



  • 書名:世界大師原典文庫:人類理解論
  • 作者:約翰•洛克 楊慧林
  • 出版日期:2012年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:7300164196, 9787300164199
  • 外文名:An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 頁數:799頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:中國人民大學出版社


作者:(英國)約翰·洛克(John Locke)



The Epistle Dedicatory
The Epistle to the Reader
BOOK Ⅰ: Of Innate Notions
No Innate Principles in the Mind
No Innate Practical Principles
Other Considerations concerning Innate Principles, both Speculative and Practical
BOOK Ⅱ: Of Ideas
Of Ideas in General, and their Original
Of Simple Ideas
Of Ideas of One Sense
Of Solidity
Of Simple Ideas of Divers Senses
Of Simple Ideas of Reflection
Of Simple Ideas of both Sensation and Reflection
Some further Considerations concerning our Simple Ideas
Of Perception
Of Retention
Of Discerning, and other Operations of the Mind
Of Complex Ideas
Of Simple Modes; and first, of the Simple Modes of Space
Of Duration, and its Simple Modes
Of Duration and Expansion, considered together
Of Number
Of Infinity
Of other Simple Modes
Of the Modes of Thinking
Of Modes of Pleasure and Pain
Of Power
Of Mixed Modes
Of our Complex Ideas of Substances
Of Collective Ideas of Substances
Of Relation
Of Cause and Effect, and other Relations
Of Identity and Diversity
Of other Relations
Of Clear and Obscure, Distinct and Confused Ideas
Of Real and Fantastical Ideas
Of Adequate and Inadequate Ideas
Of True and False Ideas
Of the Association of Ideas
BOOK Ⅲ: Of Words
Of Words or Language in General
Of the Signification of Words
Of General Terms
Of the Names of Simple Ideas
Of the Names of Mixed Modes and Relations
Of the Names of Substances
Of Particles
Of Abstract and Concrete Terms
Of the Imperfection of Words
Of the Abuse of Words
Of the Remedies of the foregoing Imperfections and Abuses
BOOK Ⅳ: Of Knowledge and Opinion Chapter
Of Knowledge in General
Of the Degrees of our Knowledge
Of the Extent of Human Knowledge
Of the Reality of Knowledge
Of Truth in General
Of Universal Propositions, their Truth and Certainty
Of Maxims
Of Trifling Propositions
Of our Knowledge of Existence
Of our Knowledge of the Existence of a God
Of our Knowledge of the Existence of other Things
Of the Improvement of our Knowledge
Some further Considerations conceming our Knowledge
Of Judgment
Of Probability
Of the Degrees of Assent
Of Reason
Of Faith and Reason, and their Distinct Provinces
Of Enthusiasm
Of Wrong Assent, or Error
Of the Division of the Sciences


