



  • 中文名:以漢語為母語雙語者的雙語句法表征和處理研究
  • 作者:雷蕾
  • 出版社:華中科技大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年8月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787560992167




摘 要
Chapter 1
1.1 Orientation of the Research
1.2 Rationale and Research Questions
1.3 Definition of Key Terms
1.3.1 Bilingual and Bilingualism
1.3.2 Priming and Syntactic Priming
1.4 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2
Syntactic Priming
2.1 Syntactic Priming in Spontaneous Language
2.2 Experimental Studies on Syntactic Priming
2.3 Bilingual Syntactic Priming
2.4 Techniques in Syntactic Priming Exploration
2.4.1 Behavioural Techniques
2.4.2 Computer Simulation
2.4.3 Brain Imaging Techniques
2.4.4 Corpus-based Techniques
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3
Mechanisms of Syntactic Representation and Processing
3.1 A Blueprint of Speech Production (Levelt, 1989, 1999a)
3.2 Lexical Access in Speech Production
3.3 Lexical Access in Bilingual Speech Production
3.4 Grammatical Encoding
3.5 Mechanisms of Syntactic Priming
3.5.1 Syntactic Priming is not Affected by Lexical, Prosodic andSemantic Factors
3.5.2 Implicit Learning Account
3.5.3 Transient Activation Account
3.5.4 Mechanisms of Syntactic Priming across Languages
3.5.5 Interactive Alignment Account
3.5.6 Critiques
3.6 Grammatical Encoding in Syntactic Priming
3.6.1 The Two-stage Account
3.6.2 The One-stage Account
3.6.3 Critiques
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4
Bilingual Syntactic Representation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Active and Passive Constructions
4.3 Experiment 1
4.3.1 Participants
4.3.2 Research Design
4.3.3 Materials
4.3.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
4.3.5 Results
4.4 Experiment 2
4.4.1 Participants
4.4.2 Research Design
4.4.3 Materials
4.4.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
4.4.5 Results
4.5 Experiment 3
4.5.1 Participants
4.5.2 Research Design
4.5.3 Materials
4.5.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
4.5.5 Results
4.6 Discussion
4.6.1 Explaining the within-Chinese Experiment
4.6.2 Partial Integration Account
4.6.3 L1 Dominance Account
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5
Syntactic Priming Increases while L2 Proficiency Develops
5.1 Introduction
5.2 DO and PO Constructions
5.3 Validating the C-Test as Measure of L2 Proficiency
5.3.1 Participants
5.3.2 Instruments
5.3.3 Results and Discussion
5.4 Experiment 4
5.4.1 Participants
5.4.2 Research Design
5.4.3 Procedure
5.4.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
5.4.5 Results
5.5 Experiment 5
5.5.1 Participants.
5.5.2 Research Design
5.5.3 Materials.
5.5.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
5.5.5 Results
5.6 Discussion
5.7 Summary
Chapter 6
Implicit Learning or Transient Activation?
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Experiment 6
6.2.1 Participants
6.2.2 Research Design and Research Hypothesis
6.2.3 Procedure
6.2.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
6.2.5 Results
6.3 Discussion
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7
Role of Word Order in Sentence Production
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Experiment 7
7.2.1 Participants
7.2.2 Research Design
7.2.3 Materials
7.2.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
7.2.5 Results
7.3 Experiment 8
7.3.1 Participants
7.3.2 Research Design
7.3.3 Materials
7.3.4 Scoring and Data Analysis
7.3.5 Results
7.4 Discussion
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8
Conclusions and Implications
8.1 Major Findings
8.1.1 Bilingual Syntactic Representation
8.1.2 Development of Bilingual Syntactic Representation
8.1.3 Mechanisms of Cross-linguistic Syntactic Priming
8.1.4 Grammatical Encoding in Bilingual Syntactic Processing
8.1.5 Summary
8.2 Implications
8.3 Limitations and Future Research
Appendix I
Chinese Active Primes Used in Experiments 1, 3, 5 and 7
Chinese Passive Primes Used in Experiments 1, 3, 5 and 7
Chinese Baseline Primes Used in Experiments 1, 3, 5 and 7
Appendix II
English Active Primes Used in Experiment 2
English Passive Primes Used in Experiment 2
English Baseline Primes Used in Experiment 2
Appendix III
Chinese Training Stems Used in Experiment 4
DO Training Stems
PO Training Stems
Chinese Prime Stems Used in Experiment 4
DO Prime Stems
PO Prime Stems
English Target Stems Used in Experiment 4
Appendix IV
Materials Used in Experiment 6
Chinese Training Stems under the Same Verbs Condition
DO Training Stems
PO Training Stems
Chinese Training Stems under the Different Verbs Condition
DO Training Stems
PO Training Stems
Chinese Prime Stems
DO Prime Stems
PO Prime Stems
English Target Stems
Appendix V
German Active Primes Used in Experiment 8
German Passive Primes Used in Experiment 8
German Baseline Primes Used in Experiment 8
Appendix VI
The C-Test Battery


