八下 Unit8 A green world (Reading I)

八下 Unit8 A green world (Reading I)

《八下 Unit8 A green world (Reading I)》是車邏中學提供的微課課程,主講教師為薛志倩。


  • 中文名:八下 Unit8 A green world (Reading I)
  • 提供學校:車邏中學
  • 主講教師:薛志倩
  • 類別:微課




Step 1 Before-reading 1. Free talk T: What do you think of when we talk about Switzerland? Why do we call Switzerland “Green Switzerland”? T: According to the study of Yale University, Switzerland is the second greenest country in the world. 【設計意圖:利用直觀的圖片提高學生的學習熱情,導入新課並對標題進行闡述,幫助學生更好地理解課文。】 2. Prediction T: What is the article about? 【設計意圖:猜測文章大意,然後在學習文章時驗證自己的猜測,可以增加學生學習課文的興趣,同時了解新的學習策略。】 Step 2 While-reading 1. Skim T: Skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1: Switzerland is a beautiful country Para 2: People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution. Para 3: The government has laws to protect the environment. Para 4: People are starting to use new energy. Para 5: Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment. T: Work out the structure of the article. Part 1 ( Para 1 ): description of green Switzerland Part 2 ( Paras 2—4): the ways of make the country green Part 3 ( Para 5 ): hope 【設計意圖:通過略讀的閱讀技能,培養學生獲取文章大意的能力,對上一環節的猜測進行驗證。小組討論文章的結構,增強學生的篇章整體意識。對上一環節的猜測進行驗證,讀前預測可以激發學生閱讀的興趣。】 2. Scanning T: Scan Paras 2—4 to find the three methods to keep Switzerland green. Present more ways that the Swiss use to keep their country green. 【設計意圖:培養學生通過找主題句來確定主旨大意的閱讀技能。訓練學生的scanning閱讀技能,培養學生的成就感,並順勢拓展學生的課外知識,讓學生了解更多的環保措施。】 3. Careful reading Para 1 T: Read the first paragraph and have a discussion: (1) What’s the usage of the sentence “we should try to keep it that way”? (This is a lead-in sentence.) (2) What does “that way” mean? 【設計意圖:通過細讀,讓學生深刻體會瑞士的美,引導學生找到啟下的句子,更好地理解課文。】 Para 2 T: Read Para 2 carefully and find the detailed information. Underline the useful words and expressions. (1) What can be recycled in Switzerland? (2) How can we recycle old clothes? T: Can you guess the meaning of “recycle” and “separate”? T: Why do they recycle old things? 【設計意圖: 理解文章具體信息,訓練學生利用指示詞去找具體信息的能力,以及在具體語境中猜詞詞義的能力,鼓勵學生自己發現循環利用的意義,培養思考的習慣。】 Para 3 T: Read Para 3 carefully and answer the following questions. (1) How does the government protect environment with strict laws? (2) Are there any laws to protect air and water? Para 4 T: Think about the questions after listening Para 5 T: 5 June is World Environment Day. Let’s work together to make a difference. Work in pairs and discuss what we can do to help. 【設計意圖: 對學生進行思想情感教育並升華為自我的行為,號召他們努力為環保做出貢獻。】 Step 3 Post-reading Summary: T: We have learned a lot about green Switzerland. How do the Swiss keep their country green? 【設計意圖: 利用思維導圖幫助學生整體了解文章,樹立篇章概念。】 Homework 1. Find more information about green Switzerland and share the information with the class. 2. Read the article after the tape.

