



  • 中文名:中國金融市場概況
  • 外文名:China's Financial Market in the 2000s and Beyond
  • 作者:胡國聞 徐禮萊
  • 語言:簡體中文, 英語
  • 出版時間:2013年2月1日
  • 出版社:上海社會科學院出版社
  • 頁數:337 頁
  • ISBN:9787552000634 
  • 定價:80.00
  • 開本:16 開


《中國金融市場概況(英文)》內容簡介:This book is a comprehensive review of the. development of China's financial markets since 2000. It covers the many critically importantdevelopments, changing regulatory environments, key statistical dataand major players of China's financial markets This book is a handyreference book on China's financial services sector.


Acronym Guide
List of Tables 1
List of figures 1
Foreword 1
Preface 1
Part A China's Economic Development
Chapter 1 The Economy 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1. 2 Political and legal system 4
1.3 Financial markets and economic growth 5
1.4 Saving and investment 8
1.5 Balance of payment 11
1.6 Urban versus rural development 19
1.7 Currency value 22
1.8 Book structure 25
Part B China's Financial System
Chapter 2 Financial System Development 29
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 Bank—based or market—based financial system 30
2.3 Banking Sector 32
2.4 Non—bank financial sector 40
2.5 People's Bank of China and monetary policy 41
2.6 Conclusion 45
Chapter 3 Financial Markets 46
3.1 Introduction 46
3.2 Business debt market 49
3.3 The Stock Market 53
3.4 Foreign exchange market 62
3.5 Interbank market 65
3.6 Treasuries Market 71
3.7 Derivatives Markets 73
3.8 Conclusion 75
Chapter 4 Financial Institutions 77
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Domestic Commercial Banks 79
4.3 Foreign banks 83
4.4 Securities Companies 89
4.5 Insurance companies 92
4.6 Fund management companies 96
4.7 Sovereign Wealth Fund 103
4.8 QFII 107
4.9 Conclusion 112
Chapter 5 Financial Markets and Economic Activity 114
5.1 Introduction 114
5.2 Financial indicators of growth 116
5.3 Monetary policy 119
5.4 Role of Chinese banks in resource allocation 124
5.4.1 Information processing & cost reduction 125
5.4.2 Efficiency and financial intermediation 125
5.4.3 International Expansion 127
5.4.4 Efficiency 127
5.4.5 Information processing 128
5.4.6 Government( ownership, control of banking sector) 129
5.4.7 Information efficiency in markets(bank andmarket) 130
5.4.8 Transaction costs(bank and market) 132
5.4.9 Competition in the banking sector 132
5.4.10 Foreign Competition 134
5.4.11 Taxation 137
5.5 Conclusion 138
Part C Financial Market,
Market Regulation and Market Reform
Chapter 6 Financial Market Regulation 141
6.1 Introduction 141
6.2 China Banking Regulatory Commission 144
6.3 China Securities Regulatory Commission 146
6.4 China Insurance Regulatory Commission 149
6.5 Foreign Banks Regulation 152
6.6 Bank Capital Regulation 156
6.7 Financial market reform 158
6.8 Market reform and infrastructure 161
6.9 Banking sector privatisation 162
6.10 Banking sector deregulation 163
6.11 Asset management companies 164
6.12 Other financial market reform initiatives 165
6.13 Conclusion 166
Chapter 7 Bill and Bond Markets 168
7.1 Introduction 168
7.2 Short—term bonds and bills 169
7.3 Corporate bonds 179
7.4 Financial Bonds 181
7.5 Treasuries Market 183
7.6 Corporate Bonds 188
7.7 Conclusion 194
Chapter 8 A—Share and Foreign Exchange Markets 196
8.1 Introduction 196
8.2 Trading and settlement 199
8.3 Long—term growth 200
8.4 Investor profile 203
8.5 Requirement and process for share listing 206
8.6 Share trading and market capitalization 211
8.7 Price to earnings ratio 212
8.8 Foreign exchange market 213
8.9 Foreign exchange and RMB value 216
8.10 Conclusion 217
Part D Chinese Bank Management
Part E Issues, Implications and Future Developments


