



  • 書名:中國金融穩定報告2017(英文版)
  • 作者:中國人民銀行金融穩定分析小組
  • 類別:金融投資
  • 出版社:中國金融出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年10月
  • 頁數:182 頁
  • 定價:228 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787504992130




Chapter Ⅰ International Economic and Financial Environment
Chapter Ⅲ China's Economic and Financial Performance
Chapter Ⅲ Banking Sector
Chapter Ⅳ Securities and Futures Sector
Chapter Ⅴ Insurance Sector
Chapter Ⅵ Financial Market
Chapter Ⅶ Financial Infrastructure
Chapter Ⅷ Macroprudential Regulation
Special Topic Ⅰ Promoting Regulated and Healthy Development of the
Wealth Management Sector in China
Special Topic Ⅱ The Market-oriented Risk Resolution Mechanism of the
Deposit Insurance System
Appendix Statistics
Box 1 Development of the Real Estate Market and Real Estate Financing in 2016
Box 2 Cross-border Capital Flows and RMB Exchange Rate Movements
Box 3 Inclusion of the RMB into the SDR Currency Basket Became Effective
Box 4 Carrying out Deleveraging in an Active and Prudent Way
Box 5 Revising the Articles of Association for the Developing Financial Institution and Policy Banks
Box 6 Further Improvement of Net Capital Risk Control Indices of Securities
Box 7 Establishment of the Catastrophe Insurance Mechanism Was Accelerated
Box 8 Preventing Risks of Fund Investment and Promoting the Healthy
Development of the Insurance Sector
Box 9 Further Opening up of the Bond Market
Box 10 Opening up the Bank Card Clearing Market in a Stable and Orderly Fashion
Box 11 Promoting the Development of Digital Financial Inclusion
Box 12 Revision of the G-SII Assessment Methodology
Box 13 IMF, FSB and BIS Jointly Published the Elements of Effective
Macroprudential Policies: Lessons from International Experience


