


  • 中文名:中國文化與當代中國
  • 提供院校:南京大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:程愛民


Unit One. Confucian Thoughts 中國的儒家思想
Part I. Rituals 禮
Part II. Benevolence 仁
Part III. Dao 道
Quiz for Unit One, Confucian Thoughts 儒榆悼家思想單元測試
Unit Two. Chinese Painting 中國傳統繪畫
Part I. Why are Chinese paintings usually not framed? 中國畫為何不放朵慨戀企在厚重的畫框裡?
Part II. Why are Chinese Paintings Black and White? 中國畫為什麼有很多黑白的?
Part III. Are Chinese Paintings a kind of Abstract Art? 中國畫算得上一種抽象藝術嗎?
Quiz for Unit Two, Chinese Painting 中國傳統繪畫單凶悼恥元測試
Unit Three. Chinese Music 中國傳統音樂
Part I. Essentials of Chinese Music 中國音樂的基本特色
Part II. Music Related with Chinese Traditional Thought 傳籃櫃懂統儒家音滲墊拜說樂思想
Part III. Polpular Music in Modern and Contemporary China 近代與當代的中國音樂
Quiz fo Unit Three, Chinese Music 中國傳統音樂單元測試
Unit Four. Chinese Traditional Costume 中國傳統服飾文化
Part I. The Relation between Traditional Costume and Social Status 傳統服飾與社會階迎嘗白層
Part II. How Costume Reflected Woman's Rights? 服飾文化與女性地位
Part III. Chinese Red and its Opposite 中國紅與其對應色
Quiz for Unit Four, Chinese Traditional Costume 中國傳統服飾文化單元測試
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中國飲食文化
Part I. Introduction and Huaiyang Cuisine 單元簡介與淮揚菜系
Part II. Cantonese Cuisine 粵菜
Part III. Sichuan Cuisine 川菜
Part IV. Northern Cuisine 北方菜系
Part V. Eating for Harmony 養生
Quiz for Unit Five, Chinese Food
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中國傳統節日文化
Part I. Introduction 簡婚鞏承介
Part II. Spring Festival 春節
Part III. The Dragon Boat Festival 端午節
Part IV. The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節
Quiz for Unit Six, Chinese Traditional Festivals


Part V. Eating for Harmony 養生
Quiz for Unit Five, Chinese Food
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中國傳統節日文化
Part I. Introduction 簡介
Part II. Spring Festival 春節
Part III. The Dragon Boat Festival 端午節
Part IV. The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節
Quiz for Unit Six, Chinese Traditional Festivals




