


  • 書名:儀器分析(中英對照版)
  • 作者:夏德強、於嬌嬌
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年11月
  • ISBN:9787122417770




Chapter 1 Introduction 001
Section 1 Classification of Analytical Methods 001
Section 2 Types of Instrumental Methods 007
Section 3 Instruments for Analysis 012
Chapter 2 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometry 023
Section 1 Introduction 023
Section 2 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 030
Section 3 Selection of Instrument Measuring Conditions 038
Section 4 Quantitative Analytical Methods of UV-Vis Spectrophotometry 041
Chapter 3 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry 051
Section 1 Principle of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry 051
Section 2 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer 058
Section 3 Selection of Instrument Measuring Conditions 066
Section 4 Quantitative Analytical Methods of AAS 070
Chapter 4 Electrochemical Methods of Analysis 080
Section 1 Type of Electrochemical Method and Potentiometry 080
Section 2 Types of Potentiometric Electrodes 088
Section 3 Application of Potentiometric Methods 102
Section 4 Coulometric Methods of Analysis 110
Chapter 5 Gas Chromatography 125
Section 1 An Introduction to Chromatography 125
Section 2 Elution Profile (Chromatogram) and Terminology 131
Section 3 Fundamental Theory of Chromatography 137
Section 4 Gas Chromatography 149
Section 5 Chromatographic Detectors 158
Chapter 6 High Performance Liquid Chromatography 172
Section 1 Introduction on HPLC 172
Section 2 High Performance Liquid Chromatograph 176
Section 3 Detectors for HPLC 184
Chapter 7 Analysis of Petroleum Products 199
Section 1 Introduction 199
Section 2 Determination of Basic Physiochemical Properties of Petroleum Products 200
Section 3 Determination of Evaporation of Petroleum Products 208
Section 4 Determination of Cryogenic Flowability of Petroleum Products 212
Section 5 Determination of Combustion Properties of Petroleum Products 214
Section 6 Determination of Corrosive Properties of Petroleum Products 216
Section 7 Determination of Stability of Petroleum Products 219
Section 8 Determination of Impurities in Petroleum Products 221
Reference 227


