



  • 書名:住房政策:拉丁美洲城市化的教訓
  • 作者:鄭秉文
  • 出版日期:2014年4月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787509630419
  • 外文名:Housing Policies:Lessons from Latin American Urbanization
  • 出版社:經濟管理出版社
  • 頁數:472頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:經濟管理出版社







Introduction Latin America and Caribbean: Urbanization and Slums
Chapter 1: Evolution of Social Housing Policies and Regularization of Informal Settlements in Latin America and Caribbean (Ivdn Canales, Ricardo Jorddn) 21
Chapter 2: Housing and Welfare: Diagnosis and Policy in Latin America (Cynthia Goytia, Diego Jorrat, Pablo Sanguinetti) 51
Chapter 3: Public Housing Policies in Latin America and Caribbean (Xie Wenze) 81
Chapter 4: Urban Housing Deficits and Low-income Housing Finance in Latin America (Zbang Yong) 97
Chapter 5: Housing Policies under Rapid Urbanization and Sustained Economic Growth: the Latin American Experience (Eduardo Rojas) 129
Chapter 6: Urban Planning and Housing in Latin America and Caribbean (Ben-jamin Infante, Ricardo Jordan y Elisa Sachez) 165
Chapter 7: Housing Development and Urbanization in Latin America (Chen Yu) 191
Chapter 8: Self-Help Housing: Ideas and Practice in Latin America (Peter M. Ward) 221
Chapter 9: Housing Policies and Urban Land Values in China: Lessons from Latin America and Singapore (Roger J Sandilands) 249
Part Three
Chapter 10: Mexico's Land Use System and Urban Housing Policy (2000-2012) (Liu Xuedong) 281
Chapter 11: Social Housing in Mexico: the Contradictions of Private Ownership (Beatiz Garcia Peralta Nieto) 305
Chapter 12: The Rise and Fall of the National Housing Bank in Brazil (1964-1986) (He Luyang) 327
Chapter 13: Argentina's Public Housing Policy and Evolution of Administrative Role (Lin Hua) 347
Chapter 14: Chile's Housing Policy and its Management Patterns (Lu Siheng) 365
Chapter 15: Venezuela's Housing Policy and its "Chavez Model" (Wang Shual) 395
Chapter 16: Brazil's Public Housing Policy and its Program "Minha Casa, Minha Vida" (Marcos Cordeiro Pires) 409
Chapter 17: Ecuador's Public Housing Policy and its "Sistema de Incentivos para Vivienda" (Wei Ran)
Chapter 18: Low-income Housing Policies across the English-speaking Caribbean and their Effects (Zhao Chongyang) 433
Chapter 19: Housing in Cuba: History and Challenges (He Qin) 449
Afterword 469


