高校魔術聯盟前身——高校魔術同盟會成立於2006年8月,由梁明擔任主席。首批成員包括:北京大學魔術社、首都師範大學魔術社、首都經濟貿易大學魔術社、中國人民大學魔術社等30餘所魔術社團,高校魔術同盟會自成立起組織了北京殘障學校巡迴魔術義演、北京市打工子弟國小巡迴魔術義演等公益活動,受到了社會各界的好評。高校魔術聯盟還邀請國際魔術大師秦鳴曉老師等諸多名家進行了包括北京大學、首都師範大學、中國人民大學等數十所名校魔術巡迴演講的大型系列游校講座,現場氣氛熱烈,觀眾場場爆滿,而隨後在各校開展的魔術跟蹤體驗會更是反響強烈,眾多魔術愛好者與名家零距離交流,得到大師指點,現場更是盛況空前。在業內,高校魔術聯盟同樣具有很高的知名度,自成立以來,先後受邀至數十所大學舉辦魔術講座,參與策劃了首屆大學生魔術節及魔術交流酒會,受邀參觀香港魔術節、首屆北京歡樂谷國際魔術節、金菊獎魔術大會、第三屆亞洲魔術師聯盟(AMA)大會、上海魔術節及魔術交流大會等。更是2009FISM國際魔術大會北京站最具合作潛力合作組織之一,並正在為FISM國際魔術大會提供源源不斷的志願服務。現高校魔術聯盟以擁有包括北京大學、北京師範大學等近30所全國高校。College Magic Confederation of China,former status of CMUC, was founded in Au
gust, 2006, presided by LiangMing.Magic communities of over 30 colleges, such as Peking University, CapitalNormal University, Capital University of Economy and Business, and PeopleUniversity of China, were then the first group of members in the crew. Theconfederation organized a plenty of charity activities like the charitytournaments in schools for the disabled and schools for the children of migrantworkers all around the city of Beijing, and gained favorable comments from allsectors of society.
What’s more, CMUC also invited some famousartists, like internationally famous magician QinMingXiao, for a series oflarge scaled tour lectures in a couple of schools including Peking University,Capital Normal University, and Renmin University. During the lectures, theatmosphere was astonishingly hot with the seats in the auditoriums full. Andlater on when amateurs of those schools got a chance to communicate with themasters and get guidance from them, the crowd almost broke through the roof.Inside the professional field, CMUC, as it is among amateurs, still enjoys highreputation. It has been invited to dozens of universities for magic lecturesand participated a variety of magic conferences. It also played an importantrole in the planning of ‘the 1st annual of College Students Magic Festival andCommunication Party’. Furthermore, it is one of the most potential cooperatingorganizations of 2009 FISM International Conference Beijing Station, andcontinuously providing volunteer work for the conference currently. At present,CMUC has maintained over 30 universities all across the country includingPeking University and Beijing Normal University.
It is a slogan that the union always promotes, alsothe motto of the union.
This sentence, for CMUC, means growth comesfrom the dedication for magic. The members of CMUC paid great deal of time andenergy only to set a platform of magic for magic lovers around Beijing even thewhole country. In this process, College Magic Union of China contributed itsvitality to the art of magic. In the meantime, we gradually realized that wehad got more experience for magic with more details. Accordingly, we achievedthe growth or even transmutation of ourselves. What we dedicated for is ourhomogeneous ideals, and the growth of ourselves is what we will finallyachieve.
郝赫傾向於教授表演方面的理論,一段段的經典素材台詞搞活了現場的氣氛!讓大家體會到表演術以及收集素材的重要,受益匪淺。有趣的開場白、讓觀眾意想不到的開場流程、一段段絕妙的梗讓大家在歡樂中學到表演的精髓;Salsa with JNF、A Tribute to Lennart Green、No Money No Honey、人必做的測試等等經典流程,郝赫不光教授流程,還講授了如何把這些魔術演繹的好的技巧。上半場的講座隨著“一個手法,四個高潮”的魔術流程的完畢,在全場驚呼中的高潮中結尾。