


  • 中文名:侯居峙
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,1998年9月-2003年7月,博士
  • 主要成就:2008年,美國國家海洋科學加速器質譜中心和Woods Hole海洋研究所,研究實習獎金
基本信息,簡歷,研究方向,學 歷,獲獎及榮譽,代表論著,學術報告,


姓 名:   侯居峙
性 別:   男
職 稱:   研究員
專家類別: 研究員
通訊地址:   北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院3號樓


華盛頓大學,氣候變化項目與海洋學院(Program on Climate Change and School of Oceanography, University of Washington),2009年1月-2009年10月,博士後Fellowship
德國Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study, 2009年8-9月, HWK Fellow 訪問學者
加州理工學院,能源與環境研究中心(Power, Energy and Environment Research Center, California Institute of Technology),2008年8月-2008年12月,博士後
美國國家海洋科學加速器質譜中心與Woods Hole海洋研究所(National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility, Woods Holes Oceanographic Institution),2008年1-7月,研究助理
布朗大學地質科學系(Department of Geological Science, Brown University),2003年9月-2008年7月,研究助理



學 歷



2009年,德國 Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) Institute for Advanced Study,HWK Fellowship (www.h-w-k.de)
2009年,德國ISOCOMPOUND 2009, Young Investigator Awards (www.isocompound2009.org)
2009年,華盛頓大學氣候變化研究項目博士後研究基金,UWPCC Postdoctoral Fellowship (www.uwpcc.washinton.edu)
2008年,美國國家海洋科學加速器質譜中心和Woods Hole海洋研究所,研究實習獎金(Graduate Internship, www.nosams.whoi.edu)
2003年,布朗大學,研究生獎學金(University Fellowship)


Hou, J., D'Andrea, W.J., and Huang, Y., 2008. Can sedimentary leaf waxes record D/H ratios of continental precipitation? Field, model and experimental assessments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Hou, J., Huang, Y., Oswald, W.W., Foster, D.R., and Shuman, B., 2007. Centennial-scale compound-specific hydrogen isotope record of Pleistocene - Holocene climate transition from southern New England. Geophysical Research Letters
Hou, J., D'Andrea, W. J., Macdonald, D., and Huang, Y., 2007. Evidence for water use efficiency as an important factor in determining the δD values of tree leaf waxes. Organic Geochemistry
Hou, J., D'Andrea, W. J., Macdonald, D., and Huang, Y., 2007. Hydrogen isotopic variability in leaf waxes among terrestrial and aquatic plants around Blood Pond, Massachusetts (USA). Organic Geochemistry
Lindbladh, M., Oswald, W. W., Foster, D. R., Faison, E., Hou, J., and Huang, Y., 2007. A late-glacial transition from Picea glauca to Picea Mariana in southern New England. Quaternary Research
Hou, J., Huang, Y., Wang, Y., Shuman, B., Oswald, W. W., Faison, E., and Foster, D. R., 2006. Postglacial climate reconstruction based on compound-specific D/H ratios of fatty acids from Blood Pond, New England. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
蔡炳貴,程海,侯居峙,劉宏,王國安,劉東生, 2005. 雲南石林地區土壤侵蝕的石筍記錄與現代觀測。第四紀研究
Tan, M., Hou, J. and Liu, T.S., 2004. Sun-coupled climate connection between eastern Asia and northern Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters
Hou, J. and Tan, M., 2003. Image characteristics of annual layers in very young Chinese stalagmites. Supplementi di Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
Hou, J., Tan, M., Liu, T. S. and Cheng, H., 2003. Stable isotope records of plant cover change and monsoon variation in the past 2200 years: evidence from laminated stalagmites. Boreas
Tan, M., Liu, T.S., Hou, J., Qin, X., Zhang, H., and Li, T., 2003. Cyclic rapid warming on centennial-scale revealed by a 2650-year stalagmite record of warm season temperature. Geophysical Research Letters
Hou, J., Tan, M., Liu, T.S., 2002. Counting chronology and climate records with about 1000 annual layers of a Holocene stalagmite from the Water Cave in Liaoning, China. Science in China
譚明,侯居峙,程海,2002. 定量重建氣候歷史的石筍年層方法。第四紀研究
侯居峙,譚明,程海,劉東生,2001. 本溪水洞石筍微層年代學初步研究。中國科學
侯居峙. 石筍年層的影像特徵。第四紀研究
譚明,程海, Edwards, R.L., 侯居峙,劉東生, 2000. 甚年輕石筍的TIMS-230Th定年及其年層確定. 第四紀研究


Hou, J., Exceptional sensitivity of New England climate to abrupt changes in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the early Holocene. American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, 2009.
Hou, J., Paleohydrology reconstruction from lake sediment cores using multiple biogeochemical proxies. IsoCompound 2009 meeting, Potsdam, Germany. 2009.
Huang, Y. and Hou, J. Impact of AMOC and solar variability on the abrupt climate changes during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene: ultra-high resolution H isotopic records from New England lake sediments. Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany, Feb 2009.
Huang, Y. and Hou, J. Organic biomarkers in Qinghai Tibetan Plateau as proxies for paleoclimate reconstructions: modern calibration and case studies. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germnay, Feb 2009.
Huang, Y. and Hou, J. Impact of AMOC and solar variability on the abrupt climate changes during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene: ultra-high resolution H isotopic records from New England lake sediments. University of Bremen, Germany, Feb 2009.
Huang, Y. and Hou, J. Paleohydrological reconstruction using biomarker H isotopic ratios from East African lakes. University of Potsdam, Germany, March 2009.
Hou, J., Reconstructing past continental climate using D/H ratios of biomarkers from lake sediments. University of Washington, Jun 2008.
Hou, J., Reconstructing D/H Ratios of Past Continental Precipitation from Lake Sediments: Method validation and high-resolution records. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, Jun 2007.
Hou, J., Huang, Y., Shuman, B.N., Oswald, W.W. and Foster, D.R. An abrupt and prominent climatic reversal at 9.2 ka in the northeastern North America (PP21C-1445). Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2008.
Huang, Y. and Hou, J. Solar Activity Induced Pronounced Temperature Oscillations During the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene in the Northeastern North America. Oral presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Gao, L., Littlejohn, S., Hou, J., Toney, J. and Huang, Y. Chain-Length Distribution and Hydrogen Isotopic Fraction of n-alkyl Lipids in Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions (PP51C-1522). Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2008.
Hou, J., Russell, J.M., Huang, Y., Penetration of Atlantic Walker circulation into easternmost Africa during Early-mid Holocene: Hydrogen isotopic evidence from Sacred Lake. Oral presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Majumdar, S., Feng, X., Hou, J., Faiia A.M., Huang, Y., Relationship between Leaf Water and Leaf Waxes in Growing Pine Needles. Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007.
Hou, J., D’Andrea, W.D., Toney, J., Huang, Y., Factor controlling hydrogen isotope ratios of sedimentary leaf waxes: Implications for interpreting δD records of paleoclimate (PP41A-1178). Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2006.
Hou, J., Parsons, L., Huang, Y., Shuman, B., Donnelly, J., High resolution hydrogen isotope records of climate change during the early Holocene from two adjacent lakes in northeastern North America (PP43A-1227). Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2006.
Toney, J., Hou, J., Huang, Y., H-isotope fractionation during biosynthesis of leaf waxes in C3 plants: trees vs. grasses (PP41A-1177). Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2006.
Hou, J., Huang, Y., Shuman, B., Oswald, W.W., Faison, E., Foster, D.R., Postglacial climate reconstruction based on D/H ratios of fatty acids from Blood Pond, New England. Oral presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2005.
Hou, J., Huang, Y., Tan, M., Edwards, R.L., Smith, E., Carbon isotopic ratios of lignin moieties in stalagmites as a novel indicator of past C3/C4 plant variation Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2004.
Hou, J., Tan, M., Liu, T.S., Layer chronology of stalagmite from northeast China. Oral presentation at The 5th International Conference on Geomorphology, Tokyo, 2001.
Hou, J., Tan, M., Liu, T. S. and Cheng, H., Stable isotope records of plant cover change and monsoon variation in the past 2200 years: evidence from laminated stalagmites. Oral presentation at The 5th International Conference on Geomorphology, Tokyo, 2001.
Hou, J., Tan, M., Optical characteristics of speleothem micro-bands and their climatic implications. Oral presentation at Annual of High-resolution Committee in Chinese Association of Quaternary Research, Guangzhou, 2001.


