職 稱: 副研究員
學 歷: 博士;中科院華南植物園
通訊地址: 廣州市天河區興科路723號
進化生物學 ;進化生態學
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Yu, H., Nason, J. D., Ge, X. J. and Zeng, J. Q. 2010. Slatkin’s paradox: when direct observation and realized gene flow disagree: A case study in Ficus. Molecular EcologyYu, H., Zhao, N. X., Chen, Y. Z. and Herre, E. A. 2008. Male and female reproductive success in the dioecious fig, Ficus hirta Vahl. in Guangdong Province, China: implications for the relative stability of dioecy and monoecy. Symbiosis
Yu, H., Xia, N. H. and Ye, H. G. 2008. Validation of Prunus hainanensis (Rosaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany,
Yu, H., Zhao, N. X., Chen, Y. Z., Deng, Y., Yao, J. Y. and Ye, H. G. 2006. Phenology and reproductive model of a common fig (Ficus hirta Vahl.) in Guangzhou. Botanical Studies
Yu, H. 2006. A new combination in Dendrobenthamia (Cornaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici
Yu, H. and Zhao, N. X. 2005. Synopsis on Chinese Kengia Packer (Poaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici
Yu, H., Deng, Y. F. and Zhao, N. X. 2004. Pseudopogonatherum filifolium, the correct name for P. capilliphyllum (Poaceae). Novon
Yao, J. Y., Zhao, N. X., Chen, Y. Z., Jia, X. C., Deng, Y. and Yu, H. 2005. Resource allocation for coevolved figs and fig wasps in monoecious figs: where and how seeds and wasps produced? Symbiosis
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于慧, 趙南先, 陳貽竹, 鄧源, 堯金燕. 2004. 粗葉榕的傳粉生物學. 中山大學學報(自然科學版), 2004(增刊)
于慧, 趙南先, 賈效成, 陳貽竹, 甄文全. 2004. 粗葉榕(Ficus hirta Vahl.)的繁殖特徵及其共生的榕小蜂. 植物學通報
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于慧, 胡曉穎, 徐信蘭, 趙南先. 2000. 須芒草族植物花粉形態觀察. 熱帶亞熱帶植物學報
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堯金燕, 趙南先, 方位寬, 陳貽竹, 賈效成, 鄧源, 于慧. 2004. 榕樹與其共生小蜂的利益衝突及資源分配研究. 雲南植物研究
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