亢戰,1970年7月生,博士(Dr. –Ing.),長江學者特聘教授,博士生導師,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,萬人計畫領軍人才。大連理工大學運載工程與力學學部副部長,大連理工大學科研團隊“計算力學與多學科交叉研究”負責人。1992年畢業於上海交通大學工程力學系,1995年於大連理工大學工程力學系獲碩士學位並留校任教,2005年於德國斯圖加特大學(University of Stuttgart)獲博士學位。研究方向為結構分析及最佳化設計、不確定性結構最佳化、結構拓撲最佳化、生物與納米力學等。 出版英文專著1部,發表SCI論文96篇,大部分發表於計算力學、結構最佳化、振動力學等領域頂級期刊。在不確定性結構最佳化、結構與多學科拓撲最佳化等領域的代表性成果被SCI他引1400餘次,Google引用總數4400餘次。 獲教育部自然科學一等獎一項(第一完成人)。
- 中文名:亢戰
- 出生日期:1970年7月生
- 現任:國家自然科學基金委創新研究骨幹
- 指導研究方向:智慧型結構最佳化
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems編委;
Journal of Optimization編委(2009-2012)
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part A: Civil Engineering; Part B: Mechanical Engineering編委
作為負責人正在承擔國家973課題、國家自然科學基金、教育部博士點基金、遼寧省教育廳高校創新團隊項目等。先後 8 次獲得國家自然科學基金項目,負責完成教育部博士點基金、教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金、遼寧省自然科學基金、國家重點實驗室開放基金等。作為主要參加人參與一項國家自然科學基金委創新群體基金項目、一項國家973課題和一項863課題。
Kang Zhan, Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Uncertainties, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2005. (ISBN 3-8322-4269-4).
書中章節(book chapters):
Doltsinis I and Kang Zhan. Design Optimisation with Randomness: A Taylor Expansion Approach. Book Chapter 8 of: Innovation in Engineering Computational Technology (Edited by: B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro), Saxe-Coburg Publications (Computational Technology Publications), Germany, 2006. (ISBN 1-874672-28-8).
國際期刊論文(Peer-reviewed international journal paper):
1. Ming Li, Xiaobo Huang, Zhan Kang*. Hydrogen adsorption and desorption with 3D silicon nanotube-network and film-network structures: Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015; 118: 084303.
2. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Topology optimization of magnetorheological fluid layers in sandwich plates for semi-active vibration control. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015 accepted
3. Yangjun Luo, Michael Yu Wang, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures based on an additive hyperelasticity technique. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2014.12.023.
4. Yiqiang Wang, Zhen Luo, Zhan Kang*, Nong Zhang. A multi-material level set-based topology and shape optimization method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2015; 283:1570-1586.
5. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Dynamic topology optimization of piezoelectric structures with active control for reducing transient response. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2014; 281: 200-219.
6. Xian-Hong Meng, Ming Li*, Zhan Kang, Jian-Liang Xiao. Folding of multi-layer graphene sheets induced by van der Waals interaction. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2014; 30(3):410-417.
7. Qizhi He, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. A topology optimization method for geometrically nonlinear structures with meshless analysis and independent density field interpolation. Computational Mechanics. 2014; 54(3):629-644.
8. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*, Ming Li. Topology optimization of electrode coverage of piezoelectric thin-walled structures with CGVF control for minimizing sound radiation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2014; 50(5):799-814.
9. Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kang*. Vibration suppression using integrated topology optimization of host structures and damping layers. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2014 doi:10.1177/1077546314528368
10. Wang Yiqiang, Luo Zhen, Zhang Nong, Kang Zhan*. Topological shape optimization of microstructural metamaterials using a level set method. Computational Materials Science. 2014; 87:178-186.
26. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang. Layout design of reinforced concrete structures using two-material topology optimization with Drucker-Prager yield constraints. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2013; 47:95-110.
27. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Sensitivity Analysis of Viscoplastic Deformation Process with Application to Metal Preform Design Optimization. Engineering Optimization. 2012; 44(12): 1511-1523.
28. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang, Zhen Luo. Topology Optimization for Static Shape Control of Piezoelectric Plates with Penalization on Intermediate Actuation Voltage. Journal of Mechanical Design , Transactions of the ASME. 2012; 134(5):051006 (9 pages).
29. Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang, Zhufeng Yue. Maximal stiffness design of two-material structures by topology optimization with nonprobabilistic reliability. AIAA Journal. 2012; 50(9):1993-2003.
30. Zhan Kang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Shigang Jiang, Gengdong Cheng. On topology optimization of damping layer in shell structures under harmonic excitations. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2012; 46(1):51-67.
31. Yangjun Luo*, Zhan Kang. Topology optimization of continuum structures with Drucker-Prager yield stress constraints. Computers and Structures. 2012; 90-91:65-75. [SCI 000298521100006] [Full text]
32. Zhan Kang*, Kesheng Xu, Zhen Luo. A numerical study on nonlinear vibration of an inclined cable coupled with the deck in cable-stayed bridges. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2012; 18(3): 404 - 416. [SCI 000299962200008] [Full text]
33. Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. A nodal variable method of structural topology optimization based on Shepard interpolant. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2012; 90(3):329-342.
34. Yangjun Luo, Alex Li*, Zhan Kang, Parametric study of bonded steel-concrete composite beams by using finite element analysis. Engineering Structures. 2012; 34:40-51. [SCI 000299150200005] [Full text]
35. Guozhong Zhao*, Gang Chen, Zhan Kang. An iterative algorithm for analysis of coupled structural-acoustic systems subject to random excitations. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2012, 28(2):458-467. [Full text]
36. Shuodao Wang, Ming Li, Jian Wu, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Nanshu Lu, Yewang Su, Zhan Kang, Yonggang Huang*, John A. Rogers. Mechanics of Epidermal Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics , Transactions of the ASME. 2012; 79(3):031022.
37. Dae‐Hyeong Kim, Shuodao Wang, Hohyun Keum, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Yun‐Soung Kim, Hu Tao, Bruce Panilaitis, Ming Li, Zhan Kang, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Yonggang Huang, John A Rogers. Thin, Flexible Sensors and Actuators as ‘Instrumented’ Surgical Sutures for Targeted Wound Monitoring and Therapy. Small. 2012; 8(21):3263-3268.
38. Xiaoming Wang, Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang, Topology design of slender piezoelectric actuators with repetitive component patterns. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2011; 22(18):2160 - 2171. [SCI 000297814500008] [Full text]
39. Zhan Kang*, Yiqiang Wang. Structural topology optimization based on non-local Shepard interpolation of density field. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2011; 200(49-52):3515-3525. [SCI 000297494700002] [Full text]
40. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo, Alex Li. On non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters. Structural Safety. 2011, 33(3): 196-205. IF=2.276 [SCI 000292575500003] [Full text]
42. Cheng H, Wu J, Li M, Kim DH, Kim YS, Huang YG, Kang Z, Hwang KC, and Rogers JA. An analytical model of strain isolation for stretchable and flexible electronics. Applied Physics Letters 98(6), 061902. 2011. [SCI 000287242100017]
43. Yangjun Luo, Alex Li*, Zhan Kang. Reliability-based design optimization of adhesive bonded steel-concrete composite beams with probabilistic and non-probabilistic uncertainties. Engineering Structures 2011; 33(7):2110-2119. [SCI 000292411500002] [Full text]
44. Zhan Kang*, Ming Li, Qiqin Tang. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotube-based intramolecular junctions under compression: molecular dynamics simulation and finite element analysis. Computational Materials Science 2010, 50(1):253-259. [SCI 000284250700035] [Full text]
45. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang. Topology optimization of bending actuators with multilayer piezoelectric material. Smart Materials & Structures. 2010, 19(7): 075018 (11pages). [SCI 000278930200018] [Full text]
46. Zhan Kang*, Yangjun Luo. Reliability-based structural optimization with probability and convex set hybrid models. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2010, 42(1):89-102. [SCI 000277716700007] [Full text]
47. Kai Zhang, Gang Li and Zhan Kang. Structural Optimization for Wall Frame Design of a Forging Manipulator. Intelligent Robotics and Applications Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, 6425:317-328, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16587-0_29
48. Ming Li, Jianliang Xiao, Jian Wu, Rak-Hwan Kim, Zhan Kang, Yonggang Huang, John A. Rogers. Mechanics analysis of two-dimensionally prestrained elastomeric thin film for stretchable electronics. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2010; 23(6):592-599. [Full text]
49. Rak Hwan Kim, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Jianliang Xiao, Bong Hoon Kim, Sang-Il Park, Bruce Panilaitis, Roozbeh Ghaffari, Jimin Yao, Ming Li, ZhuangJian Liu, Viktor Malyarchuk, Dae Gon Kim, An-Phong Le, Ralph Nuzzo, David kaplan, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Yonggang Huang, Zhan Kang, John Rogers. Waterproof AlInGaP optoelectronics on flexible substrates with applications in biomedicine and robotics, Nature Materials. 2010;9(11):929-937. [SCI 000283353700024]
50. J. Wu, M. Li, W. Chen, D.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, Y. Huang*, K.C. Hwang, Z. Kang, and J.A. Rogers. A strain-isolation design for stretchable electronics. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2010; 26(6):881-888.
52. Zhan Kang*, Xiaoming Wang, Rui Wang. Topology Optimization of Space Vehicle Structures Considering Attitude Control Effort. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2009, 45(6-7): 431-438. [Full text]
53. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*, Zhen Luo, Alex Li. Continuum topology optimization with non-probabilistic reliability constraints based on multi-ellipsoid convex model. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2009,39(3):297-310. [Full text]
54. Yangjun Luo, Zhan Kang*, Alex Li. Structural reliability assessment based on probability and convex set mixed model. Computers & Structures. 2009, 87(21-22):1408-1415. [Full text]
55. Zhen Luo, Liyong Tong, Zhan Kang. A level set method for structural shape and topology optimization using radial basis functions. Computers & Structures. 2009, 87(7-8):425-434. [Full text]
56. Zhan Kang, Liyong Tong. Integrated optimization of material layout and control voltage for piezoelectric laminated plates. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2008, 19(8): 889-904. [Full text]
57. Zhan Kang, Liyong Tong. Topology optimization-based distribution design of actuation voltage in static shape control of plates, Computers & Structures. 2008, 86(19-20): 1885-1893. [Full text]
58. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Perturbation-based stochastic FE analysis and robust design of inelastic deformation processes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2006, 195: 2231-2251. [Full text]
59. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang, Gengdong Cheng. Robust design of non-linear structures using optimization methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2005, 194(12-16): 1779-1795. [Full text]
60. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Robust design of structures using optimization methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2004, 193(23-26):2221-2237. [Full text]
61. Yuanxian Gu, Guozhong Zhao, Hongwu Zhang, Zhan Kang, R.V. Grandhi. Buckling design optimization of complex built-up structures with shape and size variables. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2000, 19(3): 183-191.
62. Yuanxian Gu, Hongwu Zhang, Zhenqun Guan, Zhan Kang. Yunpeng Li, Wanxie Zhong. New generation software of structural analysis and design optimization- JIFEX. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 1999, 7(6):589-599.
63. Yuanxian Gu, Zhan Kang, Zhenqun Guan. Dynamic sensitivity analysis and optimum design of aerospace structures. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 1999, 6(1):31-40.
羅陽軍,亢戰,蔡坤. 考慮非機率可靠性的結構柔順度拓撲最佳化設計. 計算力學學報2011; (6):821-826.
羅陽軍,亢戰,Li Alex. 基於凸模型的結構非機率可靠性指標及其求解方法研究. 固體力學學報 2011; 32(6):646-654.
王曉明,亢戰. 基於周期拼裝的平面壓電作動器結構拓撲最佳化. 計算力學學報. 2011; 28(2): 193-199.
羅陽軍*,亢戰,吳子燕. 考慮不確定性的柔性機構拓撲最佳化設計.機械工程學報,2011,47(1):1-7.
羅陽軍*,亢戰,鄧子辰. 多工況下結構魯棒性拓撲最佳化設計. 力學學報,2011;43(1):228-234.
李明,亢戰*. 唐其琴. 碳納米管分子間聯結壓縮屈曲行為研究. 計算力學學報 28 (S):113-116.
張昭,谷思生,王明傑,王永良,王松,唐偉,朱丹,吳敬凱,方傑,江山,戴磊,亢戰,吳昌華. 大功率電力機車車體與變壓器關鍵部位強度計算及設計,計算力學學報.2009, 26(3): 385-389.
張昭,胡海飛,亢戰. 基於Taguchi方法的射孔槍多目標最佳化設計,測井技術. 2009, 33(2): 181-188.
羅陽軍,亢戰. 超橢球模型下結構非機率可靠性指標的疊代算法. 計算力學學報. 2008,25(6): 747-752.
張昭,劉亞麗,胡海飛,亢戰,李曉傑,張洪武,韓秀清. 射孔槍射孔過程數值模擬及參數控制. 塑性工程學報. 2008, 15(6): 151-156.
亢戰,張弛. 考慮迴轉性能的三維結構拓撲最佳化設計. 套用力學學報. 2008, 25(1):11-15.
亢戰,張洪武. 擠壓成形過程靈敏度分析及模具型腔參數最佳化設計. 工程力學. 2008, 25(2):235-240.
亢戰,羅陽軍. 桁架結構非機率可靠性拓撲最佳化. 計算力學學報. 2008; 25(5):589-594.
亢戰,羅陽軍. 計算結構可靠度指標的修正疊代算法. 工程力學. 2008;25(11):20-26.
羅陽軍,亢戰(通訊作者). 連續體結構非機率可靠性拓撲最佳化. 力學學報. 2007, 39(1): 125-131.
亢戰,羅陽軍. 基於凸模型的結構非機率可靠性最佳化. 力學學報. 2006, 38(6): 807-815.
亢戰,趙紅兵,顧元憲. 金屬預成形最佳化設計及凝聚函式方法. 工程力學. 2006, 23:(10): 96-100.
亢戰,程耿東. 非確定性結構靜動態特性穩健最佳化設計. 力學學報. 2006, 38(1): 57-65.
亢戰,程耿東. 基於隨機有限元的非線性結構穩健性最佳化設計. 計算力學學報. 2006, 23(2): 129-136.
顧元憲,劉濤,亢戰,趙國忠. 熱結構瞬態回響的耦合靈敏度分析方法與最佳化設計. 力學學報. 2004, 36(1): 37-42.
顧元憲,劉濤,亢戰,趙國忠. 熱結構穩態回響的耦合靈敏度分析方法.計算力學學報. 2004, 21(5):535-539.
顧元憲,亢戰,趙國忠,遲軍,百光明,林益明. 衛星承力筒複合材料結構的最佳化設計. 宇航學報. 2003,Vol. 24(1) 88-91.
程耿東,宋利民,亢戰. 分段線性材料桁架的位移靈敏度. 工程力學. 1998, 15(l): 1-9.
顧元憲,亢戰,關振群. MCADS系統在航天結構動力最佳化設計中的套用和發展. 計算力學學報. 1997, 14: 589-594.
亢戰,鐘萬勰. 斜拉橋拉索參數振動的數值研究. 土木工程學報. 1998,31(4):14-22.
17. Zhan Kang, Yangjun Luo. Topology Optimization of Truss Structures under Constraints on Non-probabilistic Reliability. Proc. 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22, 2006, United States.
18. Zhan Kang, Chi Zhang. Topology Optimization of Spacecraft Structures Considering Attitude Control Effort, Proc. Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, EPMESC X, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, Hainan,China, 2006 Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
19. Doltsinis I., Kang Zhan,Design Optimization of Structures for Robustness against Uncertainties (Semi-plenary lecture),Proc. Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, EPMESC X, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, Hainan,China, 2006 Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
20. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Design Optimization of Structures for Robustness against Uncertainties. Proc. 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22, 2006, United States.
21. Zhan Kang, Zhang Chi, Gengdong Cheng. Structural topology optimization considering mass moment of inertia. 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 30 - June 3, 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
22. Zhan Kang, Yuanxian Gu. Sensitivity analysis of viscoplastic deformation process with applications to metal forming optimization. in: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI) in conjunction with the 2nd Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM'04), Z.H. Yao, M.W. Yuan, W.X. Zhong (ed.); Tsinghua University Press, Springer Verlag, 2004, ISBN 7-89494-512-9.
23. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang, Gengdong Cheng. Robust Design of structures using optimization algorithms - path-dependent nonlinear problems. Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 2004, July 24-28, 2004, Jyvaeskyva, Finland, ISBN 951-39-1869-6.
24. Doltsinis, I., Kang, Z.: Design Optimisation with Randomness: A Taylor Expansion Approach. Invited Lecture CST & ECT 2006 (The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology ), 12-15 September 2006, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain. In: B.H.V. Topping et al (Eds): Innovation in Engineering Computation Technology, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Dun Eaglais, Kippen, UK.
25. Zhan Kang, Ioannis Doltsinis, Gengdong Cheng. Yuanxian Gu. Robust design optimization of nonlinear structures using perturbation-based finite element method. short Papers of the Fifth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 19-23, 2003, Lido di Jesolo, Italy, Schoenenfeld & Ziegler, Italian Polytechnic Press, pp127-128.
26. Zhan Kang, Ioannis Doltsinis, Gengdong Cheng, Yuanxian Gu. Robust design optimization of structures with thermal stress using perturbation-based stochastic finite element method. in proceedings: Short Papers of the Fifth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 19-23, 2003, Lido di Jesolo, Italy, Schoenenfeld & Ziegler, Italian Polytechnic Press, ISBN 88-88412-18-2, 127-128.
27. Ioannis Doltsinis, Zhan Kang. Robust design optimization of structures with stochastic parameters, Proc. Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria, Editors: H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, J. Eberhardsteiner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, ISBN 3-9501554-0-6.
28. Doltsinis, I., Kang, Z.: What the engineer should know of stochastic methods (Invited keynote lecture). An approach to teaching. 3rd European Stochastic Experts Forum (ESEF), Baden-Baden, Germany, June 28, 2002, Proceedings, Alzenau: EASI Engineering, 2002
29. Zhan Kang, Gengdong Cheng. Epsilon-relaxition algorithm for truss topology optimization with local buckling constraints (Keynote lecture). Proc. The First China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM 1), Xi’an, 1999 10.31-11.4, 1-8.
30. Y.X. Gu, Z. Kang, H.W. Zhang, L.W. Zhou, Design Optimization of Structures with Transient Dynamics, Proc. WCSMO-3, Buffalo, USA, 1999, 463-465
31. Y.X. Gu, H.W. Zhang, Z. Kang, Z.Q. Guan, Structural optimization for practical engineering: software development and applications, Proc. SUSCMSE’98, "Computational Mechanics in Structural Engineering - Recent developments", F.Y. Cheng and Y.X. Gu (Eds.), Elsevire Science Ltd., Oxford, 1999, 157-168
32. Y.X. Gu, Z. Kang, G.D. Cheng, Sensitivity analysis of structural frequency responses and dynamic optimization of space structures, Proc. WCSMO-2, 1997, 211-216
33. Y.X. Gu, Z. Kang, Z.Q. Guan, Optimum design of composite space structures under static and dynamic constraints, Proc. 4th USNCCM, 1997, 484.
亢戰*,王毅強. 基於節點密度的結構拓撲最佳化研究進展(25分鐘計算力學分會場報告). 中國力學學會學術大會2011(CSTAM2011)。哈爾濱,8.21-8.24.
白嵩,亢戰*. 基於凸模型的桁架結構穩健性最佳化設計. 中國力學學會學術大會2011(CSTAM2011)。哈爾濱,8.21-8.24.
張曉鵬,亢戰*. 簡諧激勵作用下結構阻尼材料分布的拓撲最佳化. 中國力學學會學術大會2011(CSTAM2011)。哈爾濱,8.21-8.24.
亢戰,基於凸模型的不確定性結構最佳化設計(poster) 2011年度海峽兩岸工程力學研討會Cross-Strait Workshop on Engineering Mechanics’ 2011
李明,亢戰,唐其琴,碳納米管分子間聯結的壓縮屈曲行為研究. 中國計算力學大會2010(CCCM2010)暨第八屆南方計算力學學術交流會(SCCM-8)(Keynote lecture),2010年8月20日—8月26日,四川綿陽。
亢戰,Topology Optimization of Plates with Piezoelectric Actuation. 第6屆海峽兩岸工程力學研討會, 2010年5月22-28日, 台北
王博,王文勝,牛飛,亢戰. CRH2動車組鋁合金車體結構鋁型材斷面最佳化設計研究.中國計算力學大會2008(CCCM 2008). 2008, 宜昌.
亢戰,考慮非確定性的金屬預成形穩健性最佳化設計(邀請報告).中國力學學會主辦2005力學大會, 8.25-8.28, 2008, 北京.
張洪武,關振群,亢戰,李雲鵬,趙國忠,陳飈松,戴磊,連志強,顧元憲,鐘萬勰,JIFEX-中國自主研發的有限元分析與最佳化設計軟體系統. 中國科學院技術科學論壇第二十三次學術報告論文集,CAE自主創新發展戰略,中國上海,442-454,2006.10.
張洪武, 陳飆松, 亢戰. 自主CAE軟體研發中的若干共性科學前沿問題. 第339次香山科學會議“發展CAE軟體產業的戰略對策”學術討論會, 25-26, 12月23-25, 北京, 2008.
亢戰,第6屆海峽兩岸工程力學研討會,2010年5月20日-28日,台北。論文題目:Topology Optimization of Plates with Piezoelectric Actuation