前言Preface 1
目錄Table of Contents 1
第1章 氣候變化與全球應對Chapter I Climate Change and Global Response 1
1.1 全球氣候變化1.1 Global Climate Change 1
1.2 全球應對1.2 Global Response 1
1.3 小結1.3 Conclusion 4
第2章 中國碳排放與國內應對 Chapter II China's Carbon Emissions and Domestic Response 6
2.1 中國碳排放現狀2.1 Present Condition of China's Carbon Emissions 6
2.2 2020年碳排放預測2.2 Forecast of Carbon Emissions in 2020 11
2.3 中國應對2.3 China's Response 14
2.4 小結 2.4 Conclusion 14
第3章 國際合作低碳發展項目 Chapter III International Cooperation Projects on Low-carbon Development 16
3.1 多邊渠道的金融機構3.1 Financial Institutions with Multilateral Channels 16
3.2 雙邊渠道的金融機構3.2 Financial Institutions with Bilateral Channels 23
3.3 小結 3.3 Conclusion 25
第4章 政策性銀行投資 Chapter IV Investment by Policy Banks 27
4.1 政策性銀行融資4.1 Financing by Policy Banks 27
4.2 政策性基金4.2 Policy Funds 30
4.3 小結4.3 Conclusion 36
第5章 商業銀行碳金融業務Chapter V Carbon Finance Business of Commercial Banks 39
5.1 綠色信貸5.1 Green Credit 39
5.2 中間業務5.2 Intermediate Business 44
5.3 小結5.3 Conclusion 47
第6章 基金會Chapter VI Foundations 49
6.1 全國性公募基金會具體介紹6.1 Detailed Introduction of National Public Foundations 50
6.2 全國性公募基金會資金募集和使用6.2 Fund Raising and Use by Ntional Public Foundations 54
6.3 地方性公募基金會6.3 Local Public Foundations 55
6.4 地方性基金會低碳項目範圍6.4 Range of Low-carbon Projects of Local Public Foundations 58
6.5 小結6.5 Conclusion 59
第7章 股票市場募集資金Chapter VII Fund Raising in Stock Market 61
7.1 國內股票市場發展與低碳板塊概況7.1 Overview of Domestic Stock Market and Low-carbon Plate 61
7.2 募集資金使用情況7.2 Use of Raised Fund 65
7.3 境外市場簡況7.3 Brief of Overseas Markets 74
7.4 小結7.4 Conclusion 75
第8章 風險投資與私募股權投資Chapter VIII Investment by Venture Capital and Private Equity 78
8.1 私募風投在低碳產業投資概述8.1 Summary of Investment on Low-carbon Industries by Private Equity and Venture Capital 78
8.2 2013年中國低碳產業私募風投投資8.2 Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment on China's Low- carbon Industries in 2013 80
8.3 2013年中國低碳產業私募風投退出8.3 Private Equit and Venture Capital Withdrawal from China's Low- carbon Industries in 2013 83
8.4 小結8.4 Conclusion 85
第9章 中國碳市場Chapter IX China's Carbon Market 86
9.1 碳配額交易市場主要法規、政策9.1 Major Laws, Regulations and Policies on Carbon Allowances Trading Market 86
9.2 配額碳排放交易市場核心要素9.2 Core Elements of Carbon Allowances Trading Market 87
9.3 國內主要碳市場交易情況9.3 Trading Condtions of China's Main Carbon Markets 93
9.4 中國配額碳市場綜合價格9.4 China's Allowances Carbon Price 97
9.5 小結9.5 Conclusion 99 第
10章 碳金融第三方機構Chapter X Third Party Carbon Finance Institutions 101
10.1 第三方核證機構10.1 Third Party Certification Institutions 101
10.2 方法學研究機構10.2 Methodologies Research Institutions 107
10.3 碳諮詢機構10.3 Carbon Consulting Agencies 111
10.4 其他10.4 Others 116
10.5 小結10.5 Conclusion 117
第11章 總結與建議Chapter XI Conclusion and Recommendations 118
附錄Appendixes 122
附錄Ⅰ 中國分部門碳排放量估算模型Appendix I China's Sub-Sector Carbon Emissions Estimation Model 122
附錄Ⅱ 2020年碳排放量預測模型Appendix II Prediction Model for Carbon Emissions in 2020 125