


  • 書名:中學英文讀本(第一學年)
  • 作者:甘永龍、鄺富灼、蔡文森
  • 出版社:中圖文庫
  • 出版時間:1921年
  • 頁數:195 頁
  • ISBN:ERC0010078479




2. Noon
3. Evening
4. Giant Stories.-I
5. Giant Stories. II
6. Giant Stories.-III
7. The Rain
8. The Earth, the Sun, and the Moon
9. One Thing at a Time
10. The Storm
11. Busy Bees
12. Henry and His Penny
13. The Idle Boy Fairly Caught
14. Food
15. Addition and Subtraction
16. A visit
17. Little Henry and the Echo
18. A Meal
19. Do Your Best
20. Multiplication and Division
21. Harry's Pigeon
22. The Pine Tree and the Bamboos
23. My Name Is One Cent
24. Saved
25. The Beggar and the Musician
26. Jerry and His Man-of-War.-I
27. Jerry and His Man-of-War.-II
28. The Boy and the Brook
29. Little Star
30. The Picnic
31. Speak the Truth
32. Ned's Letter
33. Tom's Reply
34. The Hotel
35. What a Spider and a Fly Did
36. Uncle George's Return.-I
37. Uncle George's Return.-II
38. The Daily Program.
39. The Little Builder
40. If I Knew
41. The Post-Office
42. The Little Blacksmith
43. The Pilgrims.-I
44. The Pilgrims.-II
45. The Pilgrims.-III
46. Bruce and the Spider
47. Give Heed to Little Things


