



  • 中文名:共同夢想第3輯
  • 作者:編者:商務部研究院|責編:文芳|譯者:姜曉寧//徐汀汀//王琴//嚴晶//王瑋等
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 頁數:250 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787119125350


 The anaent Silk Road that spanned a mil-lennium and 10,000 miles was revived in this century as the Belt and Road Initiative.As a global cooperation program, it is boosting modernization and stable development in distant corners of the world.We want to share the stories of this coop-eration with our readers.They are a united response to the call of the times for a global community of shared future.


The Nam Ou River Cascade Hydropower Project: Epitome of China-Laos Friendship
YASREF: A Rising Energy Star from Saudi Arabia
The Arctic's Energy Pearl
RILAK Mineral Paints Add Luster to Latvia's Global Image
A Better Life in the Heart of the South Pacific
Kribi Deepwater Port Helps Cameroon Take Off
China and Malaysia: Twin Industrial Parks, Common
A Dream Road in the Republic of the Congo
Italy: Life on Cloud
The Most Beautiful Jamaica North-South Highway
"Exorcists on the Moon Islands"
Vietnam: LJIP Vitalizes the Sleepy Town
Chinese Manufacturing in the Rainbow Nation
The Steel Caravan on the New Silk Road
Intelligent Manufacturing Makes Life Better
San Juan de Marcona: From a Small Fishing Town to a Modern
Coastal City
Making Electric Waves in the Egyptian Desert
New Life by an Old Oilfield
The Canton Fair: Seizing the Silver Lining in the Cloud
Brothers Committed to Mutual Assistance
A fterword


