




  • 中文名:亞洲沙塵暴及其數值預報系統 
  • 出版社:氣象出版社
  • 頁數:570 頁
  • ISBN:9787502942014, 7502942017
  • 作者:孫小曳
  • 出版日期:2006年11月1日
  • 開本:0 開




第一部分 亞洲沙塵氣溶膠的物理特性與化學組成
Study on Three Dust Storms in China--Source Characterization of Atmospheric Trace Element and Transport Process of Mineral Aerosol Particles
Atmospheric Trace Elements over Source Regions for Chinese Dust:Concentrations,Sources and Atmospheric Deposition on the Loess Plateau
Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols from Zhenbeitai,China and Gosan,South Korea,during ACE-Asia
Characterization of Soil Dust during 2001 ACE—Asia:
1.Network Observations
Atmospheric Dust Aerosol over the Tibetan Plateau
Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol over Xi’an in the South Margin of the Loess Plateau,China
Characterization and Temporal Variation of Asian Dust Aerosol from a Site in the Northern Chinese Deserts
Optical Properties and Size Distribution of Dust Aerosols over the Tengger Desert in Northern China
Chemical and Optical Characterization of Aerosols Measured in Spring 2002 at the ACE—Asia Supersite,Zhenbeitai,China
Characteristics of Carbonate Content and Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition Northern China Soil and Dust Aerosol and Its Application to Tracing Dust Sources
Analysis on the Chemical and Physical Properties of Particles in a Dust Storm in Spring in Beijing
Characterization and Sources of Regional-scale Transported Carbonaceous and Dust Aerosole form Different Pathways in Costal and Sandy Land Areas of China
第二部分 亞洲沙塵暴的源區分布、釋放量及成因
Sources of Asian Dust and Role of Climate Change Versus Desertification in Asian Dust Emission
Elemental Tracers for Chinese Source Dust
Remote Mineral Aerosol in Westerlies and Their Contributions tO Chinese Loess
DuSt Emission from Chinese Desert Sources linked tO Variations in tmospheric Circulation
Concentration,Size-distribution and Deposition of Mineral Aerosol over Chinese Desert Regions
The Transport Pathways and Sources of PMlo Pollution in Beijing during Spring 200 1,2002 and 2003
The Contribution from Distant Dust Sources tO the Atmospheric Particulate Matter Loadings at Xi’an,China during Spring
第三部分 形成沙塵暴的天氣、氣候特徵分析
Typical Severe Dust Storms in Northern China during 1954—2002
Analyses of the Spring Dust Storm Frequency of Northern China in Relation tO Antecedent and Concurrent Wind,Precipitation,Vegetation,and Soil Moisture Conditions
Regional Characteristics of Three Kinds of Dust Storm Events in China
A Simulated Climatology of Asian Dust Aerosol and Its Trans—Pacific Transport.Part Ⅰ:Mean Climate and Validation
A Simulated Climatology of Asian Dust Aerosol and Its Trans-Pacific Transport.PartⅡ:Interannual Variability and Climate Connections
第四部分 沙塵暴的數值模擬與預報
第五部分 沙塵的氣候效應
第六部分 地質歷史時期的亞洲沙塵暴
附錄 其他論文列表


