



  • 中文名:仁莊紀事2
  • 作者:曉弦
  • 譯者:北塔
  • 題材:詩集
  • 出版時間:2023年1月
  • 出版社:花山文藝出版社
  • 頁數:216 頁
  • ISBN:9787551166546
  • 定價:76.00 元




Section 1: Enjoy a Moonlight Concert
002 白著 In White
004 報恩千金河 Requite Favor in the Gold River
006 補天的胥山 The Xu Hill to Mend the Heaven
008 不是繞口令 Not Tongue Twister
010 大魚出水 A Big Fish Jumping out of Water
012 冬日暖陽 The Warm Sun in the Winter
014 對江南一座草屋的回望 Retrospect a Thatched Cottage in South of Yangtze
016 凡人與鑽石 The Ordinary People and Diamonds
018 飯粒的風景 The Scene of Steamed Rice Grains
020 浮力之美 Beauty of Buoyancy
022 父親的病 Father’s Disease
024 乾魚塘 The Dry Fishpond
026 公園即景:不好玩的樹 A Scene of Park: Uninteresting Trees
028 揮舞鐵杴的人 The Man Waving an Iron Spade
030 葷素人生 Life of both Meat and Vegetable
032 大事 Great Events
034 江南梅雨 Plum Rain in the South of Yangtze
036 今日晴方好 It’s Really Fine Today
038 今夜,月亮回到月河 Tonight, the Moon Returned to the Moon River
042 京杭大運河 The Jinghang Grand Canal
044 哭聲撒在輪迴上 Cries Scattered on Wheels of Reincarnation
046 聽一場鄉村月光音樂會 Enjoy a Countryside Moonshine Concert
048 遺失的村莊 The Lost Village
050 運河之詩 Poem of the Canal
052 運河走筆 Composed on the Canal
056 愛的懷表 Pocket Watch of Love
Section 2: The Canal Swallows While Spits
060 愛情的蟬蛻 The Cicada Slough of Love
062 白髮是子胥的通行證 White Hair Was Passport of Zixu
064 扳魚者如是說 So Spoke He Who Netted Fish
066 人間四月天 An April Day
068 舔吸一支赤豆冰棍 Sucking a Red Bean Ice-Cream Stick
070 捅灶灰者說 So Spoke He Who Cleared Up Stove Ashes
072 偷稻穀的毛銀 Mao Yin Stole Unhusked Rice Grains
074 吞吞吐吐的運河 The Canal Swallows While Spits
076 古老的仁莊 The Benevolence Village
078 我見過這樣一個林子 I Have Seen Such a Forest
080 虔誠的運河 The Devout Canal
082 胥山靈龜 The Holy Tortoise in Xushan Hill
084 天使是雪花的原形 Angel Is the Original Shape of Snowflake
086 銀河是運河的原形 The Milky Way Is the Original Shape of the Canal
088 飲恨磨劍石 Suffering Grievance at the Stone of Grinding Sword
090 用腳划槳的人 He Who Paddled With Feet
092 月下梨花 Pear Flower Under the Moon
094 運河說話了 The Canal Spoke
096 運河這部《詩經》 The Canal Is the Book of Songs
098 這間房子是我的 This Room Is Mine
100 雪 Snow
Section 3: Mother’s Rice Stick Stove
104 今晚,我要把西塘帶走 Tonight, I Want to Take Away Xitang Town
106 看見一滴濁淚,卻找不到這隻獨眼 I Saw a Drop of Tear, yet could
not Find the Single Eye
108 考古一個村莊 Archaeology of a Village
110 空山 The Empty Hill
112 靈胥草堂 Thatched Cottage for Zixu
114 馬尾巴的功能 Function of Horse Tail
116 梅花洲 The Plum Blossom Isle
118 母親的柴火灶 Mother’s Rice Stick Stove
122 楠溪江上的宴席 Banquet at the Nanxi River
126 鳥有先知 Bird With Foresight
128 七星龍淵劍 The Pleiad Dragon Den Sword
130 仁慈的隆冬 The Merciful Midwinter
132 仁莊的鄉村俚語 Slang of the Benevolence Village
134 仁莊的一個正午 A Noon in the Benevolence Village
136 仁莊慢 The Benevolence Village Is Slow
138 仁莊之仁 Benevolence of the Benevolence Village
140 收尾的人 The Person to Finish off
142 水鄉河是銀絲線 The Creek in the Watery Region Is a Silk Thread
144 思過的鳥 Birds Pondering Upon Their Faults
146 坦白 Confession
148 天空默片 Silent Film of the Sky
150 天空作業 The Sky Work
152 西塘的曲水流觴 Gathering of Drinking Wine in Xitang Town
156 胥山遊記 Notes on the Xushan Hill
160 運河的磁懸浮 Maglev of the Canal
Section 4: Waiting for a Love Cart
164 瓷器 Porcelain
166 等一駕愛情馬車 Waiting for a Love Cart
168 風吹著 The Wind Blowing
170 割草聲總在夢裡響起 The Sound of Cutting Grasses Always Comes in Dreams
172 運河的愛情 Love of the Canal
174 運河的私情 Hidden Feelings of the Canal
176 運河之身 The Body of the Canal
178 運河夢 Dream of the Canal
180 運河是尊千手觀音 The Canal Is Bodhisattva With a Thousand Hands
182 在詩中回到道場山 Back to the Ashram Hill in Poetry
184 在陶壇庫,或說歷史 In the Storehouse of Pottery Urns, or on History
186 這裡,恰好 Here, Just Right
188 醉酒者如是說 So Spoke the Drunken
190 魏晉風範 Demeanor of Wei and Jin Dynasties




