- 中文名:低溫誘導解除維管形成層生理休眠的分子機理研究
- 項目類別 :面上項目
- 依託單位 :北京大學
- 項目負責人:賀新強
科研成果 ,項目摘要,
序號 | 標題 | 類型 |
1 | Polycomb group proteins are involved in regulation of plant secondary vascular tissue development. | 會議論文 |
2 | Caspase-like Protease Activity is Involved in Secondary Xylem Development in Populus tomentosa | 會議論文 |
3 | Virus-induced gene silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana is a potential tool for revealing epigenetic regulation in plant vascular development. | 會議論文 |
4 | Bark regeneration after girdling in trees as an approach to investigate the molecular mechanisms of the secondary vascular development. | 會議論文 |
5 | Induction of PtoCDKB and PtoCYCB transcription by temperature during cambium reactivation in Populus tomentosa Carr. | 期刊論文 |
6 | Induction of PtoCDKB and PtoCYCB transcription by temperature during cambium reactivation in Populus tomentosa | 會議論文 |
7 | Molecular analysis of poplar cambium dormancy break using plant miRNAs microarrays. | 會議論文 |
8 | Hydrolysis of IAA conjugates is involved in the cambium reactivation in Populus tomentosa Carr. | 會議論文 |
9 | Phloem transdifferentiation from immature xylem cells during bark regeneration after girdling in trees. | 會議論文 |
10 | Regulation of cell cycle regulators by environmental signals during growth-dormancy cycle of trees. | 期刊論文 |
11 | Molecular features of secondary vascular tissue regeneration after bark girdling in Populus. | 期刊論文 |
12 | Modifications of the cambial cell wall architecture during cambium periodicity in Populus tomentosa Carr. | 期刊論文 |