偉大密碼(法語:Grand Chiffre)是一種由羅西諾爾家族創建的命名密碼,該家族使用此密碼為法國皇室服務了幾個世代。
- 中文名:偉大密碼
- 外文名:Grand Chiffre
- 創建者:羅西諾爾家族
- 屬性:命名密碼
- 學科:密碼學
- 領域:密碼學
- His Majesty knows better than any other person the consequences of this act, and he is also aware of how deeply our failure to take the place will prejudice our cause, a failure which must be repaired during the winter. His Majesty desires that you immediately arrest General Bulonde and cause him to be conducted to the fortress of Pignerole, where he will be locked in a cell under guard at night, and permitted to walk the battlement during the day with a 330 309.
- 陛下比別人更清楚該行動的後果,他也清楚我們如果不能攻取這個地方對我們的事業有多么大的損害,整個冬季我們都將為之補救。陛下想要你立即逮捕布隆德,將他發往皮內羅洛城堡,他將在那裡晚上在護衛看護下關在牢房裡,白天被允許到城牆上走走,帶著一個330 309。