伴你成長·課時練:英語(九年級 R)

伴你成長·課時練:英語(九年級 R)

《伴你成長·課時練:英語(九年級 R)》是2013年浙江科學技術出版社出版的圖書,由《課時練》編寫組編著。


  • 書名:伴你成長·課時練:英語(九年級 R)
  • 作者:《課時練》編寫組
  • 出版社:浙江科學技術出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年8月1日
  • ISBN:9787534157462


國中英語教學既要達到課程標準的要求,滿足學生的文化需求,又要對中考考試有所側重,提高學生的應考能力。因此,在緊張的同步教學實踐中,選擇一本既能輔導學生完成課時學習,又能幫助學生了解中考重點知識、考查題型的輔導書十分必要。《伴你成長·課時練:英語(九年級 R)》的策劃思想就是要結合教材、教參、課程標準、中考考情四個方面來編寫,因此更能夠滿足現在同步教學的需求。


Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are
delicious !
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the
restrooms are?
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 6 When was it invented?
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their
own clothes
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 11 Sad movies-make me cry
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrated Skills
Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade?
Section A
Exercise for Section A
Section B
Exercise for Section B
Exercise for Integrat'ed Skills
單元測試卷一(Unit 1-2)
單元測試卷二(Unit 3-4)
單元測試卷三(Unit 5-6)
單元測試卷四(Unit 7-8)
單元測試卷五(UnSt 9-10)
單元測試卷六(Unit 11- Unit12)
單元測試卷七(Unit 13-Unit14)


