


  • 中文名:代立東
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


(1) 學歷:
1997.09-2001.07 中國地質大學 (武漢),地質礦產勘查,獲學士學位
2001.09-2006.05 中國科學院地球化學研究所,地球化學,獲博士學位
(2) 工作經歷:
2006.05-2008.01 中國科學院地球化學研究所,助理研究員
2008.02-2009.02 美國耶魯大學地質與地球物理系,Research Scientist
2009.03-至今 中國科學地球化學研究所,副研究員


(1) 控制熱力學條件下上地幔礦物岩石電學性質原位測量
(2) 水含量和氧逸度對過渡帶礦物岩石電學性質影響的實驗研究
(3) 地球內部礦物物理化學


(1) 中國科學院院長優秀獎
(2) 中國科學院研究院生院優秀博士畢業生獎
(3) 金錘獎


[1] Dai L D and Karato S. Electrical conductivity of wadsleyite at high temperatures and high pressures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009, 287: 277-283.
[2] Dai L D and Karato S. Electrical conductivity of pyrope-rich garnet at high temperature and high pressure. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2009, 176: 83-88.
[3] Karato S and Dai L D. Comments on “Electrical conductivity of wadsleyite as a function of temperature and water content” by Manthilake et al. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2009, 174: 19-21.
[4] Dai L D, Li H P, Hu H Y and Shan S M. Novel technique to control oxygen fugacity during high-pressure measurements of grain boundary conductivities of rocks. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2009, 80 (3): 033903-1-033903-3.
[5] Dai L D and Karato S. Electrical conductivity of orthopyroxene: Implications for the water content of the asthenosphere. Proceedings of the Japan Academy (Series B), 2009, 85: 466-475.
[6] Dai L D, Li H P, Hu H Y and Shan S M. Electrical conductivity of polycrystalline olivine compacts under high temperature, high pressure and controlled oxygen fugacities. Earth Science Frontiers, Abstract of First World Young Earth-Scientists Congress, 2009, T8-48, 218-219.
[7] Dai L D, Li H P, Hu H Y and Shan S M. The grain boundary conductivities of peridotite at high pressure. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, A258-A258.
[8] Dai L D, Li H P, Hu H Y and Shan S M. Experimental study of grain boundary electrical conductivities of dry synthetic peridotite under high-temperature, high-pressure, and different oxygen fugacity conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113 (B12): B12211-1-B12211-9.
[9] Dai L D, Li H P, Deng H M, Liu C Q, Su G L, Shan S M, Zhang L and Wang R P. In situ control of different oxygen fugacity experimental study on the electrical conductivity of lherzolite at high temperature and high pressure. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2008, 69 (1): 101-110.
[10] Dai L D and Karato S (2008). Electrical conductivity of pyrope garnet at high temperature and high pressure. Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract: DI23A-1749, San Francisco, USA.
[11] Karato S and Dai L D (2008). Current status of our understanding of the water content in the mantle transition zone. Eos Trans. AGU, 89 (53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract: DI13C-01, San Francisco, USA.
[12] Dai L D, Li H P, Liu C Q, Su G L and Shan S M. Experimental measurement on the electrical conductivity of pyroxenite at high temperature and high pressure under different oxygen fugacities. High Pressure Research, 2006, 26 (3): 193-202.
[13] Dai L D, Li H P, Liu C Q, Cui T D, Shan S M, Yang C J, Liu Q Y and Deng H M. Experimental measurement on the electrical conductivity of single crystal olivine at high temperature and high pressure under different oxygen fugacities. Progress in Natural Science, 2006, 16 (4): 387-393.
[14] Dai L D, Li H P, Liu C Q, Shan S M, Cui T D and Su G L. Experimental study on the electrical conductivity of orthopyroxene at high temperature and high pressure under different oxygen fugacities. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2005, 79 (6): 803-809.
[15] Dai L D, Li H P, Liu C Q, Su G L and Cui T D. In situ control of oxygen fugacity experimental study on the crystallographic anisotropy of the electrical conductivities of diopside at high temperature and high pressure. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2005, 21 (6): 1737-1742.
[16] 代立東,李和平,胡海英和Karato S. 高溫高壓下含水的石榴子石電導率的實驗研究. 礦物岩石地球化學通報(增),2009, 28: 421-421.
[17] 代立東和李和平. 高溫高壓和不同氧逸度下二輝橄欖岩電導率實驗研究. 礦物岩石地球化學通報 (增),2007, 505-506.
[18] 代立東,李和平,劉叢強,蘇根利,崔桐娣,單雙明,楊昌君和劉慶友. 高溫高壓下二輝橄欖岩的阻抗譜實驗研究. 高壓物理學報,2005, 19 (1): 29-34.
[19] 代立東,李和平,單雙明,楊昌君和劉慶友. 高溫高壓下Z-軸水晶的電導率實驗研究.人工晶體學報,2005, 34 (3): 403-407.
[20] 代立東,李和平,劉叢強,蘇根利,崔桐娣,單雙明,楊昌君和劉慶友. 高溫高壓下葉蠟石脫水電導率實驗. 地質科技情報,2005, 24 (3): 35-37.
[21] 代立東,李和平,蘇根利,單雙明,崔桐娣和許祖鳴. 高溫高壓下葉蠟石脫水電學性質的阻抗譜分析. 岩石礦物學雜誌,2005, 24 (3): 216-220.
[22] 代立東,李和平,劉叢強,單雙明,崔桐娣,鄧鶴鳴和許祖鳴. 高溫高壓下輝石岩的電導率實驗研究. 礦物學報,2005, 25 (3): 303-306.
[23] 代立東,李和平,劉叢強,崔桐娣,單雙明,楊昌君,劉慶友和鄧鶴鳴. 高溫高壓和不同氧逸度控制下單晶橄欖石電導率的實驗研究. 自然科學進展,2005, 15 (12): 1492-1497.
[24] Dai L D, Li H P, Wang S Y and Wei J H. Geochemical characteristics of gold polymetallic deposits as exemplified by the Laozuoshan deposit, Heilongjiang, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2003, 22 (1): 89-96.
[25] 代立東,李和平和王多君. 上地幔橄欖石電導率影響因素及高壓相變初探. 地球物理學進展,2003, 18 (2): 256-260.
[26] 代立東,李和平,王思源和魏俊浩. 黑龍江老柞山金多金屬礦床地質地球化學初探. 地質地球化學, 2002, 30 (2): 19-24.
[27] 胡海英,李和平和代立東. 高溫高壓下長石電導率的實驗研究. 礦物岩石地球化學通報 (增),2009: 427-427.
[28] 單雙明,李和平,代立東和汪日平. 高溫高壓下雜質離子對水晶電導率影響的實驗研究. 礦物學報,2009,29 (1): 109-112.
[29] 蘇根利,李和平,劉叢強和代立東. 高溫高壓下水流體PH值測量. 地學前緣,2009,16 (1): 27-32.
[30] 鄧鶴鳴,蘇根利,李和平,代立東和孟憲武. 俯衝帶中水流體的化學性質研究進展. 礦物岩石地球化學通報,2006,25 (2):189-195.
[31] 劉慶友,李和平,周麗和代立東. 流動體系下黃鐵礦-方鉛礦原電池反應實驗研究. 地球與環境,2006,34(2):89-94.


