- 中文名:上海法租界的警察(1910-1937年)
- 作者:朱曉明
- 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
- 出版時間:2017年5月
- 定價:98 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787520106337
朱曉明,1981年生於山東淄博。現任教於中國人民大學國際關係學院政治學系。本碩畢業於華東師範大學歷史系,博士畢業於法國里昂高等師範(Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon),師從安克強(Christian Henriot)教授和許紀霖教授,主攻中國近現代史。
Chapter Ⅰ The origin of the police in the French Concession
1 The legal bases of the police in the French Concession
2 Special geography of jurisdictions in Shanghai
3 Urbanisation and new challenges for the police
4 The network of the French Colonial Empire
Chapter Ⅱ Organisation of the police
1 Control of the police by the French Consul
2 Militarisation and professionalisation of the police
3 Organisations and functions of the police in the 1930s
4 Police costs and revenue
Chapter Ⅲ The police force in the French Concession
1 A multinational police force
2 Standards of recruitment
3 Training and the courses to become a policeman
4 Salaries and welfare benefits
5 Job stability and career
6 A day in the life of a policeman in Shanghai
Chapter IV Police and politics: A history of the political section of the police
1 Organisation of the Political Section and its functions
2 The Guomindang and the Chinese communists in the French Concession
3 The Japanese factor
General Conclusion