《作為保健分析師的人們》是John Wiley & Sons Inc出版圖書
- 作者:Normann, Richard (EDT)/ Arvidsson, Niklas (EDT)
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc
- 出版時間:2006年12月
- 頁數:220 頁
- 定價:650.43 元
- 裝幀:HRD
- ISBN:9780470017784
The healthcare sector is undergoing strong expansion worldwide, as the focus changes from 'treating illness' to 'promoting wellness' and those able and willing to pay for their health make up for the shortcomings of national systems. How things evolve will depend on whether the national systems reinvent themselves around a new model of customer value, or fail to change and become obsolete. Global in scope and insightful in its conclusions, "People as Care Catalysts" sets out an agenda for how things could develop in the new 'healthcare economy'.