To McQueen(傾慕者的幻想)

To McQueen


《To McQueen》是尚雯婕演唱的歌曲,由尚雯婕創作詞曲,收錄於尚雯婕2011年發行的音樂專輯《in》。



  • 中文名稱:傾慕者的幻想
  • 外文名稱:To McQueen
  • 所屬專輯:in
  • 發行時間:2011年8月25日
  • 歌曲原唱:尚雯婕
  • 填詞:尚雯婕
  • 譜曲:尚雯婕
  • 編曲:Daniel Merlot
  • 音樂風格:電子
  • MV導演:陳映之
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 單曲製作人:Daniel Merlot


《To McQueen》是一首為致敬Alexander McQueen而創作的歌曲,由尚雯婕親自創作詞曲。該曲的編曲及製作部分,邀請到歐美製作人Daniel Merlot及其團隊操刀。Daniel Merlot在聽到尚雯婕的該曲創作後,多次表達了對其音樂的欣賞和興趣,因此答應操刀該曲。


Hello Alexander McQueen
I love you so
I read your blog on my phone
I searched your name on google
Only to check on your videos
You love me so
At least I think so
But why every time
I've met you
It's only Nice to meet you
My world is tumbling tumbling
It's tumbling down
You're like a drug to me
It's so sweet
I can't live without
I try to get myself get myself
Get myself out
I've got a heart ache every night
And I cannot sleep
You're in my bones in my blood
You eat my everything up
You make me cry you make me lie
You make me act like a child
I need your heels to survive
And I know it's so sick
Now I start hating myself
So you can be happy now
I'm gonna try I'm gonna fight
Till I find out the reason why
You always go you always come
Although you'll never be mine
The sun is shining in the sky
But why I just wanna cry
Oh I just need some more peace
Why it is faking so hard
My world is tumbling tumbling
It's tumbling down
You're like a drug to me
It's so sweet
I can't live without
I try to get myself get myself
Get myself out
Now that you're gone
I want to beat myself up
My world is tumbling tumbling
It's tumbling down
You're like a drug to me
It's so sweet
I can't live without
I try to get myself get myself
Get myself out
Now that you're gone
I want to beat myself up
I'm in love
I'm in love
You know
I'm in love
I'm in love
You know
I'm in love
I'm in love
You know
I'm in love
I'm in love
You know
I'm in love
I'm in love
You know
I'm in love
You make me wanna scream
Look at me 1 2 3 4
I am your king
Look at me 1 2 3 4
You are McQueen
Look at me 1 2 3 4
I am your king
Look at me 1 2 3 4
You are my queen
My world is tumbling tumbling
It's tumbling down
You're like a drug to me
It's so sweet
I can't live without
I try to get myself
Get myself get myself out
Now that you're gone
I want to beat myself up
My world is tumbling tumbling
It's tumbling down
You're like a drug to me
It's so sweet
I can't live without
I try to get myself
Get myself get myself out
Now that you're gone
I want to beat myself up


《To McQueen》中,加入的歐洲復古電子Vintage音色,與尚雯婕性感魅惑的嗓音相互交錯,使整首歌充滿無與倫比的貴族氣質。該曲中,畫面感十足的詞、賞心悅耳的曲及扣人心弦的鼓點令全身的細胞都想隨之舞動,每個音符都散發著電子舞曲的魅力。歌詞部分,尚雯婕通過對場景的刻畫,表達出對於偶像Alexander McQueen的崇拜之愛。


《To McQueen》MV由導演陳映之操刀拍攝。MV中,由一隻老虎與尚雯婕對戲。拍攝當天,導演提出讓尚雯婕與老虎關在同一籠中拍攝的腳本創意。陳映之選擇用紙板幻影的拍攝方式,將猛虎與尚雯婕苦練多時的瀟灑舞姿結合。為契合歌曲向時尚致敬的主題,造型團隊為尚雯婕打造了McQueen式的塑型妝容,以及鬼魅桃心大眼妝,搭配透視披肩斗篷,展現出尚雯婕性感柔軟又狂野神秘的氣質。
To McQueen(傾慕者的幻想)


《To McQueen》




