



  • 軟體名稱:也就是說幫助
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.01MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
也就是說幫助可以給你一個邊緣打與朋友的話,或任何其他拼字遊戲或執行絞刑遊戲時打敗你的對手。它還可以幫助您與交叉填字遊戲,並在詩歌中找到押韻。 也就是說幫助搜尋整個拼字遊戲字典所有包含您在主箱(使用為空格)指定字元的話。 也就是說幫助,您可以搜尋具有你的角色在主箱,並開始與一個模式(前綴盒)的話,用一個模式(後綴盒)結束,並包含中存在的單詞(任何地方盒)任何地方的模式。見下面的例子。 話有助於顯示結果字從最高到最低的分數。大部分單詞在列表中的含義可以從字典中通過簡單的點擊上的字顯示。 在主箱的“”表示一個空白在拼字而“ ? ”表示這是劊子手遊戲有用的確切位置的任何字元。配售“ ? ”在主箱切換到遊戲的劊子手。 您還可以放置一個“ ? ”在任意位置框。例如,在任何地方盒子“A ? B”過濾選擇那些包含字母“A”和“B”的任何兩個字母分隔單詞。Words Help can give you an edge to beat your opponent when playing Words with Friends or any other Scrabble or Hangman games. It can also help you with cross word puzzles and in poetry to find rhymes. Words Help searches the entire Scrabble dictionary for all the words that contain the characters you specify in the main box (use for blanks). Words Help allows you to search for words that have your characters in the main box and start with a pattern ( prefix box), end with a pattern (suffix box), and contain a pattern that exist anywhere in the word (anywhere box). See examples below. Words Helps displays the result words from highest to lowest scores. The meanings of most words in the list can be displayed from the dictionary by a simple click on the word. An "" in the main box indicates a blank in scrabble while a "" represents any character in the exact position which is useful for hangman games. Placing "" in the main box switches the game to hangman. You can also place a "" in anywhere box. For example "AB" in anywhere box filters the selections to those words that contain letters "A" and "B" separated by any two letters.


