



  • 書名:中國金融穩定報告2015(英文版)
  • 作者:中國人民銀行金融穩定分析小組
  • 類別:金融投資
  • 出版社:中國金融出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年7月
  • 頁數:234 頁
  • 定價:228 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787504980731


  In 2014, recovery of the global economy was slow while the economic performance and monetary policies of major economies diverged significantly.In China, the economy entered into a state of new normal and growth remained stable; reform of the financial industry progressed steadily, with financial institutions strengthened, market innovation accelerated, and the building of financial infrastructure continued. Performance of the whole financial system was sound, and its capacity to serve the real sector has also enhanced.


Chapter 1 International Economic and Financial Environment
Chapter 2 China's Economic and Financial Performance
Chapter 3 BankingSector
Chapter 4 Securities and Futures Sector
Chapter 5 Insurance Sector
Chapter 6 Financial Market
Chapter 7 Financiallnfrastructure
Chapter 8 Macro-prudential Regulation
Special Topic 1 Deposit Insurance System Established in China
Special Topic 2 Reform oflnternational Financial Regulatory System-Practice and the Way Forward
Special Topic 3 The Banking Sector Stress Tests
Special Topic 4 The Securities Sector Stress Tests
Appendix Statistics
Box 1 Operations ofthe surveyed 5,000 industrial enterprises in 2014
Box 2 Real Estate Market and Real Estate Loans in 2014
Box 3 Various Measures to Address the lssue ofHigh Financing Costs Faced by Enterprises
Box 4 International Experience ofDevelopment Finance .....
Box 5 Taking Practical and Effective Measures to Promote the Healthy Development of lnterbank Business
Box 6 Analysis ofBanking Risk Contagion
Box 7 The system ofthird-party custodian ofclients' trading and settlement funds of securities firms further improved
Box 8 Successfullaunch ofthe Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect Program
Box 9 Rapid development ofmargin financing and securities lending of securities companies and its infiuence to the market
Box 10 Several Opinions ofthe State Council on Accelerating the Development of the Modern Insurance Service Indurstry was released
Box 11 The insurance sector has established China Risk Oriented Solvency System
Box 12 Setting up the Central Clearing Mechanism of OTC Financial Derivatives
Box 13 Three Balances to Strike when Furthering the Securitization ofCredit Assets
Box 14 The Formulation of Regulations on Non-deposit Taking Lending Organizations
Box 15 Enaction ofthe Outline for Building the Social Credit System (2014-2020)
Box 16 Total Loss Absorbency Capacity Requirement for G-SIBs
Box 17 Peer Review ofChinaAccomplished Successfully
Box 18 LOU ofGlobal LEI System Started Operation in China
Box 19The Joint Ministerial Conference on Financial Regulatory Coordination
Operated Soundly


