《全球蛋史》是中國農業大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是[英]Diane Toops
- ISBN:9787565522086
- 作者:[英]Diane Toops
- 出版社:中國農業大學出版社
- 出版時間:2019年6月
- 定價:98.00元
- 裝幀:平裝
- 原作品:Eggs: A Global History
前言/序言 全球蛋史作為國際上出版的食品專著系列叢書之一,是一部圍繞蛋的專業性很強的著作:內容豐富全面,涉及蛋的歷史,包括雞何時被馴化、中國馴養家禽的歷史淵源、現代蛋雞產業如何發展壯大等;是一部介紹蛋的文化巨著,介紹了世界各地雞蛋的吃法和習俗,如何用蛋加工成藝術品;又是一部食品和烹調的專著,介紹了雞蛋的營養功能,國際上對雞蛋膽固醇產生誤解的來龍去脈以及世界各大名廚如何用雞和蛋做成人間佳肴的故事和實用食譜。該書還是一部很好的科普讀物,回答了到底是先有雞還是先有蛋、雞蛋為什麼捏不碎的原因、如何煮雞蛋等問題。書中介紹的各種創新思維令你腦洞大開。此外,該書還涉及哲學:認為世界萬物起源於一枚蛋,世界上沒有比蛋更完美的東西;蛋創造了歷史,還可以創造未來。 袁建敏 2019 年1 月 Description: Which came first, the chick...(展開全部) 前言/序言 全球蛋史作為國際上出版的食品專著系列叢書之一,是一部圍繞蛋的專業性很強的著作:內容豐富全面,涉及蛋的歷史,包括雞何時被馴化、中國馴養家禽的歷史淵源、現代蛋雞產業如何發展壯大等;是一部介紹蛋的文化巨著,介紹了世界各地雞蛋的吃法和習俗,如何用蛋加工成藝術品;又是一部食品和烹調的專著,介紹了雞蛋的營養功能,國際上對雞蛋膽固醇產生誤解的來龍去脈以及世界各大名廚如何用雞和蛋做成人間佳肴的故事和實用食譜。該書還是一部很好的科普讀物,回答了到底是先有雞還是先有蛋、雞蛋為什麼捏不碎的原因、如何煮雞蛋等問題。書中介紹的各種創新思維令你腦洞大開。此外,該書還涉及哲學:認為世界萬物起源於一枚蛋,世界上沒有比蛋更完美的東西;蛋創造了歷史,還可以創造未來。 袁建敏 2019 年1 月 Description: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In Hindu scripture, the world began as an egg. Laid by a swan floating on the waters of chaos, after a year the egg split into silver and gold halves, with the silver becoming the earth and the gold transforming into the sky. Throughout history, the egg has taken on numerous meanings outside of the famous philosophical dilemma: it was used for curing the evil eye by the Mayans, as protection against lightning in Greece, and to signify rebirth in Christian tradition. In Eggs, Diane Toops offers a fascinating tour of egg history and lore, looking at how its significance has represented the preoccupations of the cultures that consume it. After explaining the many varieties of eggs and the places that favor them, Toops sketches a history of its uses from its origins until the present day, when it has become an integral part of modern cuisine. She explores how eggs are today marketed as a health food and discusses the debates over their nutritional status. Filled with appetizing recipes and beguiling images, this protein-packed book will enthrall anyone with an interest in cuisine or cultural history.