

《來自火星的啟示》是人民教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是Richard Ganthony


  • 中文名:來自火星的啟示
  • 作者:Richard Ganthony
  • 出版時間:1981年7月
  • 出版社:人民教育出版社
  • 頁數:104 頁
  • 定價:0.30 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 原作品:A Message from Mars
  • 書號:70120448 
本書選自英國出版的簡易讀物,為一部三幕科幻喜劇,劇情曲折,引人入勝。語言淺顯流暢,有助於培養口語能力。適合高中一年級學生及同等程度讀者閱讀。 Richard Ganthony born Liverpool, England: 11 September 1856 died Richmond, Surrey: 29 April 1924 (1856-1924) UK playwright and author o f the science fiction play, A Message from Mars: A Fantastic Comedy in Three Acts (performed 1899), which was first published in novelized form as A Message from Mars: A Story Founded on the Popular Play by Richard Ganthony (1912) by Lester Lur...(展開全部) Richard Ganthony born Liverpool, England: 11 September 1856 died Richmond, Surrey: 29 April 1924 (1856-1924) UK playwright and author o f the science fiction play, A Message from Mars: A Fantastic Comedy in Three Acts (performed 1899), which was first published in novelized form as A Message from Mars: A Story Founded on the Popular Play by Richard Ganthony (1912) by Lester Lurgan, and in something like its original form as A Message from Mars: A Fantastic Comedy in Three Acts (1923 chap), which was a revision of the original script. It was filmed twice, both times as A Message from Mars (1913 and 1921), the first version being presented in synopsis form as Mr Charles Hawtrey in a Cinematograph Version of A Message from Mars (1912 chap), as adapted by J Wallett Waller. The story is a kind of reenactment of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol (1843), the Scrooge character, in this case a mildly dissipated young gentleman, being subjected to visits from a superior being from Mars, who demonstrates to him various marvels as they walk through London. In the end, he awakens transformed from this vision.


