規劃基金項目“專門用途英語理坑立榜白論在捆炒符大學英語教學中的實踐與套用——基於遼寧省 IT英語人才培養模式的研究”(項目編兵拳號: L16DYY005)的階段性成果;是遼寧省教育科學“十三五”規劃 2017年度立項課題“IT專門用途英語教材體系建設研究”(項目編號: JG17DB103)的階段性成果;也是 2016年國促重凝家社科基金項目“信息技術背景下中國外語學習環境‘生態給養’轉她員喇化有效性研究”(項目編刪茅奔號: 16BYY093)的階段性成果。


Text B Mobile Learning Technologies for 21st-Century Classrooms 17
Unit 2 My Learning Experience—Discovery of an IT Course 27
Text A Learn a C-style language 29 Text B Slow Life, Slow Programming44
Unit 3 Walk over the Cloud55
Text A What Cloud Computing Brings to Us? 56 Text B Securing the Cloud: How to Avoid a Greek Tragedy? 72
Unit 4 Information Leaks—So Many “Yous” in Your Life 83
Text A To Catch an Identity Thief (Part I)85 Text B To Catch an Identity Thief (Part II) 99
Unit 5 IT Life 109
Text A Living in Apple’凶樂良匙s World 111 Text B Waze Forever 126
Unit 6 Social Networking 135
Text A How One Mysterious Vlogger Changed the Internet 137 Text B Facebook: Greed in Love152
Unit 7 Women in IT Industry 163
Text A Do Women Enjoy “It”? 165 Text B You Don’t Look Like a Programmer!181
Unit 8 Memories in Our Life 191
Text A Memories Last Forever! 193 Text B Is 3D Printing the Key to Utopia?210
Glossary 221
Unit 6 Social Networking 135
Text A How One Mysterious Vlogger Changed the Internet 137 Text B Facebook: Greed in Love152
Unit 7 Women in IT Industry 163
Text A Do Women Enjoy “It”? 165 Text B You Don’t Look Like a Programmer!181
Unit 8 Memories in Our Life 191
Text A Memories Last Forever! 193 Text B Is 3D Printing the Key to Utopia?210
Glossary 221


