



  • 中文名:中國收入分配改革40年:經驗、理論與展望
  • 作者:權衡等
  • 語言:英語 
  • 出版時間:2020年7月 
  • 出版社上海交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787313201744 
  • 定價:98 元 




1 Introduction
1.1 Preamble
1.1.1 Value of Research
1.1.2 Subject and Methods of Study
1.2 History and Practices of Income Distribution Reform in China
1.2.1 Income Distribution over the Past 40 Years: Practices and Changes
1.2.2 40 Years of Income Distribution Reform: Effect and Progress
1.3 Innovations with China's Income Distribution System over the Past 40 Years
1.3.1 Evolution of China's Income Distribution System: Ideas and Policies
1.3.2 Eight Major Innovations with the Income Distribution System of China
1.4 40 Years of Income Distribution Reform in China: Experience and Lessons
1.4.1 Basic Experience
1.4.2 Basic Laws and Principles
1.5 Theory of Socialist Income Distribution with Chinese Characteristics: Framework and Methodology
1.5.1 Key Concepts
1.5.2 Basic Theories of Income Distribution with Chinese Characteristics
1.5.3 Innovative methodologies
1.5.4 Theoretical Contribution of Income Distribution with Chinese Characteristics to Economics Theory
2 Practices and Changes in China's Income Distribution over the Last 40 Years
2.1 Income Distribution from 1949 to the Reform and Opening-up: System, Experience and Problems
2.1.1 China's Income Distribution Regime from 1949 to 1978
2.1.2 Lessons from the Twists and Turns of the Income Distribution Regime from 1949 to 1978
2.2 Income Distribution Policies and Practices since Reform and Opening-up
2.2.1 Implementing Distribution according to Work and Opposing Equalitarianism
2.2.2 Establishment of a New Income Distribution System
2.2.3 Combination of Distribution according to Work and Distribution according to Production Factors
2.2.4 Establishment of a Distribution System that Allows Factors of Production such as Labor, Capital, Technology and Managerial Expertise to Have a Rightful Share according to Their Respective Contribution
2.2.5 Improvement of Primary Distribution and Redistribution to Make Development Inclusive
2.3 Evolution of Several Major Relationships in the Field of Income Distribution in China over the Past 40 Years
2.3.1 The Relationship between the Central and Local Governments
2.3.2 The Relationship between the State and Enterprises
2.3.3 The Relationship between Urban and Rural Areas
2.3.4 The Relationship between SOEs and Private Enterprises
2.3.5 The Relationship between Domestic and Foreign Capital
2.3.6 The Relationship between Eastern Coastal and Hinterland Regions
2.3.7 The Relationship between Capital Gains and Labor Remuneration
2.3.8 The Relationship between Those Who Get Rich First and Those
Who Get Rich Later
3 Total Size and Pattern of China's Income Distribution over the Last 40 Years
3.1 China's Overall Income Distribution: Changes over the Last 40 Years
3.1.1 Changes in China's Gini Coefficient
3.1.2 International Gini Coefficient: A Global Perspective
3.2 China's Income Distribution between Urban and Rural Areas
3.2.1 Changes in the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents over
the Past 40 Years
3.2.2 Influence of the Urban-rural Income Gap on the Overall Income
4 Causes and Explanations of Changes in China's Income Distribution Pattern over the Last 40 Years
5 Debates over Income Distribution in China and Changes in Ideas and Theories over the Last 40 Years
6 Experience and Characteristics of China's Income Distribution Reform over the Past 40 Years
7 Chinese Income Distribution Over the Past 40 Years: Theoretical Development and Innovation
8 China's Income Distribution Reform in the New Era: New Problems and Challenges
9 Further Income Distribution Reform in the New Era
10 Policy Framework for Promoting Income Growth and Income Distribution Reform in the New Era




