



  • 中文名:中南美洲清潔能源開發與投資研究
  • 作者:全球能源網際網路發展合作組織
  • 類別:工業技術
  • 出版社:中國電力出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787519850821




1 Hydroenergy Resources Assessment and Development 001
1.1 Methods and Data 002
Resource Assessment Methods 002
Macro Site Selection Method 004
Basic Data and Parameters 006
1.2 Resource Assessment 010
Distribution of Water Systems 010
Hydrological Data 011
Land Covers 014
Geological Conditions 016
Overview of Hydroenergy Resources 019
Assessment Results 021
1.3 Base Development 032
Development Status 032
Layout of Bases 033
Base at Orinoco River 035
Base at Tocantins River 046
Base at Tapajos River, a Tributary of the Amazon River 060
Base at Maranon River, a Tributary of the Amazon River 062
Base at Madeira River, a Tributary of the Amazon River 069
Base at Ucayali River 072
Base at Motagua River 075
2 Wind Energy Resources Assessment and Development 077
2.1 Methods and Data 078
Resource Assessment Methods 078
Macro Site Selection Method 082
Basic Data and Parameters 084
2.2 Resource Assessment 090
Distribution of Wind Speeds 090
Land Covers 092
Distribution of Conservation Areas 093
Transportation Facilities 094
Grid Facilities 095
Assessment Results 098
2.3 Power Bases Development 108
Development Status 108
Layout of Bases 109
Overview of Bases 110
Study on Site Selection of Bases 114
3 Solar Energy Resources Assessment and Development 125
3.1 Methods and Data 126
Resource Assessment Method 126
Macro Site Selection Method 128
Basic Data and Parameters 130
3.2 Resource Assessment 135
Global Horizontal Irradiance 135
Land Covers 136
Distribution of Terrains 138
Assessment Results 140
3.3 Power Bases Development 150
Development Status 150
Layout of Bases 151
Overview of Bases 152
Study on Site Selection of Bases 157
4 Outbound Transmission of Large-scale Renewable Energy Bases 167
4.1 Forecast of Electricity Demand 168
4.2 Deep Electric Energy Substitution 171
Hydrogen Production and Hydrogen Energy Utilization for Clean Electricity 171
Seawater Desalination and Ecological Restoration 174
4.3 Eastern South America 176
Power Delivery Direction 176
Power Transmission Mode 177
4.4 Southern South America 178
Power Delivery Direction 178
Power Transmission Mode 180
4.5 Western South America 182
Power Delivery Direction 182
Power Transmission Mode 183
4.6 Central America 185
Power Delivery Direction 185
Power Transmission Mode 186
5 Policy Environment and Investment and Financing Suggestions 187
5.1 Overview of Countries in Central and South America 188
5.2 Policy Environment for Major Countries in Central and South America 191
Brazil 191
Bolivia 194
Chile 196
Argentina 198
Paraguay 200
Uruguay 202
Venezuela 204
Colombia 206
Ecuador 208
Peru 210
Guatemala 212
El Salvador 214
Nicaragua 216
5.3 Investment and Financing Proposal 218
Forming a Diversified Investment and Financing System 218
Accelerating the Construction of Regional Power Market 218
Reducing Fossil Energy Subsidies 219
Improving the Business Environment 219
Strengthening Inflation Risk Management 220
Reducing the Cost of Funding 220
5.4 Summary 221




