- 中文名:井趙斌
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:陝西省蒲城縣
- 出生日期:1980.3.20
- 職業:科研
- 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
- 學位/學歷:農學博士/博士
- 專業方向:果樹育種與生物技術
- 職務:主任/所長
多年來一直從事野生植物種質資源收集、鑑定、評價以及果樹生理生態學研究工作。主要研究方向包括:野生獼猴桃、葡萄、柿和扁桃資源的營養品質、抗逆性、遺傳多樣性和種間關係評價;旱區果園土壤生態學等。先後主持陝西省科技統籌創新工程重大專項和陝西省自然科學基礎研究發展計畫課題2項,參加國家自然科學基金、國家科技合作專項、國家科技支撐計畫、國家農業部專項及省級研究課題10 餘項。共參與發表論文30 多篇,副主編專著3部,參編國內外專著各1 部,申請國家發明專利10 餘項。其中以第一作者先後在本學科主流SCI 期刊《Ecological Engineering》、《Biochemical Systematics and Ecology》、《Plant Systematics Evolution》和《Genetics and Molecular Research》上發表相關論文10 篇。
1997-2001年 渭南市農業學校學習(現渭南市職業技術學院)中專;
1998-2001年 西北農林科技大學 大專學習;
2001-2005年 中國農科院作物所 工作;
2002-2006年西北農林科技大學 農學本科(自學考試);
2006-2009年 新疆農業大學農學院 碩士學習;
2009-至今 西北農林科技大學 科研助理、博士、博士後;
2014-2015年 陝西省農村科技開發中心、漢中市獼猴桃研究所 任職研究室主任和所長。
Zhaobin Jing, Jing Yu, Jimin Cheng. Genetic diversityof a dominant speciesStipa bungeana and its conservation strategy inthe Loess Plateau of China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2013, 47:126–131.
Zhaobin Jing, Jimin Cheng, Chunhui Guo, Xiping Wang.Seed traits, nutrient elements and assessment of genetic diversity for almond(Amygdalus spp.) endangered to China as revealed using SRAP markers. Biochemical Systematics andEcology, 2013, 49: 51–57.
Zhaobin Jing, Xiping Wang, Jimin Cheng. Analysis ofgenetic diversity among Chinese wild Vitis species revealed with SSR and SRAPmarkers. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013, 12 (2): 1962-1973.
Zhaobin Jing, Xiaofeng Ruan, Renzi Wang, Yong Yang.Genetic diversity and relationships between and within Persimmon (Diospyros L.)wild species and cultivated varieties by SRAP markers. Plant Systematics Evolution, 2013, 299:1485–1492.
Zhaobin Jing, Xiping Wang. Genetic relationshipbetween Chinese wild Vitis species and American and European Cultivars based onISSR markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 46 (2013) 120–126.
Zhaobin Jing, Jimin Cheng, Ao Chen. Assessment ofvegetative ecological characteristics and the succession process during threedecades of grazing exclusion in a continental steppe grassland. EcologicalEngineering, 2013, 57:162–169.
Zhaobin Jing, Jimin Cheng, Jishuai Su, YuBai, Jingwei Jin. Changes in plant community composition and soil propertiesunder 3-decade grazing exclusion in semiarid grassland. EcologicalEngineering, 2014, 64: 171-178.
Zhaobin Jing, JiMin Cheng, Jingwei Jin, Jishuai Su,Yu Bai. Revegetation as an efficient means of improving the diversity andabundance of soil eukaryotes in the Loess Plateau of China. EcologicalEngineering,2014, 70: 169-174.
YongYang, Zhaobin Jing, Xiaofeng Ruan,Jimin Cheng. Development of simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers in persimmon(Diospyros L.) and their potential use in related species. Genetics andMolecular Research, 2015, 4 (1): 609-618. (co-first authors).
Yu-Jing,Jing Zhaobin, and Cheng Jimin.Genetic diversity and population structure of Stipa bungeana, an endemicspecies in Loess Plateau of China, revealed using combined ISSR and SRAPmarkers. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13(1): 1097-1108.
YongYang, Ting ting Yang, Zhaobin Jing.Genetic diversity and taxonomic studies of date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) usingmorphological traits and SCoT markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,2015, 61: 253-259.
Yu Jing, Jing Zhaobin, Cheng Jimin. Genetic diversity of Stipa bungeanapopulations in the Loess Plateau of China using inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) markers. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11 (34): 8425-8432.
Zhaobin Jing, Yanying Qu, Yu Chen, Dajian Pan, ZhilanFan, Jianyou Chen, Chen Li. QTL Analysis of Yield-related Traits using anAdvanced Backcross Population Derived from Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogonL.). Molecular Plant Breeding.2010, 1(1): 1-10.
Zhaobin Jing, Yu Chen, Dajian Pan, Yanying Qu, ZhilanFan, Jianyou Chen, Chen Li. Development and Evaluation of Primary IntrogressionLines of Rice by Advanced Backcross QTL Strategy for Gaozhou Wild Rice (O.rufipogon). Rich Genomics andGenetics. 2011, 2(1): 1-11.
井趙斌, 雷玉山, 李永武.生物技術與我國獼猴桃育種.生物技術通報,2015, 31(7):1-6.
井趙斌, 魏琳, 俞靚,程積民. 轉錄組測序及其在牧草基因資源發掘中的套用前景.草業科學. 2011, 28 (7): 1364-1369.
井趙斌, 俞靚, 魏琳,程積民. 國外牧草基因組學和轉基因技術研究進展. 生物技術通報. 2011, 11: 12-25.
井趙斌, 俞靚, 魏琳,程積民. 本氏針茅SRAP-PCR反應體系的建立及引物篩選.草業科學. 2012, 29 (2): 219-228.
井趙斌, 程積民, 張寶泉,李紅紅. 基於454焦磷酸測序法的典型草原土壤真核生物多樣性. 草業科學.2013, 30(11): 1690-1697.
程積民, 井趙斌, 金晶煒,高陽. 黃土高原半乾旱區退化草地恢復與利用過程研究. 中國科學:生命科學, 2014, 44(3): 1-12.
井趙斌, 程積民. 我國北方草地退化的監測與植被恢復建設.《中日乾旱地區開發與環境保護論文集》,西北農林科技大學出版社,2012,288-300.
程積民(主編),井趙斌(副主編).《黃土高原草原生態系統研究——雲霧山國家自然保護區》, 北京:科學出版社, 2014.
程積民, 朱仁斌(主編), 井趙斌(副主編). 《六盤山植物圖志》, 北京:科學出版社, 2014.
程積民(主編),井趙斌(副主編).《六盤山國家級自然保護區綜合科學考察報告》,北京:科學出版社, 2013.
程積民,朱仁斌(主編), 井趙斌(參編).《中國黃土高原常見植物圖鑑》,北京:科學出版社, 2014.
Zhaobin Jing, Jimin Cheng, Xin Zhang. Biodiversity restoration and management of degraded grassland in semiarid areas: results from long-term experiments.《Grasslands Biodiversity and Conservation in a Changing World》. Publisher: Nova Science. 2014.(參編第5章)