


  • 書名:再生水納米線電穿孔消毒技術研究(英文版)
  • 作者:霍正洋
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年11月1日
  • 定價:99 元
  • ISBN:9787302617075


《再生水納米線電穿孔消毒技術研究(英文版)》基於多孔電極內部過濾處理模式開發了納米線電穿孔消毒技術,可利用納米線尖端強電場實現在極低電壓下對再生水中微生物的高效滅活。內容包括:1. 開發內部過濾納米線電穿孔消毒技術,實現低電壓安全消毒;2. 揭示納米線電穿孔消毒技術可抑制滅活細菌復活的重要規律;3. 發現採用高頻交流供電(10E6 Hz)模式可有效延長電極使用壽命。研究工作解決了現有消毒技術效率低、微生物易復活、消毒副產物多等難題,具有重要的理論意義和套用價值。 《再生水納米線電穿孔消毒技術研究(英文版)》可供高等院校環境工程、市政工程、電化學等專業的研究人員使用,也可供相關領域的工程技術人員參考。


Chapter 1Introduction
1.1Research background
1.1.1Significance of wastewater reclamation
and reuse
1.1.2Necessity of wastewater reclamation
and reuse
1.1.3Challenges of the existing disinfection
1.2Electroporation disinfection
1.2.1Electroporation for biomedical application
1.2.2Electroporation for water disinfection
1.3Current research status of novel electroporation
1.3.1Nanowireassisted electroporation for water
1.3.2Current reactor for nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
1.3.3Methods for insitu nanowire fabrication
1.3.4Impact of the nanowire morphology on
electroporation disinfection
1.3.5Nanomaterial strengthening method and electrode
lifetime improvement method
1.3.6Treatment efficiency of nanomaterialenabled
disinfection technology for reclaimed
1.4Research topics to be further investigated
1.5Research objective and content
1.5.1Research objective
1.5.2Research content
1.5.3Research roadmap
Chapter 2Development of nanowiremodified electrodes and investigation
of the microbial inactivation performance
2.1Research background
2.2Experimental materials and methods
2.2.1Experimental reagents
2.2.2CuO nanowiremodified copper foam electrodes
fabrication and disinfection device
2.2.3Characterization of CuO nanowiremodified
copper foam electrodes
2.2.4Microbes and water samples used in
2.2.5Nanowireassisted electroporation for microbial
2.2.6Bacterial storage after nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
2.2.7Free chlorine detection and current detection
during nanowireassisted electroporation
2.2.8Copper ion concentration detection
2.2.9Bacterial morphology analysis
2.2.10Bacterial staining experiments
2.3Fabrication of CuO nanowiremodified copper
foam electrodes
2.4Disinfection efficiency of CuO nanowiremodified copper
foam electrodes
2.4.1Disinfection efficiency of E.coli.
2.4.2Disinfection efficiency of E. faecalis, B.subtilis,
and secondary effluent from municipal wastewater
treatment plants
2.4.3Current fluctuations and free chlorine generation
during the disinfection process
2.5Bacterial inactivation mechanisms of nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
2.5.1Cell morphology analysis
2.5.2Bacterial staining analysis
2.6Bacterial population fluctuations during the storage
process after disinfection
2.6.1Bacterial population fluctuations during the
storage process
2.6.2Structural analysis of bacterial morphology
during storage after lowdosage nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
2.6.3Summary of the tendency of bacterial changes
during storage after disinfection
2.7Summary of this chapter
Chapter 3Effect of the nanowire morphology and electrode structure
on microbial inactivation
3.1Research background
3.2Experimental materials and methods
3.2.1Experimental reagents
3.2.2Preparation of porous electrodes modified with
nanowires of different morphologies
3.2.3Construction of nanowireassisted electroporation
disinfection devices with different electrode
3.2.4Characterization of CuO nanowiremodified
copper foam electrode
3.2.5Microbes and water samples used in
3.2.6Nanowireassisted electroporation for microbial
3.2.7Investigation of the disinfection contribution
of positive and negative electrode and
optimization of the reactor design
3.3Investigation on the effect of CuO nanowire morphology
on bacterial disinfection
3.3.1Factors impacting the morphology of
3.3.2Study on the impact of CuO nanowire
morphology on bacterial disinfection
3.4Investigation on the effect of electrode structure on
bacterial disinfection
3.4.1Investigation of the effect of electrode pore
size on bacterial disinfection
3.4.2Investigation of the effect of electrode thickness
on bacterial disinfection
3.5Investigation on the effect of electrode arrangement
on bacterial disinfection
3.5.1Contribution of positive and negative electrodes
to microbial inactivation during nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
3.5.2Reactor optimization to enhance electroporation
disinfection efficiency
3.6Summary of this chapter
Chapter 4Fabrication of highdurability nanowiremodified electrodes
and investigation of their microbial
disinfection performance
4.1Research background
4.2Experimental materials and methods
4.2.1Experimental reagents
4.2.2Fabrication of Cu3P nanowiremodified copper
foam electrode
4.2.3Construction of nanowireassisted electroporation
disinfection devices
4.2.4Characterization and elemental analysis
nanowiremodified electrode
4.2.5Microbes and water samples used in
4.2.6Cu3P nanowireassisted electroporation for
microbial disinfection
4.2.7Analysis of microbial inactivation
4.2.8Analysis of the disinfection efficiency using
nanowiremodified electrodes for
longterm operation
4.2.9Analysis of the loss mechanism of electrode
during longterm operation
4.3Fabrication and characterization of Cu3P
nanowiremodified electrodes
4.3.1Fabrication of Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.3.2Characterization of Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.4Disinfection efficiency and mechanism of nanowire
assisted electroporation using Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.4.1Disinfection efficiency of nanowireassisted
electroporation using Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.4.2Disinfection mechanisms of nanowireassisted
electroporation using Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.5Longterm disinfection performance and electrode
loss mechanism
4.5.1Longterm disinfection performance of Cu3P
nanowiremodified electrodes
4.5.2Electrode loss phenomenon during the
longterm operation
4.5.3Loss mechanism of Cu3P nanowiremodified
4.6Summary of this chapter
Chapter 5Surface coating on nanowiremodified electrode
lifetime enhancement
5.1Research background
5.2Experimental materials and methods
5.2.1Experimental reagents
5.2.2Fabrication of polydopamine (PDA)coated
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.2.3Characterization of PDAcoated nanowire
modified electrodes
5.2.4Disinfection device construction using PDA
coated nanowiremodified electrodes
5.2.5Microbes and water samples used
in experiments
5.2.6Electroporation disinfection for microbes using
PDAcoated nanowiremodified electrodes
5.2.7Analysis of the disinfection efficiency
using nanowiremodified electrodes for long
term operation
5.2.8Analysis of the loss mechanism of electrode
during longterm operation
5.3Fabrication of PDAcoated nanowiremodified
5.3.1Fabrication of PDAcoated CuO
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.3.2Characterization of PDAcoated CuO
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.3.3Fabrication of PDAcoated Cu3P
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.3.4Characterization of PDAcoated Cu3P
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.4Electroporation disinfection efficiency of PDAcoated
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.4.1Disinfection efficiency of PDAcoated
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.4.2Analysis of the disinfection mechanism of
PDAcoated nanowiremodified electrodes
5.5Longterm disinfection performance and loss mechanism
of PDAcoated nanowiremodified electrodes
5.5.1Longterm disinfection performance of PDA
coated nanowiremodified electrodes
5.5.2PDAcoated nanowiremodified electrode loss
5.5.3Analysis of the loss mechanism of PDAcoated
nanowiremodified electrodes
5.6Summary of this chapter
Chapter 6Altering current driven nanowireassisted electroporation
disinfection with the enhanced electrode life
6.1Research background
6.2Experimental materials and methods
6.2.1Experimental reagents
6.2.2Fabrication of PDAcoated nanowiremodified
6.2.3Disinfection device construction using
PDAcoated nanowiremodified
6.2.4Microbes and water samples used in
6.2.5Electroporation disinfection for microbes
using PDAcoated nanowiremodified
6.2.6Analysis of the disinfection efficiency using
nanowiremodified electrodes for longterm
6.2.7Analysis of the loss mechanism of electrode
during longterm operation
6.3Analysis of the disinfection efficiency of nanowire
assisted electroporation driven by a highfrequency AC
power supply
6.4Longterm disinfection efficiency and loss mechanism of
nanowireassisted electroporation powered by
highfrequency AC
6.4.1Highfrequency ACpowered nanowireassisted
electroporation for longterm disinfection
6.4.2Analysis of electrode loss in longterm operation
when powered by highfrequency AC
6.5Summary of this chapter
Chapter 7Nanowireassisted electroporation disinfection
for reclaimed water
7.1Research background
7.2Experimental materials and methods
7.2.1Experimental reagents
7.2.2Fabrication of nanowiremodified electrodes
7.2.3Disinfection device construction using
nanowiremodified electrodes
7.2.4Microbes and water samples used in
7.2.5Electroporation disinfection for
reclaimed water
7.3Effect of typical reclaimed water quality on
nanowireassisted electroporation disinfection
7.3.1Effect of inorganic water parameters on the
efficiency of DCpowered nanowireassisted
electroporation disinfection
7.3.2Effect of inorganic water parameters
on the efficiency of ACpowered nanowire
assisted electroporation disinfection
7.3.3Effect of organic matter on the disinfection
efficiency of DCpowered nanowireassisted
7.3.4Effect of organic matter on the disinfection
efficiency of ACpowered nanowireassisted
7.4Disinfection performance of nanowireassisted
electroporation on reclaimed water
7.4.1Disinfection performance of nanowireassisted
electroporation for secondary effluent from
wastewater reclamation treatment plants
7.4.2Disinfection performance of nanowireassisted
electroporation for the receiving water bodies of
reclaimed water
7.5Summary of this chapter
Chapter 8Conclusions and perspectives


