1998--2001 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Civil Engineering, Ph.D.
2013/01-03澳大利亞,Queensland University of Technology, Visiting Fellow
2004--2006 香港,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dept of Civil & Structural Engineering, PostdoctoralFellow
2001--2002 香港,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dept of Civil & Structural Engineering, Research Associate
1998/05-08德國,University of Kassel, Visiting Scholar
1997--1998 香港,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dept of Civil& Structural Engineering, Research Asssistant
3.Members for ASCE, ISHMII, IABMAS & ISWIM,中國振動工程學會理事、中國振動工程學會模態分析與試驗分會常務理事、中國儀器儀表學會設備結構健康監測與預警分會常務理事、中國水力發電工程學會抗震防災分會理事、廣東省力學學會理事
4. Structural Durability & Health Monitoring、振動工程學報、振動與衝擊等期刊編委;國際和國內多種重要學術期刊審稿人
1. Pan C.D. andYu L.*(2019). Sparse regularization‑based damage detection in a bridge subjected
to unknown moving forces.Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 9(3): 425-438,
2. PanC.D. Liu H.L. andYu L.*(2019). A sparse self-estimated sensor-network for reconstructingmoving vehicle forces.Smart Materials and Structures, 28(8): 085009.
3.. Yue Z.G., Chen Z.P. andYu L.*(2019). Comparative studies on structural damage detection using Lp norm regularisation,Int. J. Lifecycle Performance Engineering,3(2): 171–186.
4. Pan C.D. andYu L.*(2019). Identification of external forces via truncated response sparse decomposition under unknown initial conditions,Advances in Structural Engineering, First Published June 28 2019.
5. Chen Z., Chan T.H.T., Nguyen A. andYu L.(2019). Identification of vehicle axle loads from bridge responses using preconditioned least square QR-factorization algorithm.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 128: 479-496.
6. ChenC.B., Pan C.D., Chen Z.P. andYu L.*(2019). Structural damage detection via combining weighted strategy with trace Lasso.Advances in Structural Engineering, 22(3): 597-612.
7. ZhongJ.W., Liu H.L. andYu L.*(2019). Sparse regularization for traffic load monitoring using bridge response measurements.Measurement, 131(2019): 173-182.
8. Chen Z.P., Pan C.D. andYu L.*(2018). Structural damage detection via adaptive dictionary learning and sparse representation of measured acceleration responses.Measurement, 128(2018): 377-387.
9. Chen Z.P. andYu L.*(2018). A new structural damage detection strategy of Hybrid PSO with Monte Carlo simulations and experimental verifications.Measurement, 122(2018): 658-669.
10. Pan C.D.,Yu L.*,Liu H.L., Chen Z.P. and Luo W.F. (2018). Moving force identification based on redundant concatenated dictionary and weightedl1-norm regularization.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 98: 32-49.
11. Pan C.D.,Yu L.*and Liu H.L. (2017). Identification of moving vehicle forces on bridge structures via moving average Tikhonov regularization.Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (8): 085041.
12. Chen Z.P. andYu L.*(2017). A novel PSO-based algorithm for structural damage detection using Bayesian multi-sample objective function.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 63(6): 825-835.
13.Yu L.*and Zhu J.H. (2017). Structural damage prognosis on truss bridges with end connector bolts.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 134(3), B4016002.
14.Yu L.*and Lin J.C. (2017). Cloud computing-based time series analysis for structural damage detection.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 134(1), C4015002.
15. Pan C.D.,Yu L.*, Chen Z.P., Luo W.F. and Liu H.L. (2016). A hybrid self-adaptive Firefly-Nelder-Mead algorithm for structural damage detection.Smart Structures and Systems, 17(6): 957-980.
16.Yu L.*and Zhu J.H. (2015).Nonlinear damage detection using higher statistical moments of structural responses.Structural Engineering and Mechanics,54(2): 221-237.
17.Jia H.K.,Yu L.*and Wu G.Y. (2014). Damage assessment of two-way bending RC slabs subjected to blast loadings.The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014, Article ID 718702, 12 papers.
18.Yu L.*and Li C. (2014). A global artificial fish swarm algorithm for structural damage detection.Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(3): 331-346.
19. Chen L.J. andYu L.*(2013). Structural nonlinear damage identification algorithm based on time series ARMA/GARCH model.Advances in Structural Engineering, 16(9): 1597-1609
20.Yu L.*, Zhu J.H. and Yu L.L. (2013). Structural damage detection in a truss bridge model using fuzzy clustering and measured FRF data reduced by principal component projection.Advances in Structural Engineering, 16(1): 207-217.
21. Zhu J.H.,Yu L.*and Yu L.L. (2012). An eigenspace projection clustering method for structural damage detection.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 44(2): 179-196.
22.Yu L.*and Xu P. (2011). Structural health monitoring based on continuous ACO method,Microelectronics Reliability, 51(2): 270-278.
23.Yu L.and Yin T. (2010). Damage identification in frame structures based on FE model updating.Journal of Vibration and Acoustics -Transactions of the ASME,132(5):0510071-05100713.
24.Yu L., Chan T.H.T. and Zhu J.H. (2008). A MOM-based algorithm for moving force identification: part I – theory and numerical simulation.Structural Engineering and Mechanics.29(2): 135-154.
25.Yu L., Chan T.H.T. and Zhu J.H. (2008). A MOM-based algorithm for moving force identification: part II – experiments and comparative studies.Structural Engineering and Mechanics,29(2): 155-169.
26. Yin T., Zhu H.P. andYu L.(2007).Noise analysis for sensitivity-based structural damage detection.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 28(6): 741-750.
27.Yu L.and Chan T.H.T. (2007). Recent research on identification of moving loads on bridges.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 305(1-2): 3-21.
28. Ashebo D.B., Chan T.H.T. andYu L.(2007). Evaluation of dynamic load on skew box girder continuous bridge part I: field test and modal analysis.Engineering Structures,29(6): 1052-1063.
29. Ashebo D.B., Chan T.H.T. andYu L.(2007). Evaluation of dynamic load on skew box girder continuous bridge part II: parametric study and dynamic load factor.Engineering Structures,29(6): 1064-1073.
30. Chan T.H.T.,Yu L., Tam H.Y., Ni Y.Q., Liu S.Y., Chung W.H. and Cheng L.K. (2006).Fiber Bragg grating sensors for structural health monitoring of Tsing Ma bridge: background and experimental observation,Engineering Structures, 28(5): 648-659.
31.Yu L.and Chan T.H.T. (2005). Moving force identification from bridge dynamic response.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 21(3): 369-374.
32.Yu L.and Chan T.H.T. (2004). Identification of multi-axle vehicle loads on bridges.Journal of Vibration and Acoustics -Transactions of the ASME, 126(1): 17-26.
33.Yu L.and Chan T.H.T. (2003). Moving force identification based on the frequency-time domain method.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 261(2): 329-349.
34.Chan T.H.T.,Yu L., Yung T.H. and Chan J.H.F. (2003a). A new bridge-vehicle system part I: formulation and validation.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 15(1): 1-19.
35.Chan T.H.T.,Yu L., Yung T.H. and Chan J.H.F. (2003b). A new bridge-vehicle system part II: parametric study.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 15(1): 21-38.
36.Yu L.and Chan T.H.T. (2002). Moving force identification from bending moment responses of bridge.Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 14(2): 151-170.
37. Chan T.H.T.,Yu L.and Yung T.H. (2001a). Moving force identification studies I: theory,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 247(1): 59-76.
38. Chan T.H.T.,Yu L.and Yung T.H. (2001b). Moving force identification studies II: comparative studies,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 247(1): 77-95.
39.ChanT.H.T.,Yu L.and Law S.S. (2000). Comparative studies on moving force identification from bridge strains in laboratory,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 235(1): 87-104.
16. Bridge loads and structural health monitoring,澳大利亞昆士蘭科技大學(QUT)資助項目,應邀(Visiting Fellow)訪問Prof. T. H. T. Chan at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. (Jan - Mar 2013)
17.橋樑移動車載與結構健康監測之關聯研究,國家外專局資助暨南大學聘請外國文教專家項目(Prof. S. S. Law, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)(2012)
18.橋樑荷載與健康監測之關聯研究,國家外專局資助暨南大學聘請外國文教專家項目(Prof. T. H. T. Chan, Queensland University of Technology, Australia)(2010)
19.結構荷載、安全與健康監測研討與試驗研究,國家外專局資助暨南大學聘請外國文教專家項目(Prof. C. A. Tan, Wayne State University, USA)(2009)
20. Independent study on the effects on adjacent properties due to blasting,香港土木工程拓展署委託科研項目,主研(2005-2006)
21. Effective improvement on moving force identification system (MFIS),香港理工大學博士後研究項目,博士後(2004-2006)
22. Innovative optical fiber sensors for structural health monitoring of Tsing Ma bridge,大學聯合資助基金(UGC)資助項目,主研(2002-2004)
23. Evaluation of dynamic loads for bridge design in Hong Kong,香港研究資助局(RGC)資助項目,主研(2001-2002)
24. Accounting for bridge dynamic loads using moving force identification system,香港研究資助局(RGC)資助項目,主研(1998-2001)
25. Damage detection in highway bridge based on model updating,大學研究基金(UGC)資助項目,香港理工大學,主研(1997-1998)
26. Damage detection in structures using model modification technique,德國國家學術交流中心(DAAD)資助項目,應邀(Visiting Scholar)訪問Prof. M. Link at University of Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany. (May - Aug 1998)
37. TMD減振技術及其在九江長江大橋上的套用,鐵道部科研基金項目,主要參加者(1992-1995)
1. 基於ALO-INM與加權跡範數的結構損傷識別方法,CN 201910575706.3,2019
2.融合多目標蟻獅最佳化與跡稀疏正則化的結構損傷識別方法,CN 201810987045.0,2018
3.一種基於截斷回響稀疏分解法的外荷載實時識別方法,CN 201810889316.9,2018
4.一種含裂紋梁結構單元損傷因子的等效方法,CN 201810785591.6,2018
5.一種基於子空間投影與稀疏正則化的結構損傷識別方法,CN 201810742249.8,2018
6.一種基於壓縮感知理論的橋樑移動荷載識別方法,CN 201710524508.5,2017
7.一種融合時序分析與信息熵的栓接結合部損傷識別方法,CN 201710523506.4,2017
10.水工閘門流激振動模型材料,ZL 03125312.1,2006
曾先後參與完成國際合作項目7項,主持完成國家自然科學基金面上項目4項和重點項目子項1項,省部級基金項目8項,三峽工程、南水北調工程、香港青馬大橋等大中型工程科研項目30餘項。主編科研報告20餘篇,公開發表學術論文220餘篇,其中SCI收錄38篇(共被引1030次,單篇引用最高次數達252次,H index-15)、EI收錄102篇以及ISTP收錄47篇;多次應邀出席國際學術會議,擔任國際學術會議分會主席或科學委員會委員,並做大會主旨報告、特邀報告及口頭報告70餘篇;研究成果獲廣東省科學技術獎(自然科學)二等獎、大禹水利科學技術獎二等獎、湖北省科學技術獎(自然科學)三等獎等獎項以及國家發明專利10項。