



  • 書名:中學英語快速閱讀與完形填空:8年級
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 頁數:159頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:18.00
  • 作者:高靜林 凌達
  • 出版日期:2013年4月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787305054907, 7305054909
  • 品牌:南京大學出版社


《中學英語快速閱讀與完形填空:8年級(第2版)》體現國家《英語課程標準》理念,借鑑“任務型學習(task—based learning)”原則,學用結合,辭彙和語言結構與牛津教材同步,選材符合學生實際能力,有助於最終形成正確的閱讀理解習慣,為中考乃至今後的可持續發展奠定基礎。


Unit 1 Interesting Stories(A)
Unit 2 Interesting Stories(B)
Unit 3 Different People, Different Lives
Unit 4 Amazing Things
Unit 5 Chicken Soup
Unit 6 School Life (A)
Unit 7 School Life (B)
Unit 8 Great Love
Unit 9 A Story of Stamps
Unit 10 Ways of Communication
Unit 11 Enjoy Your Life
Unit 12 Amazing People
Unit 13 Body Language
Unit 14 The Ways of Studying
Unit 15 Healthy Life
Unit 16 Hard-working People
Unit 17 The Olympic Games
Unit 18 Back from a Holiday
Unit 19 Not for Human Beings Only
Unit 20 A New and Old Game
Unit 21 Interests and Hobbies
Unit 22 People and Pets
Unit 23 Welcome to the "Computer Age"
Unit 24 Humans and Nature
Unit 25 Wise Choices
Unit 26 How to Please the Teacher
Unit 27 Lifelong Learning
Unit 28 Do It Yourself
Unit 29 Make Your Home a Happier Place
Unit 30 The Way of Getting Knowledge
Unit 31 The World Is Full of Nice Things
Unit 32 Happiness
Unit 33 Traditional Chinese Festivals
Unit 34 Good Habbits
Unit 35 Staying Away from Drugs
Unit 36 Spend Your Pocket Money


