



  • 書名:二十一世紀亞洲發展之路
  • 作者:吳景平 
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2004年6月
  • 頁數:342 頁 
  • 定價:45 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309040111 




賀 詞(金在烈)
JaeˉYoul Kim What Are Asian Values in the TwentyˉFirst Century?
秦紹德 亞洲各國面臨的共同課題
姜義華 在共同繁榮中實現亞洲文明的偉大復興
倪世雄 趙可金 與時俱進的中美關係
牛 軍 藍建學 中美關係與東亞安全
方秀玉 朝鮮核問題與東北亞地區安全
林尚立 走向現代國家:對改革以來中國政治發展的一種解讀
彭希哲 陳家華 中國人口合理分布與全面建設小康社會
郭定平 最佳化治理與漸進民主:上海的探索
劉建軍 半競爭性的政黨政治:新加坡人民行動黨的執政模式
楊汝萬 雙龍吐艷: 從城市本位到區域帶動競爭的上海與香港
尹翔碩 王 領 中美貿易不平衡中的東亞因素
陳建安 東亞合作中的中日經濟關係
沈中琦 從日本的金融改革看企業集團的意義
殷永林 改革以來的印度經濟發展評價
郭英之 旅遊者對海外旅遊目的地市場定位形象的感知研究
韋 森 個人主義與社群主義
王留栓 中韓高等教育發展戰略比較研究
韓 百濟之役與東亞
王立誠 西教東傳與東亞近代人才的培育
孫科志 甲午戰爭前朝鮮華商初探
馮 瑋 論清政府派遣留學生赴日政策的“二律背反”
陳 雁 “滬港雙城之文化交流與互動”學術研討會綜述
石源華 歐陽小剛 “東亞漢文化圈與中國關係”國際學術會議綜述
Prologue (Wang Shenghong)
Congratulatory Message (JaeˉYoul Kim)
Special Contributions
JaeˉYoul Kim: What Are Asian Values in the TwentyˉFirst Century?
Qin Shaode: Common Topics for All Asian Countries
Jiang Yihua: Achieve the Great Renaissance of Asian Civilizations
through JointˉProsperity
【International Relations】
Ni Shixiong, Zhao Kejin: Contemporary SinoˉUS Relations: the
Challenges against the SinoˉUS Relations in the New Century
and Related Thoughts
Niu Jun, Lan Jianxue: SinoˉUS Relations and the East Asia
Security Issues
Fang Xiuyu: The Nuclear Issue of DPRK and the Security of
Northeast Asia
Lin Shangli: Toward Modern State: An Interpretation to China s
Political Development since the Reform
Peng Xizhe, Chen Jiahua: The Reasonable Distribution of Chinese
Population and the Building of the Wellˉoff Society
Guo Dingping: Optimizing Governance and Gradual Democracy:
Shanghai s Groping
Liu Jianjun: Semiˉcompetitive Party Government: the Governance
Model of the People s Action Party of Singapore
【Trade and Economy】
Yang Ruwan:A Tale of Two Cities: Hongkong and Shanghai from City
Independence to Regional Development through Competition
Yin Xiangshuo, Wang Ling: The Factor of East Asia in SinoˉUS
Trade Unbalance
Chen Jian an: ChinaˉJapan Economic Relations in East Asian
Shen Zhongqi: The Significance of Conglomerate: a View Based on
Study of Japanese Financial Reform
Yin Yonglin: Evaluate the Economic Development in India since Its
Guo Yingzhi: A Study on Tourists Apperception of the Market Positioning
of Overseas Tourism Destinations — the Case of Golf Tourism in Korea
【Culture and Education】
Wei Sen: Individualism and Communitarianism — Understanding of the
Historic Structure and Evolution Route of Oriental and Occidental
Societies from the Relation between Culture and Order
Wang Liushuan: A Comparative Study of High Education Development
Strategies in China and Korea — with Attention to the Development of
Local High Education in China
Han Sheng: The Paekche Battle and East Asia
Wang Licheng: The East ward Spread of Western Religion and
the Cultivation of East Asian Talented People — A Comparative
Study of High Education by EuroˉAmerican Missionaries in China
and Korea
Sun Kezhi: A Study on Chinese Merchants in Korea before the
SinoˉJapanese War of 1894—1895
Feng Wei: On the Antinomy of the Qing Government Policies
in Dispatching Students to Japan — A Further Discussion on
the Reasons of the Collapse of the Qing Dynasty
Chen Yan: A Summary of the Symposium of “Cultural Relations Between
Shanghai and Hongkong: Connections and Interactions”
Shi Yuanhua, Ouyang Xiaogang: A Summary of the Symposium of “Relation
between the Han Culture Circle in East Asia and China”
Memorabilia of ARC Fudan
Topics of ARC Fudan Funding Projects
ARC in Other Areas

