- 中文名稱:中國語言學報
- 外文名稱:Journal of Chinese Linguistics
- 主辦單位:香港中文大學
- 創刊時間:1973

ARTICLE | Page |
Haitao Liu 劉海濤; Jin Cong 叢進: Empirical characterization of modern Chinese as a multi-level system from the complex network approach 現代漢語多層級複雜網路的實證研究 | 1 |
Hui-hua Hwang 黃惠華; James H-Y.Tai 戴浩一: Temporal sequence structure and the aspect marker-zhein Chinese 時間順序結構與時貌標記「著」 | 39 |
Feng-his Liu 劉鳳樨; Christopher Oakden 歐念祖: Disyllabic bound forms in modern mandarin Chinese: An analysis of yiqian and yihou 現代漢語的雙音節粘著形式: "以前" 和 "以後" | 55 |
Feng Shi 石鋒; Ping Wang 王萍: Boundary tone and focus tone 邊界調和焦點調 | 93 |
John C. Wakefield 莊域飛: The forms and meanings of English rising declaratives: Insights from Cantonese 從粵語見解英語升調陳述句的形式和意義 | 109 |
Chao-Yang Lee 李照陽; Yu Zhang 張宇; Ximing Li 李菥蓂: Acoustic characteristics of voiceless fricatives in Mandarin Chinese 國語清擦音的聲學特徵 | 150 |
Huayun Wang 汪化雲; Xiaolu Zhan 占小璐: On circumadverbials of Yushan dialect 玉山方言中的框式狀語 | 172 |
Ruijing Wang 王瑞晶; Caicai Zhang 張偲偲: Effect of classifier system on object similarity judgment: A cross-linguistic study 量詞系統對物體相似度判斷的影響:一項跨語言研究 | 188 |
Jiahong Yuan 袁家宏; Yiya Chen 陳軼亞: 3rd tone sandhi in standard Chinese: A corpus approach 大語料庫中的國語上聲連讀變調 | 218 |
REPORT Guo Li 李果; Quansheng Xia 夏全勝: Report of The 5th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics 第五屆演化語言學國際研討會會議報告 | 237 |
New Joint Research Center established to study language and human complexity | 248 |
William S-Y. Wang 王士元 Inauguration speech: The Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity (JRCLHC) | 250 |
Chan Marjorie K.M. 陳潔雯: In memoriam: Edwin G. Pulleyblank (1922-2013) 悼念蒲立本教授 (1922-2013) | 252 |