



  • 中文名:下唇再造術圖譜
  • 作者:(德)余健民
  • 類別:口腔科學
  • 出版社:遼寧科學技術出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年1月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787538199499


《下唇再造術圖譜》是關於下唇由於病變施術後造成缺損進行修復再造術的參考工具書。通過文字和插圖描述了從1823年開始的DELPECH技術到今天一共192年的時間段里95種不同的技術,余健民博士提出並研發了自己新的、可運用於下唇缺損2/3情況下的下唇修復技術。書中,余博士詳細介紹了所有的手術方法,促進了口腔頜面外科在下唇修復再造領域的進步發展,並對由於病變或創傷造成下唇缺失需要進行修復的患者有所幫助。ATLAS OF LOWER LIP RECONSTRUCTION is a compendium for the reconstruction of the lower lip after defect esection. After de*ion and illustration of 95 methods of lower lip reconstruction from around the world that have begun with the technique according to DELPECH in 1823 and therefore cover a period of 192 years, Dr. Dr. Yu Jianmin made a breakthrough with a new method of econstructing a new lower lip with a defect of two thirds. All operation methods were vividly illustrated by Mr. Yu. This gave impetus to urther development of oral and maxillofacial surgery in the area of lower lip reconstruction which could help patients to obtain a new lower lip that was lost through illness or trauma.


第1章 口周圍解剖 001
1. 口周圍肌肉群 / 003
2. 上唇鼻翼提肌 / 004
3. 口周的血管供應 / 007
4. 淋巴分布關係 / 008
5. 口周神經分布 / 008
第2章 下唇再造術概論 015
1. 直接縫合 / 016
2. 推進皮瓣 / 018
3. 旋轉皮瓣 / 049
4. 遠位皮瓣 / 097
第3章 我的下唇再造技術 103
1. 手術技術 / 104
2. 手術中的要點以及術後護理的要點 / 110
第4章 病例說明 113
第5章 討論 129
第6章 總結 141
第7章 參考文獻 145
Chapter 1 The Anatomy of the Perioral Region
1. Perioral Muscles
2. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
3. Blood supply to the oral region
4. Lymphatic Drainage
5. Innervation of the perioral region
Chapter 2 A Survey of Lower Lip Reconstruction Procedures
1. Direct Approximation
2. Advancement Flaps
3. Rotational Flaps
4. Distant Flaps
Chapter 3 My Method of Lower Lip Recon-struction
1. Operative Technique
2. Specifics during Operation and Postoperative Teatment
Chapter 4 Case Descriptions
Chapter 5 Discussion
Chapter 6 Summary
Chapter 7 Acknowledge




