英國曼徹斯特大學和蘇格蘭Moredun Research Institute訪問學者;2008-2009年教育部科技部廣東省科技特派員;2009-2012年主持中國-德國、中國-丹麥合作項目和中國-波蘭合作項目;2012-2013 美國Morehouse School of Medicine 訪問學者;2015-2020 山東省泰山學者特聘教授。
實驗動物是指經人工培育或人工改造,對其攜帶的微生物實行控制;遺傳背景明確,來源清楚,用於科學實驗、藥品、生物製品的生產和檢定及其他科學實驗的動物。實驗動物環境生態學 (Laboratory animal environmental ecology) 是研究實驗動物與外界環境相互關係的科學。
1.Jun chu, Qiang Zhang, TianYuan Zhang, Er Han, Peng Zhao, Ahrar Khan, Cheng He, YongZheng Wu. Chlamydia psittaci infection increases mortality of avian influenza virus H9N2 by suppressing host immune response. Scientific Reports.2016. 5:13539,doi: 10.1038srep13539,影響因子5.228
2.Liu Shan Shan, Chu Jun, Zhang Qiang, Sun Wei,Zhang Tian Yuan, He Cheng Development of a Novel PmpD-N ELISA for Chlamydia psittaci Infection.Biomed Environ Sci. 2016. 29(5): 315-322. 影響因子1.95
3.Shanshan Liu, Wei Sun, Jun Chu, Xiufen Huang, Zongxue Wu, Minxin Yan, Qiang Zhang, Peng Zhao, Joseph U. Igietseme, Carolyn M. Black, Cheng He and Yongqing Li.Construction of recombinant HVT expressing PmpD, and immunological evaluation against Chlamydia psittaci and Marek’s disease virus. PLoS ONE,2015,10(4): e0124992. doi:10.1371.影響因子3.67
4.Ou C, Zhang Q,Wang J,Wu GJ, Shi NN, He C.Gao ZP,Dryocrassin ABBA, a novel active substance for use against amantadine-resistance H5N1 avian Influenza virus. Frontier in Microbiology,2015.6:592. 影響因子4.19
5.Pan Q, Pais P, Ohandjo A, He C, He Q, Omosun Y, Igietseme JU, Eko FO. Comparative evaluation of the protective efficacy of two formulations of a recombinant Chlamydia abortus subunit candidate vaccine in a mouse model. Vaccine.2015. 2015.02.007. 影響因子3.78
6.Ou C, Shi NN, Yang QH, He C,Protocatechuic Acid, a novel active substance against Avian Influenza Virus H9N2 infection. PLoS One 9(10): e111004. doi:10.1371journal.pone.0111004. 影響因子3.79
7.Wang BZ, Gill HS, He C,Ou CB, Compans RW et al.Microneedle delivery of an M2e-TLR5 ligand fusion protein to skin confers broadly cross-protective influenza immunity.Journal of Controlled Release.2014.178,1-7. 影響因子7.16
8.Ling Y, Chen H, Chen X, Bavoil PM,He C,Epidemiology of Chlamydia psittaci Infection in racing pigeons and pigeon fanciers in Beijing. China. Zoonoses and Public Health.2014,1-6. doi: 10.1111zph.12161. 影響因子2.065
9.Wu Z. X., Ling Y., Tian D. Y., He C,Seroprevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis antibodies in intensive pig farms in China. BMC Veterinary Research, 2014, 10:100~105 影響因子1.76
10.Wenshu Zeng, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xiuqin Zhao, Gencheng Huang, Yi Jiang, Haiyan Dong, Xiaoliang Li, Kanglin Wan Cheng HeOccurrence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria species in livestock from northern China and first isolation of Mycobacterium caprae.Epidemiology and Infection,2013, doi:10.1017S0950268812003020. 影響因子2.87
1. “畜禽衣原體綜合防治技術與套用研究”獲得2009年教育部科技進步一等獎(證書號2008-144),第1完成人
4. 實驗動物學(教科書),北京市精品教材,2006年,主編