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  • 中文名:于海玲
  • 畢業院校:Macquarie University
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:外語學
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



2014-2017 Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia;
2007-2010 河南大學外國語學院,河南 開封;
2002-2005 開封教育學院,河南 開封。


副教授(2019.1- ), 湖南大學 外國語學院,湖南 長沙;
助理教授(2017.9-2019),湖南大學 外國語學院,湖南 長沙;
講師(2010-2014), 湖南工程學院,湖南 湘潭;
助教(2005-2007), 開封教育學院 英語系,河南 開封。


國際SSCI期刊Social Semiotics評審;




2020. 《中國成功應對重大突發事件國家話語中情感的多模態譯寫與傳播效果研究》,國社科應急管理體系建設研究專項項目
2018. 《禪文化西漸進程中<六祖壇經>多模態譯介研究》,國社科基金青年項目
2020. 《視覺文化時代MTI專業研究生多模態翻譯能力的培養與提高研究》,湖南省學位與研究生教育改革研究項目
2019. 《視覺文化背景下MTI<影視翻譯>課程》,湖南省教育廳研究優質課程項目



1. Yu, Hailing. 2019.Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng: A Systemic Functional Approach to Translations of the Platform Sutra, London: Equinox.
2.楊清平&于海玲(翻譯). 2012.《ICR博物館質量與標準提升指南》.北京:譯林出版社.
3.黃磊&于海玲(翻譯). 2013.《博物館觀眾服務手冊》.北京:外語教學與研究出版社.


1. Li, Xueying &Yu, Hailing*. Parataxis or hypotaxis: Choices of taxis in Chinese-English translation. Lingua
1. Yu, Hailing. A cultural icon or a rebellious thinker: Chan master Huineng in theatrical resemiotization, Visual Communication
2. Yu, Hailing & Yang, Tianyu. Loving mother vs. controlling mother: Visual attitude and reading positions in the short film Bao. Social Semiotics
3. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. Translation as re-instantiation: An investigation of verbal projection. In Language in Action: SFL Theory across Contexts, edited by Miria Estela Brisk & Mary Schleppegrell. Sheffield and New York: Equinox.
4. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. Functions of pronoun ‘we’ in the English translations of Chinese government reports. In Advances in Discourse Analysis of Translation and Interpreting, edited by Binhua Wang & Jeremy Munday. London: Routledge.
1. 于海玲. 2019. ‘禪’ 的坎坷西行路:‘Zen’ 還是 ‘Chan’. 燕山大學學報,(5): 23-28.
2. Yu, Hailing. 2019. One page, two stories: Intersemiotic dissonance in a comic adaptation of Journey to the West, Social Semiotics, (SSCI/A&HCI) ttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10350330.2019.1645986
3. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2019. Text complexity as an indicator of translational style: A case study. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 13 (1): 181-203 (ESCI).
4. Wu, Canzhong & Hailing Yu. 2019. What are ‘we’ doing in the English translation of the Chinese government reports. Systemic Functional Linguistics at the crossroads: Intercultural and contrastive descriptions of language, 47-55. Salamanca, Spain.
1. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2018. Images of the Chinese government projected in its work reports: Transformation through translation. Lingua 214 (2018) 74-87 (SSCI/A&HCI).
2. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2018. Attitude as mediation: Peritextual commentary in the translation of the Platform Sutra, TEXT & TALK, 38(5), 633– 654 (SSCI/A&HCI).
1. Yu, Hailing. 2017. “How should Huineng speak? Text complexity in translations of the Platform Sutra”. New Voices in Translation Studies, (16), 1-22.
2. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2017. “Recreating the image of Chan master Huineng: The role of personal pronouns”. Target 29 (1), 64-86 . (SSCI)
3. Yu, Hailing. & Song, Zhongwei. 2017. “Picture-text congruence in translation: Images of the Zen master on book covers and in verbal texts”. Social Semiotics, 27 (5): 604-623 (SSCI/A&HCI).
1. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2016. “Same Chan master, different images: A multi-functional analysis of the story of Huineng and its translations”. Journal of Translation Studies (KAT), 17 (4): 143-180.
2. Yu, Hailing. 2016. “Recreating the image of Chan master Huineng: An interpersonal approach”. Transactions of Modern Languages, 15 (1): 37-48.
3. Yu, Hailing. & Guo, Shangxing. 2016 “The master said, the master exclaimed: Reporting verbs and image of Huineng in translations of the Platform Sutra”. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 3 (3): 267-279.
4. Yu, Hailing. & Wu, Canzhong. 2016. “Recreating the image of Chan master Huineng: The roles of mood and modality”. Functional Linguistics, 3 (4): 1-22.


  1. Yu, Hailing. 2019. A rebellious thinker or a cultural icon: Chan master Huineng in theatrical resemiotization. International Conference on Appliable Linguistics & Multimodality. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai.
  2. Yang, Tianyu & Hailing Yu. 2019. Loving mother vs. controlling mother: Visual attitude and reading positions in the short filmBao. International Conference on Appliable Linguistics & multimodality. Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai.
  3. Li, Keven & Hailing Yu. 2019. Theme choice in two Chinese translations of Obama’s 2009 inauguration speech. 46International SystemicFunctionalConference, Santiago, Chile.
  4. Yu, Hailing. 2018. “The story of Huineng across languages and cultures: Translation as re-instantiation”. 45International SystemicFunctionalConference, Boston, U.S.
  5. Yu, Hailing. 2018. “Images of the Chinese government in its work reports: From the perspective ofagency”. IATIS 6International Conference, Hong Kong.
  6. Yu, Hailing. 2017.“From text to context of culture: An illustration from translation”. 44International SystemicFunctionalConference, Wollongong: Australia.
  7. Wu, Canzhong & Yu, Hailing. 2017. “What are We doing? Subject ‘we’in English translations of Chinese Government reports”, Salamanca: Spain.
  8. Wu, Canzhong & Yu, Hailing. 2017. Agency in translating Chinese government reports into English. 44th International Systemic Functional Conference, Wollongong: Australia.
  9. Yu, Hailing. 2016. “Applying SFL to translation studies: The case study of thePlatform Sutra”, 3International Round Table of Discourse Analysis and Translation Studies, Sydney: Australia.
  10. Yu, Hailing. 2016. “Does the hero need villains? Attitude in a commentary and image of characters in thePlatform Sutra”. ASFLA Conference 2016, Sydney: Australia.
  11. Yu, Hailing. 2016. “Recreating the image of Chan master Huineng: A systemic functional approach to translations of thePlatform Sutra”. 43rd International ISFC, Bandung: Indonesia.
  1. 于海玲. 2018. “Multimodality and translation studies”.廈門大學外文學院第十一屆研究生學術研討會,應邀主題發言。
  2. 于海玲. 2017.《翻譯研究的多模態途徑:以<六祖壇經>兩譯本封面為例》.湖南省翻譯協會年會主題發言,湖南長沙
  3. 于海玲. 2017.《典籍英譯研究與系統功能語言學:<六祖壇經>英譯研究為例》.第十屆全國典籍翻譯研討會,中國上海
  4. 于海玲. 2015.《壇經》翻譯中人稱代詞的使用與惠能形象再創造.第九屆全國典籍翻譯研討會,中國無錫
  5. 于海玲. 2011.蘇軾禪詩與翻譯.第七屆全國典籍翻譯研討會,中國長沙
  6. 于海玲. 2010.德懷特·戈達德《壇經》譯本研究.第六屆全國典籍翻譯研討會,中國開封
  7. 于海玲&郭尚興. 2010.《詞的音樂美及其英譯》.中國翻譯創刊30周年有獎徵文紀念獎.


