- 中文名:二木昭人
- 畢業院校:東京大學
- 就職單位:清華大學丘成桐數學科學中心
- 職稱:教授
- 研究領域:微分幾何
1979-1981 博士 東京大學
1977-1979 碩士 東京大學
1973-1977 學士 東京大學
2018年4月 教授 清華大學丘成桐數學科學中心
2012年10月-2018年4月 教授 日本東京大學
1996年7月-2012年9月 教授 日本東京工業大學
1989年6月-1996年6月 助理教授 日本東京工業大學
1987年4月-1989年5月 助理教授 日本千葉大學
1981年4月-1987年3月 講師 日本千葉大學
2001 年 11 月23日 長年連續工作表彰(東京工業大學)
·(with H.Ono) On the existence problem of Einstein-Maxwell Kähler metrics, to appear in Progress in Math., Birkhauser. arXiv:1803.06801
·(with H.Ono) Cahen-Gutt moment map, closed Fedosov star product and structure of the automorphism group. arXiv:1802.10292.
·(with H.Ono) Volume minimization and obstructions to solving some problems in Kähler geometry, to appear in ICCM Notices.
·(with H.Ono)Conformally Einstin-Maxwell Kähler metrics and structure of the automorphism group, to appear in Math. Zeit. arXiv:1708.01958.
·(with H.Ono) Volume minimization and Conformally Kähler, Einstein-Maxwell geometry. To appear in J. Math. Soc. Japan. Preprint : arXiv:1706.07953.
·(with S.Honda and S.Saito) Fano-Ricci limit spaces and spectral convergence. Asian J. Math., 21(2017), 1015-1062.
·Einstein metrics and GIT stability. II. Sugaku Expositions 28 (2015), no. 2, 231–249.
·The weighted Laplacians on real and complex metric measure spaces, in Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds, In Memory of Professor Shoshichi Kobayashi, (eds. T.Ochiai et al), Progress in Mathematics, vol.308(2015), 343-351, Birkhauser.
·(with K.Hattori and H.Yamamoto) Self-similar solutions to the mean curvature flows on Riemannian cone manifolds and special Lagrangians on toric Calabi-Yau cones, Osaka J. Math., 51(2014), 1053-1079.
·(with H.Z.Li and X.D.Li) On the first eigenvalue of the Witten-Laplacian and the diameter of compact shrinking solitons, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 44 (2013), no. 2, 105--114.
·(with Y.Sano) Lower diameter bounds for compact shrinking Ricci solitons, Asian J. Math., 17(2013), No.1, 17-31.
·(with K.Hattori and L.Ornea) An integral invariant from the view point of locally conformally Kähler geometry. Manuscripta Math. 140 (2013), no. 1-2, 1--12.
·Asymptotic Chow polystability in Kähler geometry, in Fifth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians Part 1, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 51, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012, pp. 139-153.
·(with Y.Sano) Multiplier ideal sheaves and geometric problems. Variational problems in differential geometry, 68--93, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 394, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2012.
·(with H. Ono) Einstein metrics and GIT stability, Sugaku Expositions, 24(2011), 93-122. Translated from Sugaku, 60(2008), 175--202 in Japanese.
·(with Y.Sano) Multiplier ideal sheaves and integral invariants on toric Fano manifolds, Mathematische Annalen, 350(2011), 245-267.
·(with M.T.Wang) Constructing Kähler-Ricci solitons from Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 15(2011), 33--52.
·Momentum construction on Ricci-flat Kähler cones, Tohoku Math. J. 63(2011), pp.21-40.
·(with H.Ono and Y.Sano) Hilbert series and obstructions to asymptotic semistability, Advances in Math., 226 (2011), 254--284.
·Toric Sasaki-Einstein Geometry, Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (eds. L. Ji et al), AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol.48(2010), 107-125.
·(with H.Ono and G.Wang) : Transverse Kähler geometry of Sasaki manifolds and toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, Journal of Differential Geometry, 83(2009), 585-636.
·Holomorphic vector fields and perturbed extremal Kähler metrics, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2008), 127-138.
·(with K.Cho and H.Ono) : Uniqueness and examples of compact toric Sasaki-Einstein metrics, Comm. Math. Phys., 277 (2008), 439-458.
·Harmonic total Chern forms and stability, Kodai Math. J. Vol. 29, No. 3 (2006), 346-369.