- 中文名:凝固的史詩:繪畫造型的敘事性重建
- 作者:尚輝
- 出版社: 廣西師範大學出版社
- 出版時間:2023年3月1日
- 頁數:334 頁
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精裝
- ISBN:9787559854261
緒論 .................001
一、重識主題性繪畫的敘事特徵與審美價值 .................012
Reunderstanding Narrative Characteristics and
Aesthetic Values of Thematic Painting
- 經典造型是油畫敘事的藝術生命
Classic Modeling: Artistic Life of Oil Painting Narrative
- 繪畫藝術的戲劇性
The Dramatic Properties of Painting Art
- 繪畫敘事的若干方式
Several Modes of Painting Narrative
- 宏大敘事的場景與人物
Scenes and Characters from Grand Narratives
- 再現的美學品格
Aesthetic Characters of Representation
- 現實主題的另一種表達
Another Expression of Realistic Themes
- 日常與超驗
Ordinary and Transcendental
- 從錯覺到隱喻
From Illusion to Metaphor
- 歷史畫的人文價值與美學品格
Humanistic Values and Aesthetic Characters of Historical Painting
- 像詩人甚至瘋子那樣自由詮釋
To Interpret Freely like a Poet or a Madman
- 歷史畫的時代審美之變
Changes in Aesthetic Principles of Different Eras in Historical Painting
二、重建圖像時代的造型藝術形象 .................122
Reconstructing Images of Plastic Arts in the Image Era
- 有意味的造型
Meaningful Modeling
- 繪畫造型形象的藝術完美性
Artistic Perfection of Images in Painting Modeling
- 手是創造繪畫審美的必要支撐
Hand: Indispensable Foundation for Creating Painting Aesthetics
- 表情的造型
Modeling of Facial Expressions
- 圖像景觀與繪畫群組
Image Landscape and Painting Series Group
- 瞬間對古典的介入
Instantaneity’s Intervention in the Classical Paradigm
- 轉用照片的繪畫
Pictorial Image as an Object Converted from Photograph
- 作為照片附庸的繪畫
Painting’s Subservience to Photography
- 遊走於形象塑造之中的自由表現
Free Expression Wandering in Image-building
- 作為當代繪畫表征的表現性繪畫
Expressive Painting as the Representative of Contemporary Paintings
- 庫爾貝的視覺真實
Courbet's Visual Fidelty
- 博特羅的繪畫趣味
Interestingness of Batero’s Paintings
- 誤讀巴巴
Misunderstanding about Corneliu Baba
三、主題性美術創作的當代重建 .................250
Contemporary Reconstruction of Thematic Artistic Creation
- 詩性與寓意的古典主義
Poetic and Allegorical Classicism
- 國家歷史記憶中的史詩圖像
Historical Images in the Memery of Nation
- 中華文明歷史題材美術創作的宏大敘事與史詩轉換
Grand Narrative and Epic Transformation in Artistic Creation on Chinese
Civilization and History
- 信仰力量的形象詮釋
Visual Interpretation of the Strength of Faith
- 歷史畫是人們歷史記憶的組成部分
Historical Painting as the Composition of People's Historical Memories