


  • 中文名:伊國勝
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電氣工程
  • 任職院校:天津大學電氣自動化與信息工程學院


2015.07-2017.12  天津大學電氣自動化與信息工程學院,電力系統及其自動化專業,博士後
2017.12至今  天津大學電氣自動化與信息工程學院,自動化系,副教授


(1) 電磁刺激裝置設計與分析
(2) 神經系統建模與非線性分析
(3) 腦電信號特徵提取


(1) 2017.01-2019.12 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“樹突非線性對電場作用下神經編碼的影響機制研究”,項目負責人
(2) 2015.09-2017.06 中國博士後科學基金面上一等資助項目“電場與神經系統的相互作用機制”,項目負責人
(1) 伊國勝, 王江, 魏熙樂, 鄧斌. 無創式腦調製的神經效應研究進展. 科學通報, 2016, 61(8): 819-834 (EI)
(2) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng. Dynamics of spike threshold in a two-compartment neuron with passive dendrite. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40: 100-111 (SCI)
(3) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Xile Wei, Bin Deng. Minimum energy control for a two-compartment neuron to extracellular electric fields. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40: 138-150 (SCI)
(4) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Kai-Ming Tsang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng. Biophysical insights into how spike threshold depends on the rate of membrane potential depolarization in Type I and Type II neurons. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0130250 (SCI)
(5) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Kai-Ming Tsang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng. Input-output relation and energy efficiency in the neuron with different spike threshold dynamics. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2015, 9: 62 (SCI)
(6) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Shouhai Hong, Xile Wei, Yingyuan Chen. Action potential threshold of wide dynamic range neurons in rat spinal dorsal horn evoked by manual acupuncture at ST36. Neurocomputing, 2015, 166: 201-209 (SCI)
(7) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Kai-Ming Tsang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Chunxiao Han. Spike-frequency adaptation of a two-compartment neuron modulated by extracellular electric fields. Biological Cybernetics, 2015, 109(3): 287-306 (SCI)
(8) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Spike initiating dynamics of the neuron with different adaptation mechanisms to extracellular electric fields. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 22(1-3): 574-586 (SCI)
(9) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Kai-Ming Tsang, Wai-Lok Chan, Chunxiao Han. Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on the response of a conductance-based neuron model. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2014, 24(1): 1450007 (SCI)
(10) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, Kai-Ming Tsang, Wai-Lok Chan, Bin Deng. Neuronal spike initiation modulated by extracellular electric fields. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(5): e97481 (SCI)
(11) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, Kai-Ming Tsang, Wai-Lok Chan, Bin Deng, Chunxiao Han. Exploring how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity through dynamical analysis of a two-compartment neuron model. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2014, 36(3): 383-399 (SCI)
(12) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Chunxiao Han, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Qitao Jin, Exploring action potential initiation in neurons exposed to DC electric fields through dynamical analysis of conductance-based model. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2014, 19(5): 1474-1485 (SCI)
(13) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Huiyan Li, Chunxiao Han. Dynamic analysis of Hodgkin's three classes of neurons exposed to extremely low-frequency sinusoidal induced electric field. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 231: 100-110 (SCI)
(14) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Kai-Ming Tsang, Wai-Lok Chan, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Chunxiao Han. Ordinal pattern based complexity analysis for EEG activity evoked by manual acupuncture in healthy subjects. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014, 24(2): 1450018 (SCI)
(15) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Hongrui Bian, Chunxiao Han, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Huiyan Li. Multi-scale order recurrence quantification analysis of EEG signals evoked by manual acupuncture in healthy subjects. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2013, 7(1): 79-88 (SCI)
(16) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Chunxiao Han, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Nuo Li. The modulation of brain functional connectivity with manual acupuncture in healthy subjects: An electroencephalograph case study. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(2): 028702 (SCI)
(17) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Chunxiao Han. Modulation of electroencephalograph activity by manual acupuncture stimulation in healthy subjects: An autoregressive spectral analysis. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(2): 028703 (SCI)
(18) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Chunxiao Han, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Spiking patterns of a minimal neuron to ELF sinusoidal electric field. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(8): 3673-3684 (SCI)
(19) 王江, 伊國勝, 邊洪瑞, 韓春曉, 李會艷, 魏熙樂, 鄧斌. 深度腦刺激的精確閉環去同步控制. 天津大學學報: 自然科學與工程技術版, 2013, 46(11): 969-976 (EI)
(1) 多參數可調經顱電刺激系統,發明專利,申請號:2016100109766(申請中)
(2) 基於放電率鉗位閉環的神經元相回響特性測量方法,發明專利,申請號:2015107522416(申請中)


(1) 2014:博士研究生國家獎學金
(2) 2013:博士研究生國家獎學金
(3) 2013:天津大學優博基金獲得者


