

《亞洲太平洋地區音樂教育研究》是 2009年上海百家出版社 出版的圖書 。


  • 中文名:亞洲太平洋地區音樂教育研究
  • 出版社:上海百家出版社
  • 頁數:760 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787807039600 




Music Learning and Musical Diversity
Effectiveness of Music in ESL Instruction for Chinese ESL Learners
A Descriptive Study of the Role and Value of European Music Tours for Hong Kong Music Teachers and Students
Case Studies in Absolute Pitch
Forms of Music Transmission in Music Learning and Their Related Factors: As Observed through the Case of Sape Learning in Universiti Putra Malaysia
Analysis of Wrist Kinematics in Cello Playing for Young Students
An Investigation into the Preparation and Needs of Novice Piano Teachers in Kuala Lumpur
A Study of Primary School Computer Based Compositional Activities in Talwan
Research on Influence of Teaching Folk Songs on Aboriginal Students' Ethnic Identity
Implementing Subject Integration and Interdisciplinary Learning in Tertiary
Education through Musical Production
Effects of Peer Tutoring on Music Learning for Pupils with Special Needs in a Regular Classroom of Primary School in Talwan
The Demographic Pro[de of Music Undergraduates in Malaysian Public Universities
Comparative Studies on Higher Education of Music in Hong Kong, Talwan,and Macau
The Music of the Three Whales: An Investigation into Kabalevsky's About the Three Whales and Many Other Things
7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research
Getting Connected: A Case Study of Music Concerts in Kindergarten
Mei-Ying Liao, Lee-Ching Wei, Yu-Mei Hung, Mei-Rong Tai
Effect of Intensive Instruction on Elementary Students' Memory for Culturally Unfamiliar Music
Steven J. Morrison, Steven M. Demorest, Patricia Shehan Campbell, Sarah J. Bartoiome,J. Christopher Roberts
The Usage of the "Luogu Text" of Chinese Percussion Music in the Musical Teaching Yu Peng
The Effects of Audio-Only and Audio-Visual Presentations of Jazz Music on Middle School Students' Analytic and Affective Responses Robert M. Pitzer, Steven J. Morrison


