凱瑟琳 M.艾森哈特

凱瑟琳·M·艾森哈特(Kathleen M.Eisenhardt)是史丹福大學(Stanford University)戰略與組織學教授,同時也是斯坦福技術風險投資項目(Stanford Technology Ventures Program)的研究總監。艾森哈特教授的興趣集中在高速工業和技術型公司上。


  • 中文名:凱瑟琳 M.艾森哈特 
  • 職業:教師
  • 外文名:Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
  • 職稱:教授


她曾與多家公司廣泛合作,尤其是電信和網路、軟體、計算機、生物技術、網際網路和半導體行業的公司。她與人合著了《競爭在邊緣:戰略即結構化混沌》(Harvard Business School Press,1998),因對管理思維的傑出貢獻獲得喬治·R·特里獎,並被評為十大商業和投資書籍之一亞馬遜網站1998年。她還發表在各種學術和管理期刊上,包括《行政科學季刊》、《哈佛商業評論》、《戰略管理期刊》、《管理學院評論》、《紅鯡魚》、《管理學院期刊》和《組織科學》。她最近的研究文章包括2001年12月在AMJ發表的建築創新和模組化企業形式(與D.Charles Galunic合作),以及在團體:多正式2002年7月,干預使作業系統具有靈活性。她最近的一篇HBR文章,Strategy as Simple Rules,發表於2001年1月。她是第一位出現在HBR的OnPoint系列中的作者。
艾森哈特教授因其關於快速戰略決策的想法而獲得太平洋電信基金會獎。她還獲得了惠特莫爾獎(whitemore Prize),她在快速變化的市場中組織全球企業的著作,斯特恩獎(Stern Award)表彰她在創業型企業中形成戰略聯盟的工作,以及1995年發表在《快速產品創新》(fast product innovation)的行政科學季刊學術貢獻獎。她還獲得了管理學院OMT部門頒發的學術貢獻獎。艾森哈特教授還為各種跨國公司的戰略和組織提供高級諮詢。


艾森哈特教授得到過多項大獎,包括太平洋利用基金獎(Pacific Telesis Foundation Award)是獎勵她有關快速戰略決策的思想;
懷特莫獎金(Whittemore Prize)是獎勵她關於高速變革市場環境下的跨國公司組織的論著;
斯特恩獎(Stern Award)是獎勵她關於大型企業的戰略聯盟形式的研究。


Journal Articles:until January 2012.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1985), “Control: Organizational and Economic Approaches.” Management Science31(2), 134–149.
  • Bourgeois, L. Jay, III and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1988), “Strategic Decision Processes in High Velocity Environments: Four Cases in the Microcomputer Industry.”Management Science 34(7), 816–835. *
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Agency Theory: Assessment and Review.” Academy of Management Review 14(1), 57–74.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Building Theories fromCase Study Research.”
  • Academy of Management Review 14(4), 532–550.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. (1989), “Making Fast Strategic Decisions in High Velocity Environments.” Academy of Management Journal 32(3), 543–576.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1990), ”Organizational Growth: Linking Founding Team, Strategy, Environment and Growth Among U.S.
  • Semiconductor Ventures.” Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3), 504–529.
  • Brown, Shona L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1995), “Product Development: Past Research, Present Findings, and Future Directions.” Academy of Management Review 20(2), 343–378.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Behnam N. Tabrizi (1995), “Accelerating Adaptive Processes: Product Innovation in the Global Computer Industry.” Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1), 84–110.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1996), “Resource-based View of Strategic Alliance Formation: Strategic and Social Explanations in
  • Entrepreneurial Firms.” Organization Science 7(2), 136–150.
  • Brown, Shona L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1997), “The Art of Continuous Change: Tying Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution to Relentlessly Shifting Organizations.” Administrative Science Quarterly 42(1), 1–37.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Jeffrey A. Martin (2000), “Dynamic Capabilities: What are They.” Strategic Management Journal 21(10–11), 1105–1121.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Donald N. Sull (2001), “Strategy as Simple Rules.” Harvard Business Review 79(1), 107–116.
  • Galunic, D. Charles and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2001), “Architectural Innovation and Modular Corporate Form.” Academy of Management Journal 44(6), 1229–1249.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Melissa E. Graebner (2007), “Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges.” Academy of Management Journal 50(1), 25–32.
  • Rosenberger, Jeff D., Riitta Katila and Kathleen M.Eisenhardt (2008),“Swimming with Sharks: Technology Ventures and Corporate Relationships.” Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2), 295–332.
  • Ozcan, C. Pinar and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2009), “Origin of Alliance Portfolios: Entrepreneurs, Network Strategies, and Firm Performance.” Academy of Management Journal 52(2), 246–279.
  • Santos, Filipe M. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2009), “Constructing Markets and Shaping Boundaries: Entrepreneurial Power in Nascent Fields.” Academy of Management Journal 52(4), 643–671.
  • Davis, Jason P., Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Christopher B. Bingham (2009), “Optimal Structure, Market Dynamism, and the Strategy of Simple Rules.” Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3), 413–452.
  • Martin, Jeffrey A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2010), “Rewiring: Creating Cross-Business Unit Collaborations in Multi-Business Organizations.” Academy of Management Journal 53(2), 265–301.
  • Bingham, Christopher B. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2011), “Rational Heuristics: The ‘Simple Rules’ that Strategists Learn from Process Experiences.” Strategic Management Journal32(13), 1437–1464.
  • Davis, Jason P. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2011), “Rotating Leadership and Collaborative Innovation: Recombination Processes in Symbiotic Relationships.” Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2), 159–201.
  • Hallen, Benjamin L. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2012), “Catalyzing Strategies and Efficient Tie Formation: How Entrepreneurial Firms Obtain Investment Ties.” Academy of Management Journal 55(1), forthcoming.
Book Chapters
  • Schoonhoven, Claudia B. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1993), “Entrepreneurial
  • Environments: Incubator Region Effects on the Birthof New Technology Based Firms.” In Luis R. Gomez-Mejia and Michael W.Lawless, eds., High Technology Venturing, Vol. VIII. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 149–175.
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Claudia B. Schoonhoven (1994), “Triggering Strategic Alliances in Entrepreneurial Firms: The Case of Technology-Sharing
  • Alliances.” In William D. Bygrave, ed., Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 416–429
  • Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. and Filipe M. Santos (2001), “Knowledge-based Viewof the Firm: A New Theory of Strategy?” In Andrew Pettigrew, Howard Thomas and
  • Richard Whittington, eds., Handbook of Strategy and Management. London: Sage, 139–164.
  • Martin, Jeffrey A. and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2004), “Coping with Decline in Dynamic Markets: Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Recombinative Organizational Form.” In Joel A.C. Baum and Anita M. McGahan, eds., Advances in Strategic Management – Business Strategy over the Industry Lifecycle, Vol. 21. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 356–382.


