



  • 中文名:中國郵輪產業發展報告(2017)(英文版)
  • 作者:汪泓
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
  • 定價:128 元 
  • ISBN:9787520116565
  • 字數:487千字


《中國郵輪產業發展報告(2017 英文版)》是上海國際郵輪經濟研究中心組織專家,根據國內郵輪產業發展新狀況進行編寫的年度研究報告,是社會科學文獻出版社“皮書系列”的重要組成部分。《中國郵輪產業發展報告(2017 英文版)》首先通過總報告形式概覽2017年我國郵輪產業發展新環境、新發展、新常態與新階段,通過十大熱點,了解郵輪發展動態,新增三篇年度特稿,了解中國郵輪產業十年得失,特別提出供給側結構性改革下本土郵輪旅遊開發新亮點,下領產業篇、政策篇,呈現郵輪區域發展、郵輪產業結構全貌,對我國郵輪產業發展過程中凸顯的問題予以探討,並對其未來發展提出相應的政策建議。


IGeneral Reports
G.1 China's Cruise Industry in 2016-2017: Transformation, Upgrading and Steady Development
G.2 Ten Hot Spots of China's Cruise Industry Development during 2016-2017
IIFeature Articles on "the Belt and Road"
G.3 Active Connection to "the Belt and Road" Initiative to Enable the Great-leap-forward Development of Shanghai Cruise Economy
G.4 Accomplishment of International Development of Shanghai Baoshan Cruise Economy by Taking Advantage of "the Belt and Road" IIIIndustrial Reports
G.5 Research on Asian Cruise Business Climate Index
G.6 Operational Status and Development Trend of Cruise Lines in China
G.7 Analysis on Collaborative and Innovative Development of Domestic Cruise Terminals 2016-2017
G.8 Development Path Research on Shanghai's Cruise Supporting Industry
G.9 Research on the Financial Service System for Development of China's Cruise Industry IVPolicy Recommendations Reports
G.10 Research on "Zone-terminal Linkage" Path against the Backdrop of System Innovation of Free Trade Zone
G.11 Market Analysis and Policy Research on Inbound Tours by Cruise Ships
G.12 Legal Coordination Difficulties in the Course of Chinalization of Cruise Industry and Coping Measures
G.13 Strategies on Promotion of Cruise Ship Supply Services of Port of Keelung, Taiwan China
G.14 Establishment and Application of International Cruise Inspection and Quarantine App
G.15 Discussion on the Nature and Governance Mode of Cruise Ship Environmental Pollution from the Perspective of Marine Right
G.16 Analysis on the Development Strategy and Path of China's Domestic Cruise from the Perspective of Differentiated Competition


